hahahaha the scammer will not be back hate scammers know somebody needs to try to get his stuff he bought or his money back
Originally Posted by Penofski

XpLoZiV8 you better forward this stuff to paypal ASAP

paypal says that there is nothing they can do for me since it was done outside ebay...which i think is pretty ridiculous cause when i sent the money, i clearlynoted that the money was "payment for DS authentic jordan brand DMP VI & XI size 11"
Originally Posted by siramazing

photoshop. ill post my bank statement when I leave msg and get home

Originally Posted by siramazing

photoshop. ill post my bank statement when I leave msg and get home

photoshop? are you kidding me bro? as soon as someone asked for the proof, i provided a digital camera photo...honestly, why would i go through all thistrouble if i was sent the DMP instead of a basketball? i told you when we were trying to set up an agreement, that i'm looking to complete my jordanpackage collection...if i received the DMP's why would i go through the hassle of making such a story? i paid you what you wanted...now, jus please eitherrefund my money or send the shoes
Originally Posted by XpLoZiV8

Originally Posted by Penofski

XpLoZiV8 you better forward this stuff to paypal ASAP

paypal says that there is nothing they can do for me since it was done outside ebay...which i think is pretty ridiculous cause when i sent the money, i clearly noted that the money was "payment for DS authentic jordan brand DMP VI & XI size 11"

Okay, i have been down that path before. If you paid with a credit card, please call them explain your situation, and issue a Credit Card Charge Back which iswhen your credit card company does their own investigation assuming you provide them with a sufficient amount of evidence/ paper work. Now start printscreening (or take pics with your cam) of all his posts that you can use against him in your claim. I.E the amount he claims to have paid for shipping vs. thesticker on the box, etc...
The best part is that he sent a UNC Bball. Must have gave himself a stoneface when someone pointed out his sig. Just goes to show 100% feedback doesn'tmean they won't scam. Remember when elmosux sold sais a pair of fake iv's? He said that he didn't write authentic in posting so it was fair game.LULZ
Dude you should've said anything else but "photoshop"! Reallyyyyy. I mean say "I plead the fif!!" or something else. He screamsphotoshop!!! hahahaha.

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

The best part is that he sent a UNC Bball. Must have gave himself a stoneface when someone pointed out his sig. Just goes to show 100% feedback doesn't mean they won't scam. Remember when elmosux sold sais a pair of fake iv's? He said that he didn't write authentic in posting so it was fair game. LULZ
i'm sorry i'm hypnotized by your avy

in other news....i literally went
when he saidphotoshop...like...seriously bro? PHOTOSHOP?

if OP really did do that then WOW...but i believe the OP so yea, this whole ordeal is so sketchy!
@ me for believing the seller for a minute. But OP came through with evenmore hard hitting evidence.

Just refund or give up the shoes man, don't be a lame over $550
-The Juice
speaking of photoshop, remember the kid who PS'ed his hand and card in the shoe listing?
seriously bro photoshop? i dont even have that program...here is a print screen of the programs i got on my computer
Originally Posted by siramazing

I find it funny I'm getting cursed at and accused of lying when people are outside looking in.

I've never had 1 bad transaction. I always get signature confirmation. I throw away my receipts.

but now I guess ill be looked at like a liar because I knew the weight and price.... I know the price because its on my bank statement and I remember looking at the weight when I paid because I wanted 2 compare how much more the dmp weighs compared 2 when I ship off 1 pair of shoes.

I have nothing 2 prove 2 anybody here,anthony has my number, I've answered all his ims, calls, emails and wored with him the best I can..

again my feedback speaks for itself so all this going back and forth with niketalker that have 0 to do with the transaction is gonna stop.

again... jtob221 on ebay check my feedback

I believe you up til this point. I dunno what exactly it is, but when I read this post, I just had a feeling you were lying...BUT I'll still say that Ifind it hard to believe that it costs $11 to ship a miniature basketball. Something just isn't adding up.

If in fact you are lying, instead of accusing him of photoshopping, you should have made some lame excuse up about how you shipped other items instead of theDMP and that's why the total came to $23. Honestly, what the heck were you thinking making up all these lies that could easily be proven wrong with asimple picture? At the end of the day though...innocent until proven guilty and I don't think we have enough proof just yet as to who the scammer is.
^^WeatherBug gave my last computer a virus. Uninstall that crap, homie.

Just something for everyone to think about, there have been cases where postal workers have STOLEN shoes. Usually it happens when the shoes aren't doubleboxed, but it IS possible.

I say that because I shipped a much smaller box today for 10.80 and I find it funny that that huge box cost only a buck more.
Originally Posted by XpLoZiV8

seriously bro photoshop? i dont even have that program...here is a print screen of the programs i got on my computer
Its not that hard to install photoshop in a dif directory.

I'm not taking sides. Just stating you don't have to install programs in the Program Files directory for them to work.
Originally Posted by SheryarYO

Originally Posted by siramazing

I find it funny I'm getting cursed at and accused of lying when people are outside looking in.

I've never had 1 bad transaction. I always get signature confirmation. I throw away my receipts.

but now I guess ill be looked at like a liar because I knew the weight and price.... I know the price because its on my bank statement and I remember looking at the weight when I paid because I wanted 2 compare how much more the dmp weighs compared 2 when I ship off 1 pair of shoes.

I have nothing 2 prove 2 anybody here,anthony has my number, I've answered all his ims, calls, emails and wored with him the best I can..

again my feedback speaks for itself so all this going back and forth with niketalker that have 0 to do with the transaction is gonna stop.

again... jtob221 on ebay check my feedback

I believe you up til this point. I dunno what exactly it is, but when I read this post, I just had a feeling you were lying...BUT I'll still say that I find it hard to believe that it costs $11 to ship a miniature basketball. Something just isn't adding up.

If in fact you are lying, instead of accusing him of photoshopping, you should have made some lame excuse up about how you shipped other items instead of the DMP and that's why the total came to $23. Honestly, what the heck were you thinking making up all these lies that could easily be proven wrong with a simple picture? At the end of the day though...innocent until proven guilty and I don't think we have enough proof just yet as to who the scammer is.

it wasnt a mini basketball...it was an official size basketball...just FYI
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