Video of US police officer breaking down after shooting dead unarmed suspect . Cop says it was his f

That's common sense. But doesn't answer the question.

I'm supposed to just trust someone cuz they have a badge?

I don't know their personal history. Whether they have a mental illness. Whether they're afraid of me reaching for my wallet :nerd:

the cop in that situation was an idiot, imo. he didn't handle it correctly.
Activist critical of police undergoes use of force scenarios

edited, better link

You should look into the history of Maricopa County and Joe Arpaio.

That's common sense. But doesn't answer the question.

I'm supposed to just trust someone cuz they have a badge?

I don't know their personal history. Whether they have a mental illness. Whether they're afraid of me reaching for my wallet :nerd:

the cop in that situation was an idiot, imo. he didn't handle it correctly.

See this we can agree on.
Cops should only have tasers and non lethal ways to subdue suspects. Their sidearm should be used as a second or last resort. Sure more cops may die but issues like THIS may be less frequent. I don't wish death on anyone but its the job a cop signs up for? Their motto is to "protect and serve". If this decreases the murdering/accidents of citizens by law enforcement even on a small scale, isn't that protecting and serving citizens?
Why is it we are told to trust the police
They will protect u
But they are taught not to trust anyone
And everyone is dangerous

Don't play stupid games with the police and you won't get shot. It's not that ******* hard.

IF they ask you to do something, you do it. If you have a problem with it, you take it up with your lawyer after. No sense in getting into an argument with police because you won't win. They don't know you on a personal level and therefore they don't know if you have anything hidden (weapons). They will do what it takes to protect themselves.

Of course I'm spitting out logic but NT doesn't work like that.

You didn't really answer his question though.

I am law enforcement and we are not taught to not trust anyone. We are taught to be ready in all situations because you never know who you may be dealing with. When I was a patrol officer, I pulled over a guy for a major infraction with no priors, then turn around pull over another guy for a minor infraction with the intent to give a warning and find out he’s wanted in 2 states with a record of violence as long as Moby ****. I have to be prepared in every situation, I don’t know what I’m dealing with until I get your license and run you. If your polite, I’m polite. If your polite and I’m not or if I’m making you feel uncomfortable ask for my Sargent, if I am the Sargent ask for my Desk Sargent.

As cops we have a very low tolerance for BS, a great deal of those we deal with in an official capacity will feed us BS to get out of something. Sometimes they aren’t even in trouble but, they feed us BS. Imagine going to work every day and everyone is lying to you and some have no problem blowing your head off. They would rather take a murder charge than go to jail on a misdemeanor warrant.

Cops have to deal with community at its absolute worse. Bikers are my pet peeve. They are pissed when I pull them over and then I have to tell their family there dead because they decided to be stupid. If a cop pulls you over for speeding, remember that same cop may have seen the deadly results of speeding. You get caught with drugs, cop has seen the deadly effects of it.

At some point we become numb because your emotions can go from 0 to 100 real quick daily.
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Edit: just saw the video and that cop went overboard.
3 shots when he didn't even see a gun?

The **** is though this dude was allegedly a meth head. Who knows what his demeanor was like at the time of the stop. Add that to the fact that he wasn't complying with the officers demands.
The fact that he was part of a robbery the day before where a man got shot, it's hard to feel any sympathy for the deceased in this case.

This is totally different from Trayvon, Brown and a bunch of other unjustified killings.
I'd appreciate if that racist son of a gun ME666 would stop drawing comparisons.
Why is it we are told to trust the police
They will protect u
But they are taught not to trust anyone
And everyone is dangerous

Don't play stupid games with the police and you won't get shot. It's not that ******* hard.

IF they ask you to do something, you do it. If you have a problem with it, you take it up with your lawyer after. No sense in getting into an argument with police because you won't win. They don't know you on a personal level and therefore they don't know if you have anything hidden (weapons). They will do what it takes to protect themselves.

Of course I'm spitting out logic but NT doesn't work like that.

You didn't really answer his question though.

I am law enforcement and we are not taught to not trust anyone. We are taught to be ready in all situations because you never know who you may be dealing with. When I was a patrol officer, I pulled over a guy for a major infraction with no priors, then turn around pull over another guy for a minor infraction with the intent to give a warning and find out he’s wanted in 2 states with a record of violence as long as Moby ****. I have to be prepared in every situation, I don’t know what I’m dealing with until I get your license and run you. If your polite, I’m polite. If your polite and I’m not or if I’m making you feel uncomfortable ask for my Sargent, if I am the Sargent ask for my Desk Sargent.

As cops we have a very low tolerance for BS, a great deal of those we deal with in an official capacity will feed us BS to get out of something. Sometimes they aren’t even in trouble but, they feed us BS. Imagine going to work every day and everyone is lying to you and some have no problem blowing your head off. They would rather take a murder charge than go to jail on a misdemeanor warrant.

Cops have to deal with community at its absolute worse. Bikers are my pet peeve. They are pissed when I pull them over and then I have to tell their family there dead because they decided to be stupid. If a cop pulls you over for speeding, remember that same cop may have seen the deadly results of speeding. You get caught with drugs, cop has seen the deadly effects of it.

At some point we become numb because your emotions can go from 0 to 100 real quick daily.

Thanks for giving another perspective on these kinds of situations.
As cops we have a very low tolerance for BS

At some point we become numb because your emotions can go from 0 to 100 real quick daily.

this is part of the problem.

Your right. It takes a toll on the human pysche to have to deal with the things Cops deal with on a daily basis. The mind games people play, having to work scenes of deadly accidents, having to break the news to families to those that have passed.

I dealt with this in the military and it was called PTSD and the VA gets me the help I need. They dont gives cops jack.

Not to mentioned lots of departements are way undermanned because law makers dont feel the need up their budgets. So, officers are working more hours.
**** that stress excuse....doesn't explain the numbers on who yall unjustly gun down 

I never gun down anyone neither had guys in my substation. You lump us together as if we are all the same but when bad cops (yes there are those) do it it's an injustice.
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As federal law enforcement officer he was justified. All they had to was put there hands up. We don't ask to be a prick, it's for your safety and ours.

We interact with all types of people on the daily basis, we don't if the person we pulled over just just killed a family of five, drunk or just simply trying to make it home. We just need time to sort things out and if everything is ok, you'll be on your way.
Generally innocent people comply with simple commands, it's those that are not, that don't.

All we ask is for your cooperation let me do my job and we will both live to make it to see tomorrow.

He asked them multiple times to see their hands and even said I will shoot you if you don't show your hands. He asked multiple times and even announced he would shoot.

What more do you want?

so you should be granted time to sort things out,
meanwhile cops get to approach civilians aggressively and we are simply supposed to comply even when under duress with multiple lights shining in our face?
dude already had his hand on his holster as he was approaching...he was shook from the start.
then you pump multiple shots into dude at close range?
I guess the concept of subduing someone just doesn't exist for you guys anymore.
dude was a coward and so are you.
the police force is nothing but the modern day Klan and no one can tell me otherwise.
ya'll are supposed to be held to a higher standard of morality than the average citizen
and ya'll fail consistently fail miserably.
As federal law enforcement officer he was justified. All they had to was put there hands up. We don't ask to be a prick, it's for your safety and ours.

We interact with all types of people on the daily basis, we don't if the person we pulled over just just killed a family of five, drunk or just simply trying to make it home. We just need time to sort things out and if everything is ok, you'll be on your way.
Generally innocent people comply with simple commands, it's those that are not, that don't.

All we ask is for your cooperation let me do my job and we will both live to make it to see tomorrow.

He asked them multiple times to see their hands and even said I will shoot you if you don't show your hands. He asked multiple times and even announced he would shoot.

What more do you want?

so you should be granted time to sort things out,
meanwhile cops get to approach civilians aggressively and we are simply supposed to comply even when under duress with multiple lights shining in our face?
dude already had his hand on his holster as he was approaching...he was shook from the start.
then you pump multiple shots into dude at close range?
I guess the concept of subduing someone just doesn't exist for you guys anymore.
dude was a coward and so are you.
the police force is nothing but the modern day Klan and no one can tell me otherwise.
ya'll are supposed to be held to a higher standard of morality than the average citizen
and ya'll fail consistently fail miserably.

Any time you walk upon a vehcile you are trained to get your your gun ready in case you need to use it. In training videos are shown of officers being shot even before gettin out their vehicle to approach.

I pulled a truck over and guy had a sawed off 12 gauge snub nose between his legs when I approached and I was pulling him over because he was riding on a pitch dark road with no lights. Found out he just shot his baby mother, shook his newborn infant to dead and was on his way to shoot her new BF. All beacuse he didnt want to pay $50 in child support.

Im sorry you feel that way about me. All I can do is pray that the Lord works with your heart.

It's crazy that you call me the klan, I lost a family member to the klan by hanging as child. Hate is truly real in this country and it seems some people feel entiltled to hate.

No matter what I was put on this earth to help. I will do whatever i can to help those no matter if the hate me or not.
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Any time you walk upon a vehcile you are trained to get your your gun ready in case you need to use it. In training videos are shown of officers being shot even before gettin out their vehicle to approach.

I pulled a truck over and guy had a sawed off 12 gauge snub nose between his legs when I approached and I was pulling him over because he was riding on a pitch dark road with no lights. Found out he just shot his baby mother, shook his newborn infant to dead and was on his way to shoot her new BF. All beacuse he didnt want to pay $50 in child support.

Im sorry you feel that way about me. All I can do is pray that the Lord works with your heart.

It's crazy that you call me the klan, I lost a family member to the klan by hanging as child. Hate is truly real in this country and it seems some people feel entiltled to hate.

No matter what I was put on this earth to help. I will do whatever i can to help those no matter if the hate me or not.

first and foremost, if the part of my post referencing the Klan offended you, I'm man enough to apologize.
but the angelic light that you are trying to portray law enforcement in means nothing to me because I know better.
the situation that you mentioned involving yourself is a rare circumstance.
he could've subdued him if he chose to do so.
the man was confined to a vehicle yet he chose to pump 4 bullets into him a point blank range when 1 would've sufficed.
Any time you walk upon a vehcile you are trained to get your your gun ready in case you need to use it. In training videos are shown of officers being shot even before gettin out their vehicle to approach.

I pulled a truck over and guy had a sawed off 12 gauge snub nose between his legs when I approached and I was pulling him over because he was riding on a pitch dark road with no lights. Found out he just shot his baby mother, shook his newborn infant to dead and was on his way to shoot her new BF. All beacuse he didnt want to pay $50 in child support.

Im sorry you feel that way about me. All I can do is pray that the Lord works with your heart.

It's crazy that you call me the klan, I lost a family member to the klan by hanging as child. Hate is truly real in this country and it seems some people feel entiltled to hate.

No matter what I was put on this earth to help. I will do whatever i can to help those no matter if the hate me or not.

first and foremost, if the part of my post referencing the Klan offended you, I'm man enough to apologize.
but the angelic light that you are trying to portray law enforcement in means nothing to me because I know better.
the situation that you mentioned involving yourself is a rare circumstance.
he could've subdued him if he chose to do so.
the man was confined to a vehicle yet he chose to pump 4 bullets into him a point blank range when 1 would've sufficed.

Im not offended, I'm in law enforcement, I've been called much worse.

Other than than there not much more I can say. Your mind is made up. I accepted the fact that people were going label me a certain way for my profession. As a minority I was born hated.
I never gun down anyone neither had guys in my substation. You lump us together as if we are all the same but when bad cops (yes there are those) do it it's an injustice.
Good cops who stand behind bad cops are no longer good cops
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I never gun down anyone neither had guys in my substation. You lump us together as if we are all the same but when bad cops (yes there are those) do it it's an injustice.
Good cops who stand behind bad cops are no longer good cops

I don't condone bad cops. The cop in first video was within his right.

Does that only pertain to cops? What is your definition of bad? I have family that are bad does that make me bad? I got a couple homies that some may consider bad, I stand behind them does that make me bad.

My daughters teacher told me my daughter was bad for talking in class. I stood behind her she's my blood so I guess I'm bad.

I stand behind my God and he was killed cause people said he was bad. I guess that makes me bad.
I'm 33 I have friend that's been locked up since we were 15 for kicking in a ladies door and killing her. The dudes he was with all got off cause they talked and he got all thier time because he refused to snitch. I don't condone his actions but I support him cause we are boys and I want him to reform. If ever gets out I want him to live a more righteous life.

He told me that of all the dudes he ran with, I'm the only one to visit.

I left law enforcement for 6 months to teach inner city high school kids about HIV. These were all kids that others said were bad and would never make it out of high school. To this day I still stand behind them. I smile when they send me graduation invitations.

I'm back in law enforcement because I see the need for good officers/agents and I enjoy my communities and the joy is returned.
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Im talking about bad cops, you talking about school students and what ya homies did at 15 :lol:

Yall blue boys always swaying away from the real issue, bringing up the most irrelevant ****
Im talking about bad cops, you talking about school students and what ya homies did at 15 :lol:

Yall blue boys always swaying away from the real issue, bringing up the most irrelevant ****

My quote to your reply didnt say anything about school students or my homies. I said that in whole new entry. It was not in reply to you saying good cops that stand behind bad cops are also bad.

Now, feel free to reply what quoted you in the 94th post. In case you dont remember.

"Does that only pertain to cops? What is your definition of bad? I have family that are bad does that make me bad? I got a couple homies that some may consider bad, I stand behind them does that make me bad.

My daughters teacher told me my daughter was bad for talking in class. I stood behind her she's my blood so I guess I'm bad.

I stand behind my God and he was killed cause people said he was bad. I guess that makes me bad."

You dodged all of that.
Why dont police officers ever address the policies they have to police that keep them in danger.

Por ejemplo,

once marijuana is legalized, how will you feel about all the dangerous situations in hindsight that aren't dangerous because of a legal classification. How would you feel about your comrades that lost their lives over things you guys had to police but don't matter anymore?
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