Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

U gave off the vibe that u wasn't feelin him but u coulda at least said hi. I'm startin to wonder about u and what goes on in ur head miss
Do you not understand him dissing me first by not calling? I've only given my number out to 3 guys in my life: my ex, a gay boy I hoped wouldn't call, and now this guy. It was a big deal to me, and I waited for him to call. What am I supposed to be thinking?
No, he did not diss u. U started it by actin like u aint like him. Probably made him question whether or not to take the chance. U say it was a big deal but gave mixed signals, that doesn't sound like a big deal. Do u know what his schedule is like? might be busy and may have forgotten. Then u blowin him off like that when he came to get his grub may have been the sealed deal of him not callin.

Now what u can do is, the next time he comes in for some vidos, ask why he aint call. U gotta stop askin stuck up miss, u startin to fit the stigma

If I did not like him, I would never have given him my number. I don't understand that line of thinking. And even after I gave it to him, he asked me ifit was okay for him to call. I said, "Sure." He owns his own business, so you can imagine what his schedule is like. However, he has time afterwork, as he tried to ask me out one night after work, but I had to read a book for my class. Anyway, today, we would have gotten to talk more, but while I wasrunning his credit card, my loquacious boss came up and started talking to him, throwing salt in both of our games. Some good signs are he left me a tip forbasically doing nothing. He told my boss goodbye, and he made it a point to let me know he was telling me bye, too.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

U gave off the vibe that u wasn't feelin him but u coulda at least said hi. I'm startin to wonder about u and what goes on in ur head miss
Do you not understand him dissing me first by not calling? I've only given my number out to 3 guys in my life: my ex, a gay boy I hoped wouldn't call, and now this guy. It was a big deal to me, and I waited for him to call. What am I supposed to be thinking?
No, he did not diss u. U started it by actin like u aint like him. Probably made him question whether or not to take the chance. U say it was a big deal but gave mixed signals, that doesn't sound like a big deal. Do u know what his schedule is like? might be busy and may have forgotten. Then u blowin him off like that when he came to get his grub may have been the sealed deal of him not callin.

Now what u can do is, the next time he comes in for some vidos, ask why he aint call. U gotta stop askin stuck up miss, u startin to fit the stigma

If I did not like him, I would never have given him my number. I don't understand that line of thinking. And even after I gave it to him, he asked me if it was okay for him to call. I said, "Sure." He owns his own business, so you can imagine what his schedule is like. However, he has time after work, as he tried to ask me out one night after work, but I had to read a book for my class. Anyway, today, we would have gotten to talk more, but while I was running his credit card, my loquacious boss came up and started talking to him, throwing salt in both of our games. Some good signs are he left me a tip for basically doing nothing. He told my boss goodbye, and he made it a point to let me know he was telling me bye, too.
Aight, there u go. He's still interested so now u have to show that u are interested too, simple as that. Stop playin games w/ his emotions.Don't be afraid to impose a meetin w/ yall. Even if it's just coffee or somethin, show some sort of interest but not the j.o./ desperate/thirsty broadtype.
cmon... if you like him, then show him you like him. plain n simple
quit playin games- it's not gunna get you anywhere
just show him you're interested, dnt be afraid to put yourself out there

EDIT: you said that he dissed you first?
not even. when he initially he came at you, you seemed uninterested
so now he's thinking to himself...
"i'll still get the number, but this girl's not feelin me, why would i call her"
don't be so subtle with your body language

next time he comes him, look him directly in his eyes and proceed to make it clap
He sees that you're playing hard to get, but you're really not trying too.... Dude is not gonna put up with that, so he wants it all or nothing

You should try making plans with him, next time you see him.. or else he's gonna become a "what if"
If you were trying to flirt with him by saying \"Maybe\" first, I understand, and a lot of dudes take that as a test that a woman might give to seeif you\'re a pushover. By him asking again and you saying yes you may have thought everything was cool, and with some people it may have been. But the dudemay have got to thinking later that you said it so that he\'d leave you alone and decided you might act uninterested/rude on the phone if he decided tocall. As hard as some guys act no one likes to get their hopes up and realize there was nothing going on. I can\'t really say whether he took it the rightway or not (if you were flirting when he first got your number) because I wasn\'t there. It sounds like everything is going fine now though.
Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Originally Posted by blazinRook

don't be so subtle with your body language

next time he comes him, look him directly in his eyes and proceed to make it clap



i imagined this in my head and i am ROLLING
Hell yeah he has a right to complain, I hate when females give mixed signals. If a chick is giving me bad vibes I'll abort mission right then and there. Iunderstand OP saying she doesn't really give her number out like that but how is he supposed to know that? I've heard of females giving their numbersout just to be nice or to get the guy to leave them alone, which completely puzzles me. There was a reply in a thread not too long ago about how females willgive their numbers out just so they can have that sense of being wanted. I'm not trying to be the subject of lulz because I'm "sweating" youby calling when you really didn't want to give me the number in the 1st place.
Speaking of "mixed signals," after he invited me to his birthday party that I did not go to (I didn't really know him back then), I went to hisrestaurant with my sister. He came to our table about 5 times talking. He was there more than our server. After that, he came to my job and asked what I wouldbe doing later that night. I had to read. I have been back to his restaurant several times. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out that I likesomething about him. I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way outof town just to pick up something from his restaurant. I do, because I like him. If I'm constantly at your restaurant, that probably means I like you. Idon't see any mixed signals in that. Heck, I just go over there, because sometimes I want to see him.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Speaking of "mixed signals," after he invited me to his birthday party that I did not go to (I didn't really know him back then), I went to his restaurant with my sister. He came to our table about 5 times talking. He was there more than our server. After that, he came to my job and asked what I would be doing later that night. I had to read. I have been back to his restaurant several times. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out that I like something about him. I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way out of town just to pick up something from his restaurant. I do, because I like him. If I'm constantly at your restaurant, that probably means I like you. I don't see any mixed signals in that. Heck, I just go over there, because sometimes I want to see him.
Next time you go there, make plans
Originally Posted by SShanique

Speaking of "mixed signals," after he invited me to his birthday party that I did not go to (I didn't really know him back then), I went to his restaurant with my sister. He came to our table about 5 times talking. He was there more than our server. After that, he came to my job and asked what I would be doing later that night. I had to read. I have been back to his restaurant several times. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out that I like something about him. I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way out of town just to pick up something from his restaurant. I do, because I like him. If I'm constantly at your restaurant, that probably means I like you. I don't see any mixed signals in that. Heck, I just go over there, because sometimes I want to see him.
How about you woman up and tell him you like him. Blunt and too the point.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by SShanique

Speaking of "mixed signals," after he invited me to his birthday party that I did not go to (I didn't really know him back then), I went to his restaurant with my sister. He came to our table about 5 times talking. He was there more than our server. After that, he came to my job and asked what I would be doing later that night. I had to read. I have been back to his restaurant several times. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out that I like something about him. I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way out of town just to pick up something from his restaurant. I do, because I like him. If I'm constantly at your restaurant, that probably means I like you. I don't see any mixed signals in that. Heck, I just go over there, because sometimes I want to see him.
How about you woman up and tell him you like him. Blunt and too the point.
Basically. He don't know how far u live from his restaurant, u could live around the block for all he knows. U can't expect someone toknow what u feelin if u throwin out mixed signals
SShanique wrote:
Speaking of "mixed signals," after he invited me to his birthday party that I did not go to (I didn't really know him back then), I went to his restaurant with my sister. He came to our table about 5 times talking. He was there more than our server. After that, he came to my job and asked what I would be doing later that night. I had to read. I have been back to his restaurant several times. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out that I like something about him. I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way out of town just to pick up something from his restaurant. I do, because I like him. If I'm constantly at your restaurant, that probably means I like you. I don't see any mixed signals in that. Heck, I just go over there, because sometimes I want to see him.

I think its quite fair for him to believe that youre brushing him off. You saying you had to \\\"read\\\" for school sounds like a really bad excuse(even though it isnt) and may have made him hesitant to keep trying with you. Then you say you gave him the impression you didn\\\'t like him? Dudes willpick up on this and leave you alone. He isn\\\'t going to try and chase you if he thinks youre only trying to politely tell him to go away. Try this...nexttime you go and hes there, mention that there is an olive garden right next to your house but \\\"Something about this place makes me keep comingback\\\" when you\\\'re talking to him. Unless he is dense he will get it. I think at this point some positive signal would help a lot.
Originally Posted by SShanique

I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way out of town just to pick up something from his restaurant.
How the @$@# is he supposed to know that? Does he know where you live? He prolly thinks you just really like spaghetti. You cant expect a dude youdont know that well to pick up on that.

Tell em you want him to dip his bread stick in your marinara
You know what your problem is? You think you're being cute by not being more straight forward or maybe more lady like by letting him make moves based onwhat little positive signals you've given him, but clearly it isn't enough given that you're not getting the reaction you want. How about you stoppretending he's a mind reader who knows what all your actions mean and actually try flirting.

No you going to his restaurant a million times isn't enough if after not seeing him for a month you don't even greet him with a hi. You have to realizeall the positive vibes can be negated by the negative/unsure vibe you give off. Next time you see him you need to seem excited to see him and let him know thathey you actually did miss him otherwise why would he even want to call you?
Originally Posted by SShanique

There's this guy I know, the guy I was talking about in the Ric Flair thread. I see him at my work or at his work. One day I was at his job, and he asked when we were going to go out. I was surprised that he asked but didn't really give an answer, so he asked if I wanted to go out. I said, "Maybe." He was like, "It's either yes or no." I finally said, "Yes." He got my number. Then before I was leaving, he asked if it's okay for him to call me, because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering me. I guess I give off them impression that I don't like him. I do like him, though.

Anyway, he never called. I've been out of town for 4 weeks, and it's been a month since I've seen him, that is until this morning. I got back to town this week, and he came into my work. He had placed an order, and I brought his order to him and said, "It's going to be $21.82." His response was, "Just it's going to be $21.82? No "'hi'?" Then I said, "Hi." Basically, he was saying that I didn't give him an acceptable greeting. Do you guys think he has a right to complain since he took my number but didn't call?
hell no

not only did you play that dumb-%+% game of hard to get you basically are playing the hell out of someone who is geninuely interested in you...you'rebuggin...your sense of entitlement is null and void.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Speaking of "mixed signals," after he invited me to his birthday party that I did not go to (I didn't really know him back then), I went to his restaurant with my sister. He came to our table about 5 times talking. He was there more than our server. After that, he came to my job and asked what I would be doing later that night. I had to read. I have been back to his restaurant several times. It doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out that I like something about him. I don't like Italian food that much, and there's an Olive Garden near my house. I don't have to drive all the way out of town just to pick up something from his restaurant. I do, because I like him. If I'm constantly at your restaurant, that probably means I like you. I don't see any mixed signals in that. Heck, I just go over there, because sometimes I want to see him.

what the hell don't you understand???

you're making the assumption he'll think you like him...YOU LIKE HIS RESTAURANT...anything beyond that doesn't translate to anything between youall...with you...YES it does take a brain scientist. you're being immature OP...
As you can see from all this help.... Women play too much games cause everybody got something different to say
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