Was the Brandan Wright trade a good move for the Warriors?

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

^Of course he didnt look the same he was injured for a good part of the year last year. I think last year shouldnt be looked at as a down year for jrich since he was injured

have you seen him this year? hes still playing like a @@*!*. and the second injury he had was to his hand

Read my second post in this thread, second injury or not, he was still INJURED

is he your man or what? and is he still injured this year? huh? wipe yo mouth off...
Coach Don Nelson estimated Richardson would be out six to eight weeks. The only bright side? His surgically-repaired knee should be plenty healthy by the time his hand heals.

he played yesterday against the bulls and got 40 min. he didn't get to the foul line once. Wallace and Felton are outplaying him in Charlotte. When Iwatch the Bobcats game all I see him do is stand at the three point line. He doesn't move, he just stands there.
It's hard to judge at this point. In my opinion, if J-Rich was still with the Warriors, we wouldn't be seeing Monta develop into the player he'sbecome about 15 games into the season. With J-Rich gone, he realizes he has more responsilbility to score and make plays for the Warriors. Also, if the reportsare true, the W's traded J-Rich so they can try to trade for Garnett with the 10 million exception they got. At this point in the season, you can't behappier if you're a Warriors fan because it seems like everything is clicking for them again.
Yes, it was a good move.

JRich was/is a good player, no doubt. But it's true that he didn't fit in. Nellie likes players that have high basketball IQs, can handle the ball, andcreate plays. Unfortunately for Jason, these are the things he doesn't possess. Shooting guards similar to Jason are easy to find. And also, although Jasonis still a solid and hard-working player, his athleticism was a HUGE part of his game, and toward the end of last year, it wasn't quite the same. The mainpoints of the trade were to save money by getting rid of Jason's contract, while at the same time making room for Monta to be used to his full potentialand see more playing time. And no, the money was not used to sign Croshere and Hudson. It's for this upcoming offseason where Monta and Andris are going toneed to see big money.

And after all of this, we still get in return a nice looking prospect power forward that was at one time projected to be the #3 pick of last year's class.

edit: sorry if i'm simply repeating things already said, i haven't read through the whole thread.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

^Of course he didnt look the same he was injured for a good part of the year last year. I think last year shouldnt be looked at as a down year for jrich since he was injured

have you seen him this year? hes still playing like a @@*!*. and the second injury he had was to his hand

Read my second post in this thread, second injury or not, he was still INJURED

is he your man or what? and is he still injured this year? huh? wipe yo mouth off...
Coach Don Nelson estimated Richardson would be out six to eight weeks. The only bright side? His surgically-repaired knee should be plenty healthy by the time his hand heals.

he played yesterday against the bulls and got 40 min. he didn't get to the foul line once. Wallace and Felton are outplaying him in Charlotte. When I watch the Bobcats game all I see him do is stand at the three point line. He doesn't move, he just stands there.

haha you seem mad, like i said go read my second post on this thread, that'll tell you why i think he didnt do good last year.
[table][tr][td]01-02[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.426[/td] [td]0.333[/td] [td]0.671[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]2.7[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]14.4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]02-03[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.410[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.764[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]4.6[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.3[/td] [td]2.18[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]15.6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]03-04[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]37.6[/td] [td]0.438[/td] [td]0.282[/td] [td]0.684[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]6.7[/td] [td]2.9[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.51[/td] [td]2.30[/td] [td]18.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]37.8[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.338[/td] [td]0.693[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td]5.9[/td] [td]3.9[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.35[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]21.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]05-06[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]38.4[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.384[/td] [td]0.673[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.23[/td] [td]2.70[/td] [td]23.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]32.8[/td] [td]0.417[/td] [td]0.365[/td] [td]0.657[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.7[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]1.61[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]16.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]CHA[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]35.2[/td] [td]0.401[/td] [td]0.421[/td] [td]0.568[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]1.2[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.29[/td] [td]2.60[/td] [td]16.9[/td] [/tr][/table]
Dude progressed in almost every category until last year, which was his INJURY ridden year. Of course he aint gonna look the same after coming off the injury. you need to go wipe your mouth off...
The hell? What do you want them to do then? If they keep him, they'll still need more money to sign both Andris and Monta or else they'll walk.

What I was talking about was that I understand your going to make long-term decisions, but you haven't locked up Baron, you haven't locked up Biedrins,I wouldn't have a problem, but these dudes aren't locked up for the years to come.

I think you want back Jason Richardson for an all-star, am I correct? You want a sudden impact player for right now, right? That's how you're making it out to be. Again, this move was made for the long term in mind. Before Nellie came, the Warriors had no sense of direction. We had no plan for the future. Now that he's here, we have direction. We have a plan for the future. Now that we have a plan for the future, you don't like it.

So forget the entire thought of trying to be good right now and just focus on the long term when the guys you want long term aren't even locked up? Therewas drama with Baron, there was drama with Biedrins, hell, there was drama with Nellie, the man who apparalently put all of this together. I personally wouldgive the credit to Mullin, but that's another story. I have no problem with the plan, but the Warriors have locked up who recently?

S-Jax is ALREADY the leader. How do you not see that? Jackson is more vocal than Baron! We started 1-6 without S-Jax and tell me what our record is with S-Jax? If that doesn't scream leader, I don't know what does.

You don't become s leader overnight? Newsflash! S-Jax wasn't just traded to the Warriors... he was with the Warriors last season too.

Was he the leader of the team, heart and soul last year? That crown still belonged to J-Rich, a news flash for you, you don't have to be the best player onyour team to be the leader.

Pietrus is the longest tenure Warrior now... does that make him the heart and soul of the team? If Foyle was still with us, is he the heart and soul for the Warriors? Kevin Garnett was just acquired by Boston, doesn't he bring heart and soul to the Celtics? Your reasoning for Richardson being the heart and soul of this team is flawed. I'm not denying the fact that Richardson brought that to the table, but your logic is flawed.

My point was that Jason was there longer than anyone else left on that roster, the fans of Oakland watched him bloom, watched him struggle. Now that's inthe hands of SJAX, Monta, Baron, and Harrington. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but with Jason there was some sort of stability. Kevin Garnett isnot the heart and soul of the Celtics, Paul Pierce is IMO. Are you really trying to tell me that Jason WASN'T the heart of the Warriors for the past 4-6years? You're throwing basically everything I say out of proportion.

Yeah, I like J-Rich, I like what he did for the Warriors, he brought excitement back to Oakland that was severly missing from the days of Mullin/Hardaway.I'm not saying the current W's squad won't prosper with these guys, but until there IS some major moves done (trades, free agent signings,whatever), I just can't believe that the Warriors made a good move by moving J-Rich. They had opportunity to get some players, they were involved in tradetalks, but I mean if you don't land KG, and that's pretty much the sole reason of getting rid of J-Rich was for KG, what's going to stop it fromhappening again? They could have gotten a good young talent like Darko, but nope, skipped out on him. Could have gotten a good running swingman in RubenPatterson, nope, could have gottten a great ball-distributor that would have probably done really well in the Warriors style of play in Knight, nope. Filledout your roster with Croshere, Hudson, Pietrus, Marco, Wright, and MBenga? I know your thinking long-term, but that means you have to completely rejectwhat's going on now?

I think a certain somebody is on Jason's jock. He is not that great of a player. Chill.
No, he's not great, but he was a leader. YOU DO NOT have to be the best player on the team to be the leader. Stack is the leader of theMavericks, not Dirk, not Josh, possibly JET, but Stack is the leader of the Mavericks.
So forget the entire thought of trying to be good right now and just focus on the long term when the guys you want long term aren't even locked up? There was drama with Baron, there was drama with Biedrins, hell, there was drama with Nellie, the man who apparalently put all of this together. I personally would give the credit to Mullin, but that's another story. I have no problem with the plan, but the Warriors have locked up who recently?
It has to do with Mullin being careful about spending after the bad tabs that we had. There were talks with Biedrin's extension this summer,but there was a huge difference between his asking price and what Mullin was offering. So they decide to let this year play out, evaluate his performance andrenegotiate his salary. Unless there's an upgrade in the market, we will work out deals with our key guys to keep them on our team.

And I have no idea what kind of dramas Baron and Biedrins were making...
i believe so. brendan wright has so much upside. give him a couple years to develop his game. just wait and see.

monta ellis is a straight beast!
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Of course it was. We save a crapload of money.


JRich was able to be a 3 point chucker in Golden State and get away with it. Now he's doing exactly the same thing in Charlotte inside a completelydifferent offensive scheme.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

[table][tr][td]01-02[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.426[/td] [td]0.333[/td] [td]0.671[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]2.7[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]14.4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]02-03[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.410[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.764[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]4.6[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.3[/td] [td]2.18[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]15.6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]03-04[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]37.6[/td] [td]0.438[/td] [td]0.282[/td] [td]0.684[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]6.7[/td] [td]2.9[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.51[/td] [td]2.30[/td] [td]18.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]37.8[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.338[/td] [td]0.693[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td]5.9[/td] [td]3.9[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.35[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]21.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]05-06[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]38.4[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.384[/td] [td]0.673[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.23[/td] [td]2.70[/td] [td]23.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]32.8[/td] [td]0.417[/td] [td]0.365[/td] [td]0.657[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.7[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]1.61[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]16.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]CHA[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]35.2[/td] [td]0.401[/td] [td]0.421[/td] [td]0.568[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]1.2[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.29[/td] [td]2.60[/td] [td]16.9[/td] [/tr][/table]

Look at those Charlotte numbers. He's shooting better from behind the arc than in front of it? ~57% from the FT line? Take it to the rim Mr. DunkChampion. Time to dink on opponents and get to the line.
It was a bad deal for both teams....the Bobcats are young and Wright is a good player to build around along with Gerald Wallace, Raymond Felton, Okaforetc....As already said, by the time Wright is ready to significantly contribute to the Warriors, Baron will be past his prime.
Originally Posted by chikickz

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

[table][tr][td]01-02[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.426[/td] [td]0.333[/td] [td]0.671[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]2.7[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]14.4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]02-03[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.410[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.764[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]4.6[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.3[/td] [td]2.18[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]15.6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]03-04[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]37.6[/td] [td]0.438[/td] [td]0.282[/td] [td]0.684[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]6.7[/td] [td]2.9[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.51[/td] [td]2.30[/td] [td]18.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]37.8[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.338[/td] [td]0.693[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td]5.9[/td] [td]3.9[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.35[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]21.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]05-06[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]38.4[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.384[/td] [td]0.673[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.23[/td] [td]2.70[/td] [td]23.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]32.8[/td] [td]0.417[/td] [td]0.365[/td] [td]0.657[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.7[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]1.61[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]16.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]CHA[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]35.2[/td] [td]0.401[/td] [td]0.421[/td] [td]0.568[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]1.2[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.29[/td] [td]2.60[/td] [td]16.9[/td] [/tr][/table]

Look at those Charlotte numbers. He's shooting better from behind the arc than in front of it? ~57% from the FT line? Take it to the rim Mr. Dunk Champion. Time to dink on opponents and get to the line.
Exactly! JR is that dude, but he just wasn't the same player. Mully saw that after the injuries, JR isn't that guy who is gonna go to the hoopand just beast on someone like he used to. He just doesn't have that same bounce that he used to have. The trade was a great move for long and short term.If JR was still with the W's, Monta and Buike wouldn't be doing as good as they have been. And we all know the long term perks of this trade.
Wright is a good player to build around


I disagree that you can build around a player like Wright. His offense is very weak. He's still very young and very raw. Probably a little further along indevelopment than Tyrus Thomas was last season entering his rookie year.

In hindsight, the Bobcats could really use the services of a 6'10" shot blocking, rebounding power forward. Sure, they would like a low post scorer,but the Bobcats are desperate for front court help. Their current front court due to injuries is Okafor, Brezec, Hermann?, and Jamario Davidson. They stillrebound, but they put up so many perimeter shots that don't fall that they could use more help here. Also, they can't stop teams from scoring lately.They've seen a 15 point shift in their opponents scoring. They started holding opponents to around 90 points. Now they're giving up 105.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I think a certain somebody is on Jason's jock. He is not that great of a player. Chill.
No, he's not great, but he was a leader. YOU DO NOT have to be the best player on the team to be the leader. Stack is the leader of the Mavericks, not Dirk, not Josh, possibly JET, but Stack is the leader of the Mavericks.

It is obvious the Jason wasn't the heart in the playoffs. Jackson was. I said it after the playoffs when Richardson was on the team. Jackson iswaaaaaay more important than Richardson.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

^Of course he didnt look the same he was injured for a good part of the year last year. I think last year shouldnt be looked at as a down year for jrich since he was injured

have you seen him this year? hes still playing like a @@*!*. and the second injury he had was to his hand

Read my second post in this thread, second injury or not, he was still INJURED

is he your man or what? and is he still injured this year? huh? wipe yo mouth off...
Coach Don Nelson estimated Richardson would be out six to eight weeks. The only bright side? His surgically-repaired knee should be plenty healthy by the time his hand heals.

he played yesterday against the bulls and got 40 min. he didn't get to the foul line once. Wallace and Felton are outplaying him in Charlotte. When I watch the Bobcats game all I see him do is stand at the three point line. He doesn't move, he just stands there.

haha you seem mad, like i said go read my second post on this thread, that'll tell you why i think he didnt do good last year.
[table][tr][td]01-02[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.426[/td] [td]0.333[/td] [td]0.671[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]2.7[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.00[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]14.4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]02-03[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [td]0.410[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.764[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.3[/td] [td]4.6[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.3[/td] [td]2.18[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]15.6[/td] [/tr][tr][td]03-04[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]78[/td] [td]37.6[/td] [td]0.438[/td] [td]0.282[/td] [td]0.684[/td] [td]1.6[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]6.7[/td] [td]2.9[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.51[/td] [td]2.30[/td] [td]18.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]72[/td] [td]37.8[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.338[/td] [td]0.693[/td] [td]1.7[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td]5.9[/td] [td]3.9[/td] [td]1.5[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]2.35[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]21.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]05-06[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]38.4[/td] [td]0.446[/td] [td]0.384[/td] [td]0.673[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]3.1[/td] [td]1.3[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.23[/td] [td]2.70[/td] [td]23.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]GSW[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]49[/td] [td]32.8[/td] [td]0.417[/td] [td]0.365[/td] [td]0.657[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]3.7[/td] [td]5.1[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]1.61[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]16.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]CHA[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]17[/td] [td]35.2[/td] [td]0.401[/td] [td]0.421[/td] [td]0.568[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]4.4[/td] [td]5.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]1.2[/td] [td]0.5[/td] [td]2.29[/td] [td]2.60[/td] [td]16.9[/td] [/tr][/table]
Dude progressed in almost every category until last year, which was his INJURY ridden year. Of course he aint gonna look the same after coming off the injury. you need to go wipe your mouth off...

You proved my point. I don't mean to sound like a **** to you. I am just stating that Jason reached his full potential in 06. He is no longer thesame player us Warrior fans grew to love. He is a jump shooter now. His numbers in Charlotte are ok for a player thats paid 6-7 mil a year, but 11? He'snot worth it. We all miss Jason in Oakland, but it was a good move.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I think a certain somebody is on Jason's jock. He is not that great of a player. Chill.
No, he's not great, but he was a leader. YOU DO NOT have to be the best player on the team to be the leader. Stack is the leader of the Mavericks, not Dirk, not Josh, possibly JET, but Stack is the leader of the Mavericks.

It is obvious the Jason wasn't the heart in the playoffs. Jackson was. I said it after the playoffs when Richardson was on the team. Jackson is waaaaaay more important than Richardson.

yeah, jackson is more important than richardson. richardson wasn't even the leader of the warriors after jackson arrived. the warriors lookedfor someone to take over the team after baron, and jrich just wasn't the guy. jrich tried to prove his leadership through his game, but he wasn't vocalenough. if jrich had a bad game, the warriors as a team had a bad game because he couldn't impact the game without his scoring. jackson brings thatintangible to the team; he has like an aura to make his teammates better out here in gs. if jackson had a bad game, it didn't matter because he was outthere leading his team. the team could do well without his offensive impact. his leadership is superb and much better than richardson's. even if jacksonhad worse stats than richardson, jackson brought much more to the table.
Look at Quentin Richardson. QRich and JRich were both production products of the systems in Phoenix and Golden State. Once they went to teams with a slowerpace and fewer possessions per game their numbers declined.

If I were a Warrior fan I would have been happy with the draft day deal. After watching Kelena Azibiuke this season, I don't think I would be missing JRichand his monster contract at all. I'd be pleased it was off the books.

It helps that Michael Jordan is back to his old GM ways.
[h3]JapanAir21 said:[/h3]
What I was talking about was that I understand your going to make long-term decisions, but you haven't locked up Baron, you haven't locked up Biedrins, I wouldn't have a problem, but these dudes aren't locked up for the years to come.

We haven't signed them yet, but we are in a better situation to sign them now that we have the all important "cap space".

[h3]JapanAir21 said:[/h3]
So forget the entire thought of trying to be good right now and just focus on the long term when the guys you want long term aren't even locked up? There was drama with Baron, there was drama with Biedrins, hell, there was drama with Nellie, the man who apparalently put all of this together. I personally would give the credit to Mullin, but that's another story. I have no problem with the plan, but the Warriors have locked up who recently?

You're making it seem like we're a crappy team without J-Rich. We're not. I think we're actually better. The only thing that worried me afterthe J-Rich trade wasn't scoring, rebounding, or anything that makes the stat sheet -- I was worried about the chemistry and the intensity of this ballclub. But look at the Warriors now. Is there a problem with chemistry? No. Is there a problem with intensity? No. Monta and Kelenna are now getting the chanceto shine. An opportunity that might have not been there for Kelenna and an opportunity that might have been diminished for Monta had J-Rich still been here.

There may have been a few contract disputes with Baron, Nellie, and what have you, but fact of the matter is that we're still in a position to make anoffer to these players. If we had J-Rich, there would be less money to distribute to the would-be free agents that the Warriors have. With more money to goaround, these players are more likely to stay with us. Yeah we don't have anybody locked up yet but it's not like they've left us either. I thinkyou're making too much out of this JapanAir21... Players know that the NBA is a business and this was abusiness move by Mullin and Co.

[h3]JapanAir21 said:[/h3]
Was he the leader of the team, heart and soul last year? That crown still belonged to J-Rich, a news flash for you, you don't have to be the best player on your team to be the leader.

Yeah, just because you're the best player on the team doesn't automatically make you the leader of the team... Just look at Dirk... j/k
. But seriously, more than anything, J-Rich was loyal. We love J-Rich here in the bay areabecause he was loyal. We all love J-Rich for that full page apology he took out of the San Jose Mercury News. We don't see that any more in sports where aguy is loyal to a team. Sure you have your few outliers like Reggie Miller, Tony Gwynn, Jerome Bettis, and what have you, but for every guy that is loyal to anorganization, there are probably a 100 other guys who are in it for themselves ($$$).

Back to J-Rich now and his leadership... Yeah, he was a leader, but he wasn't the only leader. We have more important leaders on this team in Jackson andDavis.

[h3]JapanAir21 said:[/h3]
My point was that Jason was there longer than anyone else left on that roster, the fans of Oakland watched him bloom, watched him struggle. Now that's in the hands of SJAX, Monta, Baron, and Harrington. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but with Jason there was some sort of stability. Kevin Garnett is not the heart and soul of the Celtics, Paul Pierce is IMO. Are you really trying to tell me that Jason WASN'T the heart of the Warriors for the past 4-6 years? You're throwing basically everything I say out of proportion.

I'm not dismissing the fact that Jason was a leader of this team for quite some time, but he wasn't the only leader on this team. Interesting pointhere you make about Boston with Pierce and Garnett... for the hell of it, we'll throw in Allen in the mix too. We all know it's Paul's team.Garnett and Allen knew it coming in that it was Paul's team. Actually, Allen was a leader of the Sonics before coming over Boston and Garnett was theleader of the T'Wolves before coming over to Boston. Both have leadership qualities (Allen is more of the quiet type though), combine that with Paul whohad led the Celtics almost his entire career. So they all have leadership qualities but who shows it more? Kevin Garnett shows it more. He's the most vocalout of the 3. Back to the Warriors... It's like S-Jax, Baron, and J-Rich. They all have leadership qualities, but Jason's the least vocal, the leastintense, the least etc out of the 3. We may look at someone being the leader of a squad because of their tenure with the team like a J-Rich or Paul Pierce, butpeople would have to agree that Kevin Garnett and Stephen Jackson, not equal in terms of talent, are equal in terms of leadership.

[h3]JapanAir21 said:[/h3]
Yeah, I like J-Rich, I like what he did for the Warriors, he brought excitement back to Oakland that was severly missing from the days of Mullin/Hardaway. I'm not saying the current W's squad won't prosper with these guys, but until there IS some major moves done (trades, free agent signings, whatever), I just can't believe that the Warriors made a good move by moving J-Rich. They had opportunity to get some players, they were involved in trade talks, but I mean if you don't land KG, and that's pretty much the sole reason of getting rid of J-Rich was for KG, what's going to stop it from happening again? They could have gotten a good young talent like Darko, but nope, skipped out on him. Could have gotten a good running swingman in Ruben Patterson, nope, could have gottten a great ball-distributor that would have probably done really well in the Warriors style of play in Knight, nope. Filled out your roster with Croshere, Hudson, Pietrus, Marco, Wright, and MBenga? I know your thinking long-term, but that means you have to completely reject what's going on now?

How many of those guys you listed (Croshere, Hudson, Pietrus, Marco, Wright, and Mbenga) are signed to a long term deal? Belinelli and Wright are the only onesthat we're going to sign for a long term deal. The rest of the guys are here for this season and maybe next season and that's it. We can severe tieswith the rest of these guys because they are expendable, opening up spots for players who may become available later on down the road. I wish the Warriorswould have signed a guy like Brevin Knight, but it's not the end of the world. We still haven't seen what Troy Hudson can do for us consistently.He's been in and out of the lineup since the season started. Give the guy some time. Nellie never had a pass-first point guard in Dallas, what makes youthink that he needs a pass first point guard here in Oakland? Nellie can work around it.

[h3]Bastich said:[/h3]
Worst. Thread. Ever.

I agree.
All the arguing in this thread is ******ed.

It was all about the money. Period.

The Warriors are a young team before the trade. The didn't want to get younger. But with Andris and Monta both about to taste free agency, the Warriorsdidn't want to paint themselves into a corner.

**** who was the leader or heart of the team. That's moot. $$$. That's all that matters.

Worst. Thread. Ever.
well it looks fine now that they're winning. everybody was missing him during the losing streak. jackson, monta, and azubuike have all chipped in to makeup his scoring. the warriors will be fine. but having that extra 20 point scoring weapon at their disposal would not have hurt them. they would be better rightnow with him, period. they overwhelmed the mavericks last year since they had so many guys that could just drop 20 on any given night. this year they have 1fewer of those guys. i still think they could make the playoffs and beat the mavs again if it comes to that, but really, they'd be better with him. thelong term benefit on the other hand, is pretty obvious though.
well it looks fine now that they're winning. everybody was missing him during the losing streak. jackson, monta, and azubuike have all chipped in to make up his scoring. the warriors will be fine. but having that extra 20 point scoring weapon at their disposal would not have hurt them. they would be better right now with him, period. they overwhelmed the mavericks last year since they had so many guys that could just drop 20 on any given night. this year they have 1 fewer of those guys. i still think they could make the playoffs and beat the mavs again if it comes to that, but really, they'd be better with him. the long term benefit on the other hand, is pretty obvious though.

That's why I think it's not a great move to get rid of Jason. It doesn't hurt to have that extra money I understand.

Paul, trust me, I understand and respect your PoV, I just don't agree with it. I'll agree when I see the Warriors lock up some of these players theywant to for the future, but they haven't shown it yet, which is WHY I don't agree with the trade. As I said, I respect your stance, just don'tagree with it, and don't expect you to agree with mine, just to see what I'm pointing out. I never felt it was an "argument," justdiscussion.
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