Wassup with black people and majoring in business?

Originally Posted by StocksandBonds85

Wassup with other races paying too much attention to what i do?
My business classes are full of white/asian people. And my father didn't major in business, nor did my sister. As a matter of fact, only one of my goodfriend's majors in business.

This thread should be locked, your wildin for thinkin black people the only people majorin in business.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by SoleOnEyez

F that. Whats with all the women majoring in Psychology

Real talk.

Every girl thinks they're psychologists now cause they can catch their boyfriend cheating and such.

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

because they listen to jay-z saying he's a hustler too many times that it got stuck in their heads

Yea that must be it.

NTers fascination with black people is amazing....
.....ima stop because i dont feel like getting banned
Originally Posted by ENVIED247365

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Nowadays a business degree is like a High School Diploma. One of my boys to his BA in Business Management and was unemployed for 2 years after school
. Now he works the same place i do and I dont have a degree at all
Just a BA in anything nowadays is like a high school degree not just business..thats why you have to try to get your MBA..or do a MBA/JD program

You can get pretty far with a BA in engineering from what I've seen.
Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

Trust me it's not only black people.Every one I know who has no idea what they want to do just chooses business.Im not sure why

A lot of people figure "hey, the world revolves around business so why not".
just like asians are good at science, white folks with engineering, black folks got street smarts and that hustler's ambition.

business is a good fit for ya'll. ya'll can sell your **% off and have that hunger for money.
Originally Posted by Ebonics

im a soon to be Bio Major..cant wait to start..Physical Therapy FTW!

Mayor, the thought of you majoring in anything "physical" made me lolz a bit. God speed young man .
in all my business classes i was the usually the only black male ... at graduation i saw maybe 7 black people including myself.... it would be good to seethose #'s increase...
Because Business/Finance majors have good jobs and are making money.

Why do we still categorize people by race when it comes to every day things?
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