*USA Basketball* WOMEN EARN GOLD v. ESP (101-72)! MEN EARN GOLD v. SRB (96-66)!

There was a d league center here who used to bank his FTs he shot around 60% it was amazing
^^^Still baffled the rest of the world doesn't play 50

50 >>>> 21
We played 33 around my way
***** what lol? This is for real?
Never heard of 50 until just now. Its it pretty much just like 21 except you play first to 50?

Sorta...let me try to find the best way to explain it.

50 is a game played with more than two people...up to however many like 21. Apparently, it's only played in Baltimore. Neighboring cities like DC or Philly play 21 like everybody else in the country.

But anyway...50 is a game where someone has to score 50. By 5's or 10's. 10pts from the free throw line on the first make ( or 3pt line for the real ones). 5 points from the field. And FT/3pt line after. Pretty much, you try to score against everybody else. And when you make a shot from the field...you go to the line and shoot from there. If you miss from the line...you go back and try to get the Rock and score again.

Once you get to 50. You have to "break ice". Which means making a half court shot or 3 pointer. Depends who you're playing with. Once you break ice...you get to select who you want to take out 1 on 1. Everybody clears court and you go one on one with that person for a possesion. If he stops you or strips you...he stays in the game....and everybody rushe: back to the court to try to get the ball and get to 50 themselves. You included. If you score on that person...they're out.

The goal of 50 is to get 50, break ice...and take everybody out one by one.

Here is a YouTube video I've found of some dudes playing it. They're playing with "taps"...which means if you miss a shot and somebody tips it in on the rebound....you go back to 0

These dudes are terrible btw. You can drive the ball to get 5 :lol:
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Played 21 growing up in Nebraska. I moved to Dallas like 10 years ago and they play 25. I still don't know the rules of 25.

In high school when it was 10 of us playing 21, we played big man. No take backs. Whole lot Charles Smith moments
Banked Jesus 
 no by that point I had already been shamed into aiming for the rim, the whole rim and nothing but the rim so help me BasedGod 
I even remember the exact game I switched it up. Playing 21 with a friend and his boys who I didn't know and I was winning but I was banking in all of my free throws.
Hadn't missed one. Was at like 15 when one dude got UPSET, made a big deal, called me a backboard abuser and was just a ***** about it.
So I stopped and never aimed for the backboard again. I proceeded to airball and brick the rest of them and lost 
 Was so damn ashamed 
Shoulda trolled him & kept banking
My pride wouldn't let me. It was straight embarrassing. Never played with them dudes again 

@Banked Jesus when yall was playin 21 was you shooting from the FT line or 3pt line 
Either. Although most people shoot from the line obviously
 Except for when you reach 21, you have to hit a 3 to win.

Last time I played, I played the equivalent of like 3 quarters of ball because no one could hit a 3.

It was horrible 
 Longest damn game of 21 I ever played 

Worst part was I was hitting them when I was just messing around but couldn't hit the one to win 

^^^Still baffled the rest of the world doesn't play 50

50 >>>> 21
I've played 50 before and it was fun but here's the thing, no one in NY says "Hey y'all wanna run a game of 50?" 

It just doesn't happen and if you suggest it, you gotta spend time telling everyone the rules. Easier to just play 21
We played 33 around my way
Played 21 growing up in Nebraska. I moved to Dallas like 10 years ago and they play 25. I still don't know the rules of 25.

In high school when it was 10 of us playing 21, we played big man. No take backs. Whole lot Charles Smith moments
 25? 33? Y'all doing too much
I've been a 21 killer for as long as I can remember. Used to love it. While I love team ball, growing up a Kobe fan made me hone my iso game. Playing 1 on 1 is where my true strength lies. I murder defenses. Splitting doubles, footwork, handles, trickery, toughness because 21 is a rough game.

Sometimes we play with tips, if its a ton of people. Usually no tips though. All shots come from 3, no free throws after you score.

We also still play king of the court. To 7. 3 dribble max. Sometimes we start at the perimeter, sometimes the high post, right or left. We all grew up playing ball at different levels, so Most of the stuff we now do for fun is derived from drills we did in practice.
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I was the king of 50 back in my prime ...breaking ice , taking out everybody one by one sendin em to the sidelines :pimp:

Or calling "family" and taking multiple ppl out at the same damn time :lol:
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I was the king of 50 back in my prime ...breaking ice , taking out everybody one by one sendin em to the sidelines :pimp:

Or calling "family" and taking multiple ppl out at the same damn time :lol:

They don't know bout this life woe

That feeling when you call family and cross 3 ****** and take them all out at the same time :pimp:
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I've played 50 before and it was fun but here's the thing, no one in NY says "Hey y'all wanna run a game of 50?" :lol:
It just doesn't happen and if you suggest it, you gotta spend time telling everyone the rules. Easier to just play 21

Indeed, it goes same here in my hometown

Guys usually say let's play Utah instead of saying 21

Played two different of 50 games

The first part is guys from my hometown and I don't play that kind of game that Wavy posted a video. We also called our game 50 but different rules

Each FT made is 5-point worth

Whenever a guy misses from the FT, the opposite team has to score put back (it can be shoot, layup or dunk as long as they score w/ jumping) The opposite team gets their turn since they score put back on both two guys' missed FT

Score or pass w/o jumping is forbidden
No bank shot from FT allowed (well, no bank shot allowed in any game here anyways)

Since we reach at 50, we have to make a half-court shot to end the game with a win. If both of us miss it, the opposite team still has to do put back to get their turn to score

The second part is that I played 50 that Wavy posted a video in Rochester when I was a college student. I was surprised when I learned that game from the guy I befriended there. It was fun tho
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I was the king of 50 back in my prime ...breaking ice , taking out everybody one by one sendin em to the sidelines :pimp:

Or calling "family" and taking multiple ppl out at the same damn time :lol:

They don't know bout this life woe

That feeling when you call family and cross 3 ****** and take them all out at the same time :pimp:

Yo...this sounds fun as hell. I might need to make a trip down there just to hoop. A little Freeze And-1 mixtape tour loll
In NY, you played 21 or 50 depending on where you were, always liked 50 more because it hurt more.

Like ****** would fight after getting ******* on.
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Damn, 50 is kind of crazy . . . but don't really feel like I missed out by the fact they don't play it out here in Cali. 21 is good (which, BTW is also called "hustle" here).
Yea...50 is a pretty interesting game.  21 was it for us out here...Hustle and I've heard it called "hunch."  Nothing beats the 12 on 12 lunch recess middle school games though haha.  
Between getting to 50 and taking people out how long does a game last for 3 people?!

Game of 3 people should be quick. Maybe 20 mins. What makes the gamep long sometimes is "breaking ice"....when it's a half court shot to break ice....dudes can be stuck at 50 for a minute :lol:.
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