WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

I haven't read the novel yet, I want to ASAP...I've also been waiting to see this since TDK trailer.

It didn't disappoint...I was very impressed with the movie. Visually it was just cool as %$$* I really enjoyed the story line, I have a feelingI'll love the novel to.


Any movie that has a Hendrix song in it
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by DubA169

movie was very good...

it does lose something in translation though. If you don't have background information on the movie I can see being VERY lost throughout almost all of it.

he filmed the unfilmable, but he didn't transcend the original work.

Imagine kubrick trying to do this... I wonder what we would get

To be honest, I don't think even he can do this movie in a span of 3 hours. To get the essence of the story and to get it's point across and to get a real sense of feeling for all the characters, the movie will have to be at least 4-4.5 hours long. I do not think there is anything Kubrick could do to squeeze in so much information in such a small amount of time. I could imagine him having a much darker version of the book though.
you're a kubrick fan I see

Ummm I honestly think he would twist and change everything to fit his own view of what he believed the themes of watchmen to be. Like you know how he basically made the shining "his" and not king's. I could see him doing this with watchmen. It would be much different than this for sure

He would probably anger fans of the book though

do you see this movie as "special" in any way? I feel like it didn;t make that jump. But the source material was so amazing that it works anyway

Kubrick is awesome, Clockwork Orange is in my top 5 movies of all time.
However, I just can't see him being able to pull this off. If he has his own interpretation of it, it better be titled differently and have "Based onthe Graphic Novel Watchmen" because it would be a disgrace to stray away from the story itself.

I can't say this movie is one of the greatest because the knowledge and reading the book is goign against me. I know what to look and for such a greatbook, I would love to just make the movie word for word, page for page straight to the screen and that would be perfect for me. I would just love to see itthat way, from Doc M's confusing monologue to The inclusion of the Black Freighter (all of it), that is what i want to see. I think that is exactly why themovie is unfilmable unless they do a trilogy, I'll be ecstatic and entertained but people will be bored out of their mind if they made a trilogy out of it.

Like I stated before though, the movie is a great effort by Snyder and I think he succeeded in bringing Watchmen to the big screen but it is not perfect. Ican't be too harsh though because it was entertaining and that is what I look for in a movie and without scrutinizing every little detail from the book, Iwill gladly give it a generous 9/10. 10 being Clockwork Orange and TDK being 9-9.5. One note though, I think fi they did hire better actors (some acting felt abit theatric) and they did better editting (sometimes the scene transition just wasn't smooth), it would have gotten a 9.5. It will definitely get less ifI nit-pick on the movie itself. Like I said, i could talk about the movie and book a day and still have some ideas left over for the next day.

helluva good movie

read it before going in made me enjoy it so much more

one of the best ive seen in that past couple years, and ive seen a lot....
I went into the theater knowing only a little bit about the storyline and the characters. I have to say that out of all the movies I have seen this year I haveenjoyed this one the most
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by DubA169

movie was very good...

it does lose something in translation though. If you don't have background information on the movie I can see being VERY lost throughout almost all of it.

he filmed the unfilmable, but he didn't transcend the original work.

Imagine kubrick trying to do this... I wonder what we would get

To be honest, I don't think even he can do this movie in a span of 3 hours. To get the essence of the story and to get it's point across and to get a real sense of feeling for all the characters, the movie will have to be at least 4-4.5 hours long. I do not think there is anything Kubrick could do to squeeze in so much information in such a small amount of time. I could imagine him having a much darker version of the book though.
you're a kubrick fan I see

Ummm I honestly think he would twist and change everything to fit his own view of what he believed the themes of watchmen to be. Like you know how he basically made the shining "his" and not king's. I could see him doing this with watchmen. It would be much different than this for sure

He would probably anger fans of the book though

do you see this movie as "special" in any way? I feel like it didn;t make that jump. But the source material was so amazing that it works anyway

Kubrick is awesome, Clockwork Orange is in my top 5 movies of all time.
However, I just can't see him being able to pull this off. If he has his own interpretation of it, it better be titled differently and have "Based on the Graphic Novel Watchmen" because it would be a disgrace to stray away from the story itself.

I can't say this movie is one of the greatest because the knowledge and reading the book is goign against me. I know what to look and for such a great book, I would love to just make the movie word for word, page for page straight to the screen and that would be perfect for me. I would just love to see it that way, from Doc M's confusing monologue to The inclusion of the Black Freighter (all of it), that is what i want to see. I think that is exactly why the movie is unfilmable unless they do a trilogy, I'll be ecstatic and entertained but people will be bored out of their mind if they made a trilogy out of it.

Like I stated before though, the movie is a great effort by Snyder and I think he succeeded in bringing Watchmen to the big screen but it is not perfect. I can't be too harsh though because it was entertaining and that is what I look for in a movie and without scrutinizing every little detail from the book, I will gladly give it a generous 9/10. 10 being Clockwork Orange and TDK being 9-9.5. One note though, I think fi they did hire better actors (some acting felt a bit theatric) and they did better editting (sometimes the scene transition just wasn't smooth), it would have gotten a 9.5. It will definitely get less if I nit-pick on the movie itself. Like I said, i could talk about the movie and book a day and still have some ideas left over for the next day.

yeah who knows what kubrick could have done. I heard aronosky wanted to do it too I wonder how that would have turned out.

Snyder did a good job though I am impressed. I was nervoud about his "visionary"style... (which isnt too amazing honestly) he just stayed true to thematerial. Even down to how scenes were shot. thats the thing that irks me. There wasn't too much great cinematography imo. Like the shots were cool lookingnot mind provoking.

A trilogy would be amazing but financial suiside
My one major gripe with this movie was the score. The song choices were awkward and awkwardly placed. Every scene seemed to have an annoying song to me. Itjust didn't mesh well at all imo, save the lead track. Movie gets a B- from me.
I knew pretty much nothing going into this movie, and I REALLY enjoyed it. It didn't seem as long as it was at all to me. I'm definitely a fan andwould like to get more knowledge from it now. I know it's $$* backwards, but I gotta checkout the comic/novel now!

That's it right, no other stores/sequels at all?
The last hour and half felt like 5 hours.

I was honestly waiting for the movie to end.

I liked a few of the scenes and the dialogue, but I'd give the movie 2 out 4 stars.
Rorschach stole the show
It felt like TDK in the sense that the mostexciting scenes were with the Joker/ Rorschach

I'll be interested to see how the directors cut is.
Rorschach definitely stole the show, I agree.

I just didn't like the movie as a whole.

Too much male nudity from Manhattan. Why couldn't he just wear the dark underwear like in the trailer? He had people in the theatre in tears laughing fromswinging his junk around every time he would step.
Movie was solid I'd give it 3 out of 5.

Rorschach was perfectly cast.

I thought the chick that played Silk Spectre II gave an average performance.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

My one major gripe with this movie was the score. The song choices were awkward and awkwardly placed. Every scene seemed to have an annoying song to me. It just didn't mesh well at all imo, save the lead track. Movie gets a B- from me.

youre crazy rav.... the soundtrack was amazing imo.

plus the bob dylan opening sequence couldn't have been better.
how did u guys already see it? I thought the movie came out like 20 minutes ago at midnight? lol
Originally Posted by hassan16

how did u guys already see it? I thought the movie came out like 20 minutes ago at midnight? lol
Movies come out midnight between thurs and friday, not the midnight between friday and saturday.
I just came back from seeing it and I thought it was a 4/5. Going in knowing absolutely nothing about the movie except for the previews and the plot summary Ithought it lived up to my expectations. I see that a lot of people prefer the book but what did yall expect? Movie adaptations are rarely perfect. My onlygripes were Dr. Manhattan's wang being out in nearly every scene and the music selection being awkward as hell. Other than that the movie was pretty good.I wish The Comedian had more scenes though, I swear I was the only one in the theater dying laughing at the bar scene.

Rorshach aka Steve Nash/Seth Green hybrid was

Can someone tell me how the novel ends differently than the flick. Put it in a spoiler for all the cry babies just in case.
The Movie Was Incredible, Rorshach Was A Straight Up G Dude Was A Beast In Every Scene

The Whole Jail Scene

Only Problem I Had With The Movie Was Dr. Manhattan Being Nude In Every Scene

Overall I Give A 4.5 Out Of 5
Originally Posted by DEpast

Rorschach definitely stole the show, I agree.

I just didn't like the movie as a whole.

Too much male nudity from Manhattan. Why couldn't he just wear the dark underwear like in the trailer? He had people in the theatre in tears laughing from swinging his junk around every time he would step.

Because he was god like. It's like how they depicted gods in Ancient Greece.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Movie was good, liked it but too long for me...i thought that cuddling in that imax loveseat would befun but naaaaaaaaaaaaw....[/color]
just got back from watching the movie $+*+ was soft core porn...Smh at me I was in suspense when dude turned around expecting to see a blue pole making all thegirls in the theater lust over BUTTTTTTTT HAHA you think your perfect MR.Manhattan WRONG you've got a lil weinerrrrrrrrrrrr 16homo-16homo of course

So the movie started at 7 right? so i go to the IMAX theater by my house...get there around 5...wait in line for 2 hours. I'm like #10 in line so i know imaboiut to get the ebst seats in the house

gets to be 7 and then the managers or whatever come out and tell us the IMAX projector burned out

so they gave us vouchers to go see any IMAX moive i want, plus 2 tickets to any normal showing of any other movie of my choice. Guess i wont be seeing this tiltomorrow
Originally Posted by thegoat121886


So the movie started at 7 right? so i go to the IMAX theater by my house...get there around 5...wait in line for 2 hours. I'm like #10 in line so i know im aboiut to get the ebst seats in the house

gets to be 7 and then the managers or whatever come out and tell us the IMAX projector burned out

so they gave us vouchers to go see any IMAX moive i want, plus 2 tickets to any normal showing of any other movie of my choice. Guess i wont be seeing this til tomorrow
Wow. Ain't no biggie, you still got incentives in return.

I'm digging the soundtrack of the movie, after watching the movie.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886


So the movie started at 7 right? so i go to the IMAX theater by my house...get there around 5...wait in line for 2 hours. I'm like #10 in line so i know im aboiut to get the ebst seats in the house

gets to be 7 and then the managers or whatever come out and tell us the IMAX projector burned out

so they gave us vouchers to go see any IMAX moive i want, plus 2 tickets to any normal showing of any other movie of my choice. Guess i wont be seeing this til tomorrow
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Ya'll don't got reserved seating when you buy online? i always pick my seats aweek before and just show up 10 min early[/color]
Too much male nudity from Manhattan. Why couldn't he just wear the dark underwear like in the trailer?
i just assumed thats how he was gonna be the whole movie.
i was gonna see this movie with the fellas, but they hate male nudity in films

they almost murdered me for takin them to see Borat
WARNING: major spoilers and a trashed review due to anger and aggravation of sitting through this movie

this was the WORST movie i could have paid for. YES, read the book because you will be MAJORLY disappointed w/ this movie. i know there was supposed to bebrilliance behind this movie. but to the average person, all of the crap in that movie will fly over their head.

back to the subject, the ONLY ones w/ their head not in there @#!*! were rorshack and adrian. past that, there was no need to take 3 hrs to get to theMF'in point. there was no need for dr. manhattan's NONSENSE throughout the whole film. the 'walking the earth blind' act got old when he wentto mars. even his broad had to tell him off in the movie
i know it was purposely done to him, but DAMN DUDE. he was the most annoying in the movie.

overall, the storyline took way too long to develop, the overplayed drama was past ridiculous, the flashbacks took way to long to help bring everyone'sstory to a full circle, and all of that crap they went through just so that dr. mahnattan can find that he got owned anyway, and like he did through the wholemovie, he became submissive. the scheme was GREAT (to bring the world to peace), but they could have done that in 90 mins or less.

i walked out as did some others in the theater. i don't even care to see how it ended. that was enough of that crap.

sorry watchmen fanboys for me trashing this movie, but this was a COMPLETE EFFING WASTE OF TIME.

the ONLY thing good about this film were the slow-mo fight scenes, rorshack's storyline, rorshacks's humor and fight scenes, the comedian gettin murkedin the opening scene, and the beginning credits.

save your money kiddies.
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