Updated: NIKE 1VOTE Thread -Ueno/BMORE - Mark Smith/Philly

Originally Posted by BkMJ23

If you guys are suprised that KampoutKid is done voting, then I'll tell you the reason why. KampoutKid is no longer allowed to vote 34544535 times a day. He was told at most once or twice a day. This doesn't just go for him, but for everyone who wants to vote at NTNY. Also, the store contacted the man in charge of tabulating the numbers in the end and there is a high possibilty that the numbers will be adjusted. Basically, if a shoe was voted for more than twice in a span of 30 seconds, then the other votes will be deleted. So for all of those beasting, if Nike decides that they care, the final numbers are going to look a lot different than they do now. Also, the purple highs are probably going to end up winning because two of my co workers are voting for them all throughout their shift; just not OD consecutively.

Originally Posted by BkMJ23

If you guys are suprised that KampoutKid is done voting, then I'll tell you the reason why. KampoutKid is no longer allowed to vote 34544535 times a day. He was told at most once or twice a day. This doesn't just go for him, but for everyone who wants to vote at NTNY. Also, the store contacted the man in charge of tabulating the numbers in the end and there is a high possibilty that the numbers will be adjusted. Basically, if a shoe was voted for more than twice in a span of 30 seconds, then the other votes will be deleted. So for all of those beasting, if Nike decides that they care, the final numbers are going to look a lot different than they do now. Also, the purple highs are probably going to end up winning because two of my co workers are voting for them all throughout their shift; just not OD consecutively.



on a side note: if and when the purple highs win, how will I be able to get em? Which stores are getting these and how many pairs will be available?
Originally Posted by BkMJ23

If you guys are suprised that KampoutKid is done voting, then I'll tell you the reason why. KampoutKid is no longer allowed to vote 34544535 times a day. He was told at most once or twice a day. This doesn't just go for him, but for everyone who wants to vote at NTNY. Also, the store contacted the man in charge of tabulating the numbers in the end and there is a high possibilty that the numbers will be adjusted. Basically, if a shoe was voted for more than twice in a span of 30 seconds, then the other votes will be deleted. So for all of those beasting, if Nike decides that they care, the final numbers are going to look a lot different than they do now. Also, the purple highs are probably going to end up winning because two of my co workers are voting for them all throughout their shift; just not OD consecutively.
it sounds true because stashes aint really moving in vote so... purple highs FTW!
What if everyone went mad like Kampout Kid in the beginning? You can't weigh the votes on one side and not the other. There's a good chance thestash's may still win.
not buyin it for a sec that they will do that ya know how much work that would be to do??? plus as busy as stores get ive seen more than 1 vote in a 30 sectime period i mean have you voted?? it takes like 2-3 seconds to place a single vote so u tellin me you vote and if say 20 people vote in 1 minute which iveseen happen it counts as "2 votes"?? come on now just cut the crap lol also this same process would hinder the purps AND the golds ebing that theirinflated votes are due to the SAME thing in transit workers dont even care if u hog the machine and even with no one hogging takin turns ive seen TONS of voteshappen in just a few minutes lol@ 2 votes per minute stuff people make up on NT i swear lol
Originally Posted by BkMJ23

If you guys are suprised that KampoutKid is done voting, then I'll tell you the reason why. KampoutKid is no longer allowed to vote 34544535 times a day. He was told at most once or twice a day. This doesn't just go for him, but for everyone who wants to vote at NTNY. Also, the store contacted the man in charge of tabulating the numbers in the end and there is a high possibilty that the numbers will be adjusted. Basically, if a shoe was voted for more than twice in a span of 30 seconds, then the other votes will be deleted. So for all of those beasting, if Nike decides that they care, the final numbers are going to look a lot different than they do now. Also, the purple highs are probably going to end up winning because two of my co workers are voting for them all throughout their shift; just not OD consecutively.

YES! I will definitely take a pair of purple highs seeing as they were my second choice.
If thats the case then the Purple Hi's And Gold highs should be adjusted OR DQ'ed also...Cuz all 3 were beasted on...

Which would leave you the HTM's...Asian premiums...And the Sheed PE's...So ya'll still could make out...

Ya'll got mad at Philly for not pickin' em...Heres your chance NY!!...Sheed PE's FTW!?
All 3 pairs had ridiculous vote jumps on them. Lol at dudes making up conditional rules for changes that aren't even concrete. What you fail to realize is,they will all get the same treatment no matter what because its confirmed niketalk beasted on the stashes, purples and golds.
Knowing nike I KNOW they will not cancel votes. Just like when they cared for brons getting released early on ndc or people ordering more than one or anythingfor that fact. Nike never cared for anything besides money and will remain that way because they don't have time for other stuff.
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