WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

other than the beginning the movie was very upsetting they left out so much..scences were cut short .... dam if you read the book you no what I'm talking about it was just not there for me ..down to the ending was not right ....andthem making it seem like manhattan was to blame was wrong overall 6.5 due to the action scences were straight and they got roschach down to a tee and my ticketwas free ....but dam other than that...damn makes me wanna go read the book again just to erase this movie out my head ...
I know its not that serious but dammmn

edit -also they didnt put in the part were the ol night owl was killed..watt?? that was wat set of the riots really


Move was all right. Some great action, some solid lines, but nothing overly impressive. I was definitely expecting a little bit more.
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Yeah..that was def one of the films downfall. When they had Dr. Manhattan in Vietnam, weren't they playing some generic superhero music? How corny [and disappointing] was that?
WOW. I hope you're being sarcastic or are a little kid. You didn't really just call Ride of the Valkyries "generic superheromusic"... it's the definition of epic battle music...
Seemed like a good choice to me, probably a nod to Apocalyse Now... to each his own I guess.

In regards to the movie, I thought it was pretty good. I didn't like some of the changes or omissions they made from the comic though. Like how theydidn't really show how much SSII hated the Comedian, it almost didn't make sense when she found out the truth and flipped. and i'm kind of pissedthey only gave the New Frontiersmen editor a minute of screen time and they didn't even do him right
He's one of the best characters in the story.

I was surprised more people didn't dress up for the midnight release I went to, I dressed up as Rorschach.
Man now I cant wait for the extended DVD cut. If it really is an extra hour of footage, would that be enough time to cover everything you guys are saying theymissed?
Originally Posted by kash55

I wish there was less of their day to day lives and more epic scenes.

I take it you haven't read the book. If it had more epic action scenes this movie would have been made way earlier.
As for my opinion on the movie, i liked it, it was an as faithful possible adaption of a complex comic. I actually enjoyed the revised ending and didn'thate Ozymandias as much as i would. As for the running length of the movie, it felt pretty quick to me, Benjamin Button dragged way more to me.
can people not understand why manhattans shlong was out?

he was meant to be friggin god like... does a god need clothes???
people need to grow up.

Whoever did the marketing for this movie deserves some props...had people showing up to the watchmen thinking they were gonna get 300 or sin city part 2hahahaha

some of the music was great some was horribly timed. I liked when manhattan was in nam with that music though it was just like apocalypse now.

so i see the movie really was basically un-filmable. Someone with no knowledge of the book will be lost throughout alot of it. This just doesn't translatetoo well for the screen. You need time to read and digest and think about whats going on. honestly I think snyder wasn't the greatest choice for this typeof movie.

I still find it hilarious a book/movie that is 90 percent character development is being sold as an action superhero movie haha
So basically those who didn't read the book are saying its trash, and those who read the book liked the movie?
so this movie is trash?

@%**!!! i was so hype to watch this flick with my lady friend....

should i just watch the movie with " The Rock "?
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

So basically those who didn't read the book are saying its trash, and those who read the book liked the movie?
That's what it's sounding like.I guess I can see that though because if you didn't read the book and had no idea about the storyline then you'd probably just be confused. All thecomplaining about Dr. Manhattan's stuff being all out in the open is juvenile; if you read the book you'd determine that that's basically thepoint. Whatever though, I'm going see it in IMAX in a couple of hours. I'm prepared to really like it because I read the book and I'm prepared forthe people I'm seeing it with to complain the whole time. For those saying it was too long, the book had so much depth that it seems like 2 hrs and 46 minsis not enough time. If you wanted more action scenes reading the book would've told you all you needed to know; Watchmen was about character developmentnot about fight scenes.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

So basically those who didn't read the book are saying its trash, and those who read the book liked the movie?
The movies cool but it's prob a good idea to have SOME background information. Even wikipedia it and you will get more out of the movie. Theydon't really go into how people got powers and what not. They don't talk about the mob mentality or why people really disliked superheros. It justdoesn't translate properly if you never read it imo.

but hey some people didn't read it and loved it so who knows
I liked the movie. probably should've slept fire cause I was falliing asleep in the first 30 minutes but I was wide awake for the rest
Originally Posted by SF JS

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Yeah..that was def one of the films downfall. When they had Dr. Manhattan in Vietnam, weren't they playing some generic superhero music? How corny [and disappointing] was that?
WOW. I hope you're being sarcastic or are a little kid. You didn't really just call Ride of the Valkyries "generic superhero music"... it's the definition of epic battle music...
Seemed like a good choice to me, probably a nod to Apocalyse Now... to each his own I guess.
ROTV isn't generic but it's use was so cliche it made that scene corny. People were giggling in my theater at that point.
If the oscars had a b/s award for "best movie promotion" this would be it. Watchmen is just one of those hate it or love it films. For me, that wasprobably one of two of the worst flicks I've seen this year so far. Ok not probably, definitely. Street Fighter being #1 on the trash list. Neither are dvdworthy nor a hard drive space. but that's just my honest opinion of course. I mean if Rorschach came out with his own character movie that wouldv'ebeen dope.. that's the least bit of effort I'll go back to liking it b/c homeboy put in work. but we all know that won't happen 'cause wellya'll know why.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SF JS

Originally Posted by visualmusiC

Yeah..that was def one of the films downfall. When they had Dr. Manhattan in Vietnam, weren't they playing some generic superhero music? How corny [and disappointing] was that?
WOW. I hope you're being sarcastic or are a little kid. You didn't really just call Ride of the Valkyries "generic superhero music"... it's the definition of epic battle music...
Seemed like a good choice to me, probably a nod to Apocalyse Now... to each his own I guess.
ROTV isn't generic but it's use was so cliche it made that scene corny. People were giggling in my theater at that point.
Yeah, excuse my ignorance. I literally didn't mean to use the term 'generic music', though I didn't know the songsname at the time until now. But regardless of who made the song and its legacy, it was very corny for that scene. This isn't your average superhero movie,so I was expecting more of a dark soundtrack to follow the movies dark image.

I'm convinced....this movie was too complex for Synder. Every one gave him a pass for '300' because there wasn't much story in that film; itwas action packed and God knows how much the public loves a polished action film. Though the details in the scenes were quite remarkable, he just hasn'tmastered the art of storytelling into film. I was afraid there was going to be too much for him to handle and I was right [unfortunately]. Though I enjoyed thefilm a lot, I wish he would've been used for the look of the film and someone better to direct it. I can't stress enough how I wish they would'vebroken this into two films instead of one long one. The length didn't do the story enough justice, and that's why the movie won't leave the sameimpact the novel did.
Great movie...the metaphorical and philosophical aspects were amazing....and I didnt read the book
I never read the book and knew nothing about the story or concept coming in. I didn't have any problems following. I'm pretty sure you just have to payattention. This is like people complaining about Saw IV. It's all there in front of you if you actually think and make inferences while you watch. I'mnot saying that I probably know the book just from seeing the film, but it made sense to me and I didn't leave feeling like there were gaps in thestoryline. Anyway, great movie. I agree that the music selection sucked, but the plot was really unique and unexpected. This isn't your typical Hollywoodfilm. I'd see it again.
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