Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

Originally Posted by RevTommy34

I understand you didn't want to sleep with the guy but you could have cooked dinner or brought over a movie. His art project looked bad because he was mad you would ask him to do art. I think next time do something more adult. It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....
Why should he have been mad when I texted him beforehand and asked if he wanted to do arts & crafts with me?  He texted back an enthusiastic, "Of course!"  I didn't make him do anything.  He was watching the cowboys game while he was doing it.  It's not like he was bored.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SShanique

To clarify, the arts & crafts thing was a Law of Attraction Vision Board. Or at least it was supposed to be. I only finished half of it. I was planning on putting it up in my apartment and hopefully manifesting everything I wanted to happen in my life.

He just wrote some stupid stuff on his and then painted it in yellow with watercolors. Then he tacked it to the wall, as if that was going to impress me. I was pretty made, because it seemed like he didn't even try to do anything artistic.

Y'all can be mad at me if you want, but I'd rather do arts & crafts than sleep with some guy I barely know just because he was always professing his "love" to me.

trust...theres nothing to clarify about A&C...i don't want you to think i'm pickin on you...you gotta admit this whole thread is funny

did you even warn him thats what you'd be doing? you can't just spring A&C on someone
It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....


He knew what it was for.  I even brought the Law of Attraction book and let him read out of it to better explain what he was supposed to be doing.
Originally Posted by SShanique

RevTommy34 wrote:

I understand you didn't want to sleep with the guy but you could have cooked dinner or brought over a movie. His art project looked bad because he was mad you would ask him to do art. I think next time do something more adult. It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....
Why should he have been mad when I texted him beforehand and asked if he wanted to do arts & crafts with me?  He texted back and enthusiastic, "Of course!"  I didn't make him do anything.  He was watching the cowboys game while he was doing it.  It's not like he was bored.

dude said 'of course' because he thought you was playing around. i would have said yes to the idea of arts and crafts also, but thinking you was playing around. trust me dude was bored, hella bored. if you would have came to my house with some bull %#%! arts and crafts, you would have gotten the meanest
combo. i would have kicked you out after 10minutes. not off that fact that we wasnt going to smash, but because you are insulting my intelligence. you play too many games.

Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by Kim1

What kind of run-on story is that?
Pure unnecessary info
You over analyze everything, a dude says hello to you and you don't even know how to act
Lock this foolishness up

Nobody said, "hello" to me.  Obviously, you didn't even read the thread.
I'm referring to "Ronnie" at the restaurant
Dude keeps saying he thought you moved over & over again and you still come on here questioning why
How much more hints do you need?
That's why they're saying "whip it out" b/c you just can't read the signs that are right in front of you
Okay, I get what you're saying.  Ronnie is not the guy I like, though. It's the other guy, Pauly, who wasn't there.  I was only talking to Ronnie, because Pauly wasn't there.

This is either a troll

or the most naive, clueless girl ever.

Either way it's hilarious.
Do you have any male friends? Brother type friends that are platonic on your end anyway? They may want to sleep with you but keep them on deck so you can ask them these questions. The ones that will want to sleep with you the most will put you onto game. Observe this place more from the sidelines.

I'm feeling some major second hand embarrassment for you because I know you aren't a troll.
Arts and crafts just screams buddy. There is nothing sexy about arts and crafts, sorry. You just need to be more straight forward with guys. I think you have a great imagination though.
You don't need to reiterate it to me, I read your story
I know Pauly is the guy you like
Ronnie is going to tell Pauly that you moved but now you're back

Oh man my brain hurts
Arts and crafts tho.....I bet when you left dude had the

but sounds like you just need to move on.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

I really think this girl needs the penis to be whipd out

can't put my finger on it but she might be down for the count if these dudes just be straight up and ask her to smash..... some chicks just need that/work like that
I think you maybe right tho.
This is when the straight forward honest dudes come in handy.

Okay, this will not work with me.  I'm trying to be celibate until I find my husband, anyway.  It's been working for years.  Last year a guy from school convinced me that he liked me so much.  We started hanging out, and one day he invited me over.  I didn't like the idea of hanging out at his apartment watching TV, so I bought arts and crafts materials.  I went over there, and we did arts and crafts together.  His turned out horrible.  Anyway, after we finished, I was about to leave.  He said he wanted me to stay longer.  I asked him why.  He said, "Because you might slip up and have sex with me."  

If looks could kill, he would have been gone.  He never said anything like that before, and I figured out that he was just trying to sleep with me.  I wasted a few good weeks on himm, and I even bought him a Jackson 5 birthday card that played ABC. He was a hater, though, a white boy who didn't even like the Jacksons.  When Michael Jackson passed away, he was one of the first people to call me after having talked so much trash about him.


He probably like.... 

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Do you have any male friends? Brother type friends that are platonic on your end anyway? They may want to sleep with you but keep them on deck so you can ask them these questions. The ones that will want to sleep with you the most will put you onto game. Observe this place more from the sidelines.

I'm feeling some major second hand embarrassment for you because I know you aren't a troll.

No, I don't have any male friends, well, not ones I would talk to about this kind of stuff.  The others want to sleep with me.  This guy I did arts & crafts with said he was my friend.  Then the first time I went to his place for a school project he tried to kiss me and grabbed my chest.  That's why I didn't want to sit there and watch TV with him.  I brought arts & crafts instead.  Still he kept trying to sleep with me.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SShanique

To clarify, the arts & crafts thing was a Law of Attraction Vision Board. Or at least it was supposed to be. I only finished half of it. I was planning on putting it up in my apartment and hopefully manifesting everything I wanted to happen in my life.

He just wrote some stupid stuff on his and then painted it in yellow with watercolors. Then he tacked it to the wall, as if that was going to impress me. I was pretty made, because it seemed like he didn't even try to do anything artistic.

Y'all can be mad at me if you want, but I'd rather do arts & crafts than sleep with some guy I barely know just because he was always professing his "love" to me.

trust...theres nothing to clarify about A&C...i don't want you to think i'm pickin on you...you gotta admit this whole thread is funny

did you even warn him thats what you'd be doing? you can't just spring A&C on someone
It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....


Yo...you're just...not that smart

Why the hell are you so immature? Your friends probably don't like hanging out with you...I know for a fact I might accidentally be mean to you out of my forgetting of the fact that you're just really weird...

...grow up woman...please...for your sake...
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by SShanique

Okay, this will not work with me.  I'm trying to be celibate until I find my husband, anyway.  It's been working for years.  Last year a guy from school convinced me that he liked me so much.  We started hanging out, and one day he invited me over.  I didn't like the idea of hanging out at his apartment watching TV, so I bought arts and crafts materials.  I went over there, and we did arts and crafts together.  His turned out horrible.  Anyway, after we finished, I was about to leave.  He said he wanted me to stay longer.  I asked him why.  He said, "Because you might slip up and have sex with me."  

If looks could kill, he would have been gone.  He never said anything like that before, and I figured out that he was just trying to sleep with me.  I wasted a few good weeks on himm, and I even bought him a Jackson 5 birthday card that played ABC. He was a hater, though, a white boy who didn't even like the Jacksons.  When Michael Jackson passed away, he was one of the first people to call me after having talked so much trash about him.
I wouldn't have even let you in my house
this thread.

give up on this thread OP...its DONE.
Originally Posted by Kim1

You don't need to reiterate it to me, I read your story
I know Pauly is the guy you like
Ronnie is going to tell Pauly that you moved but now you're back

Oh man my brain hurts

Which brings me back to the orignal point of this thread.  All he had to do to find out this information was call. 

Alright, I read most of this thread. All jokes aside, i'll be real with you OP.

No, the guy doesn't have the right to complain... as you stated... all he had to do was call. And as a man, I can rightfully say, that it is guy's part to show interest and persistence. He should've known that all females like to play games. (Don't get offended OP, but you know it's the truth)

I always say "Persistence is the key to a girl's heart or in her pants"... it's pretty self-explanatory.

So stay your ground, just be you. He'll come around again, and when he does, don't repeat your mistakes.

And mayyyybe... I would advice you to go to his work again in like a week or so (make sure he there though)... when you see him just be like "Heyyyyy... haven't see you in awhile" blah blah blah.

And SMILE!  like this
Stop it 5

you need to reevaluate yourself. Stop playing games. Grow up. Things were dead as soon as you moved and came back. Truth is If he hasn't called you then be probably doesn't have your number anymore. Something about you turned him off (your attitude) which is why he didn't call.

The arts and crafts thing is hilarious. I can play it out in my head

Him: you gonna come through?
You: sure I will be there in a few
him: (in his mind) yes I'm gonna smash, let me get ready
you: arrive at his door
him: what is this?
You: arts and crafts, you like crayola? I love vibrant colors
him: Stop it 5
Originally Posted by doosta45

SShanique said:
RevTommy34 wrote:

I understand you didn't want to sleep with the guy but you could have cooked dinner or brought over a movie. His art project looked bad because he was mad you would ask him to do art. I think next time do something more adult. It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....
Why should he have been mad when I texted him beforehand and asked if he wanted to do arts & crafts with me?  He texted back and enthusiastic, "Of course!"  I didn't make him do anything.  He was watching the cowboys game while he was doing it.  It's not like he was bored.

dude said 'of course' because he thought you was playing around. i would have said yes to the idea of arts and crafts also, but thinking you was playing around. trust me dude was bored, hella bored. if you would have came to my house with some bull #!@# arts and crafts, you would have gotten the meanest
combo. i would have kicked you out after 10minutes. not off that fact that we wasnt going to smash, but because you are insulting my intelligence. you play too many games.

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by SShanique

RevTommy34 wrote:

I understand you didn't want to sleep with the guy but you could have cooked dinner or brought over a movie. His art project looked bad because he was mad you would ask him to do art. I think next time do something more adult. It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....
Why should he have been mad when I texted him beforehand and asked if he wanted to do arts & crafts with me?  He texted back and enthusiastic, "Of course!"  I didn't make him do anything.  He was watching the cowboys game while he was doing it.  It's not like he was bored.

dude said 'of course' because he thought you was playing around. i would have said yes to the idea of arts and crafts also, but thinking you was playing around. trust me dude was bored, hella bored. if you would have came to my house with some bull #!@# arts and crafts, you would have gotten the meanest
i would have kicked you out after 10minutes. not off that fact that we wasnt going to smash, but because you are insulting my intelligence. you play too many games.



Literally just woke up the neighbors laughing at this.
Whoa, I've been out for a while but am I reading this %#$$ right? OP is a female, correct?
This makes me wonder why there's so many girl problem threads when it seems that the opposite sex is just as lost as we are
. Like this girl can't be this clueless, no !%$+%++ way
. Am I reaching or is she just a special case. Let me go back and read these 19 pages...
Originally Posted by RevTommy34

I understand you didn't want to sleep with the guy but you could have cooked dinner or brought over a movie. His art project looked bad because he was mad you would ask him to do art. I think next time do something more adult. It doesn't have to be sex but don't bring over vacation bible school projects... You need to grow up....

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