WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I actually REALLY want to see this for a second time now.

I'm more excited for the Blu Ray release though for the directors cut
I really really liked the movie. Had the comic forever and was excited about seeing the movie and my hopes werent let down. The only little thing i didnt likewas whomever acted as Nixon, wasnt that good of job. Other than that. Good movie.
--I've read the graphic novel over 20 times...I was extremely satisfied with this film adaptation.
--Having a Watchmen movie that is pretty much faithful to the book > not having a Watchmen movie at all.
--Cant wait for the 3 hour + director's cut...

--BTW, the motion comics are DOPE.
movie was great.

pretty sure not the first time this has been said, but only thing wrong was manhattan's lack of "covering up."
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by RICO7JT

So do I really need to read the book before I see the film ???

I would say no but it will be much more enjoyable if you do.

Right on man , Ill have to check it out this week .
For those who haven't seen it that are on the fence, this isn't your typical action/superhero movie where there's tons of action every 5 minutes,with a bit of plot in-between. This is heavily plot driven because in order to understand the motivation of the characters and the plot itself, it needs to belaid out. Now that's not to say that there isn't good action in it, but don't expect 20 minute fight scenes like Snyder showed he could pull off in300, this isn't that kind of movie. If you don't mind things being laid out, and enjoy an excellent story, with some great acting, backed up by somelackluster characters as well, check it out.

This movie is for movie fanatics/comic nuts, not for your ordinary movie-goers.

Thanks Zack!!
I don't get into these types of movies... Only reason I watched Dark Knight was cause it was made here in Chicago and one day my wife and I were downtownwhile they were filming so it sparked our interests. Iron Man I didn't see until like last month and well you get the picture just not my thing for themost part.

But this movie was very good, I would like to see it again to be honest. Rorschach was awesome... the prison scenes were so good I was like they should havemade a movie just on this dude spending time in the big house! The opening sequence where they went through history and kind of set up the time frame and stuffthat was awesome.

Kind of long but as soon as I found myself saying "dang how long is this flick?" it was ending so wasn't that bad, kept the attention which wasgood.
The blue dude Manhattan could have kept his draws on, didn't have to show us he had blue balls... LMAO!!

Over all I really liked it give it 2 thumbs up.
newspaper man wasn't included enough...the end of the book is centered around his stand...the moral of the book lies in his newstand.

I didn't like the movie.
MexicanSoul wrote:
newspaper man wasn't included enough...the end of the book is centered around his stand...the moral of the book lies in his newsstand.

I didn't like the movie.
You nailed it. I was explaining to my friend the significance of the newsstand, from the kid getting new issues of ToBF to the lesbian couplecoming to blows next to it right before armageddon. It would have made a world of difference had they explained why ToBF is a comic about pirates and whyalmost all the comics kids read were comics about pirates...
I bet the numbers are gonna drooooooopp next week

NO WAY is this movie going to have good word of mouth from your average movie goer
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

ok so maybe im looking too much into it BUT if Dr. Manhattan could manipulate matter than why didn't he manipulate the cancer cells in his ex's body to become normal.

Also instead of trying to protect against all the nukes russia had why didn't he just vaporize all of russia? that's what i would have done. I mean you could argue that he just didn't care enough about humans to solve the problem, but if you think about it vaporizing russia would have been a prime example of not caring about humanity. Then again there would have been no movie had that happened so oh well.

This part was explained in the book and the movie, when the Comedian shot the woman he impregnated. He said that Manhattan could have stopped it but hedidn't and that Manhattan doesn't really give a damn about the people of the world. He was just a symbol of power by the U.S. signified by the words,"Superman exists and he is American."
LESfamilia wrote:
MexicanSoul wrote:
newspaper man wasn't included enough...the end of the book is centered around his stand...the moral of the book lies in his newsstand.

I didn't like the movie.
You nailed it. I was explaining to my friend the significance of the newsstand, from the kid getting new issues of ToBF to the lesbian couple coming to blows next to it right before armageddon. It would have made a world of difference had they explained why ToBF is a comic about pirates and why almost all the comics kids read were comics about pirates...

yeah i personaly wish they had put the news stand in the movie. the only thing is that the people who were complaining about they movie being too long wouldhave been even worse than they were
RFX45 wrote:
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

ok so maybe im looking too much into it BUT if Dr. Manhattan could manipulate matter than why didn't he manipulate the cancer cells in his ex's body to become normal.

Also instead of trying to protect against all the nukes russia had why didn't he just vaporize all of russia? that's what i would have done. I mean you could argue that he just didn't care enough about humans to solve the problem, but if you think about it vaporizing russia would have been a prime example of not caring about humanity. Then again there would have been no movie had that happened so oh well.

This part was explained in the book and the movie, when the Comedian shot the woman he impregnated. He said that Manhattan could have stopped it but he didn't and that Manhattan doesn't really give a damn about the people of the world. He was just a symbol of power by the U.S. signified by the words, "Superman exists and he is American."
And that's another thing people are either overlooking or simply misunderstanding altogether: The significance of Dr. Manhattan existence. He's been the subject of many critics' ire, who have used derogatory terms like "psycho-babble" to describe Manhattan's rhetoric. Whilesome of it may have sounded rather quasi-intellectual, much of it was food for thought.
^^^ You must admit though, Manhattan's monologue on Mars (in the book) would give you a headache in the big screen.
I liked the movie, made you think about a lot of things. Like when the Comedian said that America would have gone crazy if we lost Vietnam.
Wasn't enough action though....
Im relieved....I liked the movie alot more than the book. All that jumping around was excessive in the book, but it all worked well in the movie. The movie hada much better pace for my liking as well...the book seemed to drag. I actually liked the ending of the movie alot more too. It seemed more"realistic" if you can say that about htis movie lol. And I was glad they left out the pirate comic. I swear I skipped half of that when reading thebook cause it felt so random, and they just added it in there just to add it. I personally didnt see its relevance to the movie onthewhole...maybe Im slow.

my only real gripe was that I saw it on IMAX. I dont know what I was expecting, but as far as I can tell, IMAX is just a bigger think I paid $3extra for that?.....psshhh
i watched it last night with the gf. i wished i went alone bcz she kept bothering me and i couldnt really pay attention. i guess she was bored. ima watch itagain tho
Originally Posted by RFX45

^^^ You must admit though, Manhattan's monologue on Mars (in the book) would give you a headache in the big screen.
LOL, I can't even front. There were a couple of moments that reminded me of the Architect's harangue in Matrix Reloaded.
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