WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Originally Posted by Beats05

I never read the book and knew nothing about the story or concept coming in. I didn't have any problems following. I'm pretty sure you just have to pay attention. This is like people complaining about Saw IV. It's all there in front of you if you actually think and make inferences while you watch. I guess that's too much to ask of the average movie-goer though. Anyway, great movie. I agree that the music selection sucked, but the plot was really unique and unexpected. This isn't your typical Hollywood film. I'd see it again.
I enjoyed the movie a lot, but I don't think it's a matter of just paying attention to completely grasp what was going on. I thinkthat's sort of insulting to imply, as I paid very close attention and still felt a little lost on some parts about the main storyline. perhaps youdon't understand it as well as you think you do, if you are so certain you understood things completely - as i've followed much more confusing plots alot more easily in the past.

Hell - even the people who are very familiar with the wactchmen story admitted they left out some stuff that would make things more clear.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But wait...people did have powers in this movie?[/color]

If I'm not mistaken, and I haven't finished the graphic novel or saw the movie yet, but the only person with actual super powers is Dr. Manhattan.
Didnt like the movie I almost fell asleep

did anyone see the "300" subliminal in the first scene though ?
Me and my boy went yesterday i read the book and he didn't we both thought it sucked as was poorly timed. I understand how long the book is so i expectedit to be a longer type movie, but it never pulled me in like the Graphic Novel. I'll never see it again if i can help it
im in the process of reading the book now, but i thought the movie was pretty good. Im amazed at how well they captured some of these scenes from the comic.=But alot of fans of the book dont like this film for some reason....
I didn't really read the graphic novel, just some articles and had a friend who loved the GN. But overall I think they did a good job of conveying theoverall sense of how society is depicted in the graphic novel, those looking for a pure action movie won't get it but I thought the story was pretty strongoverall.
After sifting through almost 10 pages of this thread, I guess I'll chime in.

First off, grow up about Manhattan's penis, it's not a big deal, there's nothing erotic about it in ANY way. Closest thing is when Manhattan ispleasing Silk, and even then you're reaching.

About the movie. Loved it. I can't see why people are complaining about the length of the movie. It clearly states how long the movie will be prior if youlook up movie-times. Even then, don't you want to get your moneys (monies?
) worth? The thing is, if this movie weren't so long, then the problem isthat no one would have understood the movie that wasn't into the novels. I mean Batman, Superman, and the X-Men aren't hard to grasp at all. TheWatchmen is a whole different kind of superhero movie, you either get it or you don't.

Rorschach was very believable, Jackie did a hell of a job. Manhattan was pulled off excellently, a superior being in every way. Night Owl was probably myfavorite of the Watchmen, he was very-well portrayed by Patrick Wilson. I had a hard time getting into Silk Spectre's character, I tried, I tried reallyhard, but just couldn't get myself to like her character. Although the love-making scene was very good to see, typical Zack Snyder!
. I alsowasn't thrilled with Ozymandias, I thought Matt Goode was a poor choice, he just didn't do it for me. The Comedian was awesome as well IMO. Really gotto believe his character (other than when he went to go see Moloch, I was like ehhh come on now.

I thought all of the effects in the film were done very well, with the exception of Veidt's damn pet, that thing looked terrible on-screen. Manhattanlooked out of this world. The destruction of NYC was good, the scenes on Mars were breath-taking. I also enjoyed the jail sequence, the alley-scene, and thefinal confrontation a lot. Manhattan in Nam was
. My favorite effects scene was when dude got bathed in the french fries oil,
. "I'm not in here with you, you are in here with me!" That's G.
. The presidents scenes (the JFK/Nixon scenes) were pulled offvery-well.

Also, I reallllllly dug the music. Zack Snyder at his best IMO. Bob Dylan? Good stuff Zack!! Also, the 80's music had me
through the movie. Icouldn't believe I heard 99 Luftballons (sp?) in a "Superhero movie." It really set the pace for me, I felt like I was in the 1980's, and Ithink that's what the point of it was. I'm really disappointed a lot of you didn't enjoy that bit.

Some of my friends didn't like it, they thought it was boring, one of my friends even walked out two hours in (but he's a moron, so I expect nothingless), but as I said earlier, you either get it, or you don't.

Watchmen, 4 and a half out of 5. Zack, you're 3/3 now buddy, good stuff.
I agree, I thought the music was great. Even though the music used was a bit too mainstream it really gave that 80's feeling, which was when themovie/bookw as set.
I also think it is a bit of a homage that it is a comic book film. I am seriously considering on getting the films soundtrack.

Also, anyone else hated Nixon's make-up? It didn't look too realistic to me.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I agree, I thought the music was great. Even though the music used was a bit too mainstream it really gave that 80's feeling, which was when the movie/bookw as set.
I also think it is a bit of a homage that it is a comic book film. I am seriously considering on getting the films soundtrack.

Also, anyone else hated Nixon's make-up? It didn't look too realistic to me.
It wasn't meant to look realistic, the entire Watchmen-Nixon era was supposed to be a complete mockery, thus his big-#!# nose.

At least that's what I got from it.
so i went to it last night with my girl friend and i LOVED it. they did such a good job.
yah the music to go with Manhattan when he was in Vietnam had me
.even the music during the Comedians funeral was great as well.
i can see people who didnt read tho book not liking because it may have been a bit hard to follow, i know i had to explain a lot to my girl friend after it wasover.
but to me the 3 hours flew by, dope movie
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by RFX45

I agree, I thought the music was great. Even though the music used was a bit too mainstream it really gave that 80's feeling, which was when the movie/bookw as set.
I also think it is a bit of a homage that it is a comic book film. I am seriously considering on getting the films soundtrack.

Also, anyone else hated Nixon's make-up? It didn't look too realistic to me.
It wasn't meant to look realistic, the entire Watchmen-Nixon era was supposed to be a complete mockery, thus his big-#!# nose.

At least that's what I got from it.

I think it could have been a comedic satire witht he big nose and all but it could have been slightly more realistic.
It just took some thigns away from the scenes he was in since it took too much attantion away from what they were trying to convey.
I didn't quite get used to it through the movie and was just a distraction to me everytime he is on the screen. Then again, thats just me.
Also, someone noted to me how Rorschach kind of had a Problem Child kind of vibe to him. It's like Michael Oliver 30 years in the future,
. Theflashbacks to when Rorschach was a kid completely was in parallel with Problem Child as well, not to mention the ink-blots.

I completely get what you're saying, I think it's one of those things where you either like it or you don't. I thought it was funny, yet I canunderstand where you might get put-off by Nixon. My thing is that they're trying to convey the realism all through the movie, yet when they show the peoplewho are in charge, they show incompetence, which is portrayed through Nixon's ginormous nose.
. All the scenes of Nixon mock the hell out of him, andwhen you finally see him later on, his nose is huge!
. But yeah, I can definitely see how it can throw some people off.
Idk anything about the Watchmen but I thought it was a cool movie. The fight scenes were on point. I'll have to read up about them and then watch it again,It'll probably be alot more enjoyable. Rorschach =
I just went to go see this movie today. From reading the G.N. way back in the day and anticipating for it to turn into movie, I can say I was not disappointed.Watchmen was never my thing though, I found it focused solely on society and politics, and I'm more of an X-Men, Spider-Man, 300, Sin City comic bookturned movie kinda guy.

I'm waiting for Gaiman to make a Sandman movie though, that's my word.

At least that was my initial reaction. I was 8.5/10 satisfied with the movie; I really think everyone involved did their best by the original material and itshowed. I mean this is the movie we all said could never be made at all and they pulled it off. C'mon man THERE'S A FREAKING WATCHMENMOVIE! What sucks for me though is that I'm afraid I may never get to see Blue Beetle or the Question in a movie because of it

In regards to a point that RFX made about the acting too "theatrical" I think its partly because dialogue was lifted directly from the book (andremember even Moore didn't write superheroes like "normal" people until later on in his career) and partly because Snyder wanted to make acomment about comic book adaptations.

It sucks that so much had to be cut out but except for things like not introducing Bubastis earlier in the film (several people in my theater were quiteconfused) not much of it effected the main storyline and really it speaks to the fact that at the end of the day Watchmen is a story aboutcomic books so it has to be told as a comic. On that note I was excited to see people online line for the movie actually reading copies of the book and peoplewho I can tell have never been in a comic book shop grabbing it off shelves when I was meandering around in Barnes and Nobles beforehand. Really that may endup being the best thing about this movie is that even if all those people don't end up being comic fans they will at least learn to respect the medium. Andas someone who's had this be a part of their life for so many years I'm happy with that.
1st off, big ups to Best Buy for the craziest deal on FREE tickets to one of the dopest films! I read the GN back in '89 and again in college back in'05. I couldn't believe how they were able to bring the panels to life! It was a trip! I caught the 8:45am iMax showing in Mira Mesa this morning,using the certificate from the BB "Watchmen" movie pack. It only cost me $3/ticket, for the difference, since iMax admission is $15/ticket.

I'll be peeping this again 1st thing tomorrow morning in iMax!!!
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