Under 5'6" guys, do you have a hard time baggin the females

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

this lurkin dude soundin reallllllllll corny

Hush boy! Didn't you see his avy? Dude will flex the $!%% outta you....

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Executive76

Lurkin were you overweight as a child?

something about this guys avatar and "6 ft+" in his sig tells me something went wrong in his childhood.
His uncle "loved" him.

Him and his uncle would play doctor...

he definitely got that good ole prostate exam plenty of times
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JdotH

im 6'0 ......i will be upset if a dude 5'6 and under pulled a chick over me.......lol

hasnt happend to me to date myself

short dudes takin Ls

if you ran a survey MOST women want Taller dudes. it is what it is. short women want tall dudes and tall women want tall dudes.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Executive76

Lurkin were you overweight as a child?

something about this guys avatar and "6 ft+" in his sig tells me something went wrong in his childhood.

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) (previously known as Dysmorphophobia[sup][1][/sup] and sometimes referredto as Body dysmorphia) (also known as "Dysmorphic syndrome," and "Dysmorphophobia"[sup][2][/sup]) is a psychiatric disorder in which the affected person is excessively concerned about andpreoccupied by an imagined or minor defect in their physical features. The sufferermay complain of several specific features or a single feature, or a vague feature or general appearance, causing psychological distress that impairsoccupational and/or social functioning, sometimes to the point of complete social isolation.[sup][3][/sup] It is estimated that 1-2% of the world's population meet all the diagnostic criteria for BDD.

Individuals with very obvious and immediately-noticeable defects should not be diagnosed with BDD, however culture and clinician bias may play a significantpart in the subjectivity behind determining what physical appearance is considered 'normal' and in whom the disorder is diagnosed.[sup][4][/sup] BDD combinesobsessive and compulsive aspects, linking it, among psychologists, to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders. The exact cause or causes of BDD is unknown, but most cliniciansbelieve it to be a complex combination of biological, psychological and sociological factors.

Onset of symptoms generally occurs in adolescence or early adulthood, although cases of BDD onset in children and older adults is not unknown. BDD is oftenmisunderstood to affect mostly women, however research shows that it affects men and women equally. The disorder is linked to significantly diminished quality of life and co-morbid major depressive disorderand social phobia. With a completed-suicide rate more than double than that ofmajor depression, and a suicidal ideation rate of around 80%, BDD isconsidered a major risk factor for suicide. A person with the disorder may be treated with psychotherapy, medication, or both. Research has shown cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitors (SSRIs) to be effective in treating BDD. BDD is a chronic illness and symptoms are likely to persist, or worsen, if left untreated.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
[h2][edit] Overview[/h2]
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines body dysmorphic disorder as apreoccupation with an imagined or minor defect in appearance which causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or otherimportant areas of functioning. The individual's symptoms mustn't be better accounted for by another disorder, for example weight concern is usually more accurately attributed to an eating disorder.

The disorder generally is diagnosed in those who are extremely critical of their physique or self-image even though there may be no noticeable disfigurementor defect, or a minor defect which is not recognised by most people. Most people wish that they could change or improve some aspect of their physicalappearance; but people suffering from BDD, generally of normal or even highly attractive appearance, believe that they are so unspeakably hideous that they areunable to interact with others or function normally for fear of ridicule and humiliation about their appearance. They tend to be very secretive and reluctantto seek help because they fear that others will think them vain or because they feel tooembarrassed. It has also been suggested that fewer men seek help for the disorder than women.[sup][5][/sup]

Ironically, BDD is often misunderstood as a vanity-driven obsession, whereas it is quite the opposite, for people with BDD believe themselves to beirrevocably ugly or defective.

BDD combines obsessive and compulsive aspects, linking it, among psychologists, to the Obsessive-Compulsive spectrumdisorders. People with BDD may compulsively look at themselves in the mirror or avoid mirrors, typically think about their appearance for at least one houra day (and usually more), and in severe cases may drop all social contact and responsibilities as they become a recluse.

A German study has shown that 1-2% of the population meet all the diagnostic criteria of BDD, with a larger percentage showing milder symptoms of thedisorder (Psychological Medicine, vol 36, p 877). Chronically low self-esteem is characteristic of those with BDD, because the one's assessment ofone's value is so closely linked with one's perception of one's appearance. BDD is diagnosed equally in men and women, and causes chronic social anxiety for its sufferers.[sup][6][/sup]

Phillips & Menard (2006) found the completed-suicide rate in patients with BDD was 45 times higher than in the general United States population. This rate is more than double that of those with clinical depression and three times as high as that ofthose with bipolar disorder.[sup][7][/sup]Suicidal ideation is also found in around 80% of people with BDD.[sup][8][/sup] There has also been a suggested link between undiagnosed BDD and a higher than average suicide rate among people whohave undergone cosmetic surgery.[sup][9][/sup]

[h2][edit] History[/h2]
In 1886, BDD was first documented by the researcher Morselli, who called the condition simply "Dysmorphophobia". BDD was firsttruly recognized by the American PsychiatricAssociation in 1987, and in 1997, BDD was first recorded and formally recognized as a disorder in the DSM.

In his practice, Freud eventually had a patient who would today be diagnosedwith the disorder: Russian aristocrat Sergei Pankejeff,nicknamed "The Wolf Man" by Freud himself in order to protect Pankejeff's identity, had a preoccupation with his nose to an extent that greatlylimited his functioning.

[h2][edit] Diagnoses[/h2]
According to the DSM IV, to be diagnosed with BDD, a person must fulfilthe following criteria:
  • "Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If a slight physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly excessive."
  • "The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."
  • "The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., dissatisfaction with body shape and size in Anorexia Nervosa)."[sup][10][/sup]
In most cases, BDD is under-diagnosed. In a study of 17 patients with BDD, BDD was noted in only five patient charts, and none of the patients received anofficial diagnosis of BDD despite the fact that it was present.[sup][11][/sup] BDD is often under-diagnosed because thedisorder was only recently included in DSM IV, therefore clinician knowledge of the disorder, particularly among general practitioners, is not widespread.[sup][12][/sup] Also, BDD is often associated with shame and secrecy, therefore patients often fail to reveal their appearanceconcerns for fear of appearing vain or superficial.[sup][12][/sup] BDD is also oftenmisdiagnosed because its symptoms can mimic that of another psychiatric disorder, such as major depressive disorder or social phobia.[sup][13][/sup] and the root of the individual's problems remain unresolved. Many individuals with BDD also possess a poorlevel of insight and regard their problem as one of a physical nature rather than psychiatric, therefore individuals may seek cosmetic treatment rather thanmental health treatment.

[h2][edit] Prevalence[/h2]
Studies show that BDD is common in not only nonclinical settings, but clinical settings, as well. A study was done of 200 people with DSM-IV Body DysmorphicDisorder. These people were of age 12 or older and were available to be interviewed in person. They were obtained from mental health professionals,advertisements, the subject's friends and relatives, and non-psychiatrist physicians. Out of the subjects, 53 were receiving medication, 33 were receivingpsychotherapy, and 48 were receiving both medication and psychotherapy. The severity of BDD was assessed using the Yale-Brown Obsessive CompulsiveScale modified for BDD, and symptoms were assessed using the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination. Both tests were designed specifically to assess BDD.Results showed that BDD occurs in 0.7-1.1% of community samples and 2-13% of nonclinical samples. 13% of psychiatric inpatients had BDD.[sup][14][/sup] Studies alsofound that some of the patients initially diagnosed with OCD had BDD, as well. 53 patients with OCD and 53 patients with BDD were compared in a study. Clinicalfeatures, comorbidity, family history, and demographic features were compared between the two groups. Nine of the 62 subjects (14.5%) of those with OCD alsohad BDD.[sup][15][/sup]

[h2][edit] Comorbidity[/h2]
There is a high degree of comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, oftenresulting in misdiagnoses by clinicians. Research suggests that around 76% of people with BDD will experience major depressive disorder at some point in their life,[sup][16][/sup] significantly higher than the 10-20% expected in the general population. Around 37% of people with BDD will alsoexperience social phobia[sup][16][/sup]and around 32% experience obsessive-compulsive disorder.[sup][16][/sup] The most commonpersonality disorders found in individuals with BDD are avoidant personality disorder and dependent personality disorder which conforms to theintroverted, shy and neurotic traits usually found in individuals with thedisorder.

Eating disorders, such as Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa, are also sometimes found in people with BDD, usually women, as are trichotillomania, dermatillomania, and sub-type disorders Olfactory Reference Syndrome and muscledysmorphia.[sup][16][/sup]

[h2][edit] Common symptoms and behaviors[/h2]
There are many common symptoms and behaviors associated with BDD. Often these symptoms and behaviours are determined by the nature of the BDD sufferer'sperceived defect, for example, use of cosmetics is most common in those with a perceivedskin defect, therefore many BDD sufferers will only display a few common symptoms and behaviors.

[h3][edit] Symptoms[/h3]
Common symptoms of BDD include:
  • Obsessive thoughts about perceived appearance defect.
  • Obsessive and compulsive behaviors related to perceived appearance defect (see section below).
  • Major depressive disorder symptoms.
  • Delusional thoughts and beliefs related to perceived appearance defect.
  • Social and family withdrawal, social phobia, loneliness and self-imposed social isolation.
  • Suicidal ideation.
  • Anxiety; possible panic attacks.
  • Chronic low self-esteem.
  • Feeling self-conscious in social environments; thinking that others notice and mock their perceived defect.
  • Strong feelings of shame.
  • Avoidant personality: avoiding leaving the home, or only leaving the home at certain times, for example, at night.
  • Dependant personality: dependence on others, such as a partner, friend or parents.
  • Inability to work or an inability to focus at work due to preoccupation with appearance.
  • Decreased academic performance (problems maintaining grades, problems with school/college attendance).
  • Problems initiating and maintaining relationships (both intimate relationships and friendships).
  • Alcohol and/or drug abuse (often an attempt to self-medicate).
  • Repetitive behaviour such as constantly applying make up and often applying it quite heavily.
  • Seeing slightly varying image of self upon each instance of observal in mirror/reflective surface.
[h3][edit] Compulsive behaviors[/h3]
Common compulsive behaviors associated with BDD include:
  • Compulsive mirror checking, glancing in reflective doors, windows and other reflective surfaces.
  • Alternatively, an inability to look at one's own reflection or photographs of oneself; often the removal of mirrors from the home.
  • Attempting to camouflage imagined defect: for example, using cosmetic camouflage, wearing baggy clothing, maintaining specific body posture or wearing hats.
  • Excessive grooming behaviors: skin-picking, combing hair, plucking eyebrows, shaving, etc.
  • Compulsive skin-touching, especially to measure or feel the perceived defect.
  • Becoming hostile toward people for no known reason, especially those of the opposite sex
  • Reassurance-seeking from loved ones.
  • Excessive dieting and exercise.
  • Self harm
  • Comparing appearance/body-parts with that of others, or obsessive viewing of favorite celebrities or models whom the person suffering from BDD wishes to resemble.
  • Use of distraction techniques: an attempt to divert attention away from the person's perceived defect, e.g. wearing extravagant clothing or excessive jewelery.
  • Compulsive information seeking: reading books, newspaper articles and websites which relates to the person's perceived defect, e.g. hair loss or dieting and exercise.
  • Obsession with plastic surgery or dermatology procedures, with little satisfactory results for the patient.
  • In extreme cases, patients have attempted to perform plastic surgery on themselves, including liposuction and various implants with disastrous results. Patients have even tried to remove undesired features with a knife or other such tool when the center of the concern is on a point, such as a mole or other such feature in the skin.
  • Excessive enema use.
source: The Broken Mirror, Katharine A Philips, Oxford University Press, 2005 ed

[h2][edit] Common locations of perceived defects[/h2]
In research carried out by Dr. Katharine Philips, involving over 500 patients, the percentage of patients concerned with the most common locations were asfollows;
  • Skin (73%)
  • Hair (56%)
  • Nose (37%)
  • Weight (22%)
  • Abdomen (22%)
  • Breasts/chest/nipples (21%)
  • Eyes (20%)
  • Thighs (20%)
  • Teeth (20%)
  • Legs (overall) (18%)
  • Body build/bone structure (16%)
  • facial features (general) (14%)
  • Face size/shape (12%)
  • Lips (12%)
  • Buttocks (12%)
  • Chin (11%)
  • Eyebrows (11%)
  • Hips (11%)
  • Ears (9%)
  • Arms/wrists (9%)
[/td] [td]
  • Waist (9%)
  • Genitals (8%)
  • Cheeks/cheekbones (8%)
  • Calves (8%)
  • Height (7%)
  • Head size/shape (6%)
  • Forehead (6%)
  • Feet (6%)
  • Hands (6%)
  • Jaw (6%)
  • Mouth (6%)
  • Back (6%)
  • Fingers (5%)
  • Neck (5%)
  • Shoulders (3%)
  • Knees (3%)
  • Toes (3%)
  • Ankles (2%)
  • Facial muscles (1%)
[/td] [/tr][/table]
source: The Broken Mirror, Katharine A Philips, Oxford University Press, 2005 ed, p56

People with BDD often have more than one area of concern.

[h2][edit] Development[/h2]
BDD usually develops in adolescence, a time when people are generally mostsensitive about their appearance. However, many patients suffer for years before seeking help. An absolute cause of body dysmorphic disorder is unknown.However, research shows that a number of factors may be involved and that they can occur in combination. Some of the theories regarding the cause of BDD aresummarized below:

[h3][edit] Biological/genetic[/h3]
  • Chemical imbalance in the brain: An insufficient level of serotonin, one of the brain's neurotransmitters involved in mood and pain, may contribute to body dysmorphic disorder. Although such an imbalance in the brain is unexplained, it may be hereditary. Serotonin is thought to have a role in regulating anxiety, though it is also thought to be involved in such processes as sleep and memory function. This neurotransmitter travels from one nerve cell to the next via synapses. In order to send chemical messages, serotonin must bind to the receptor sites located on the neighboring nerve cell. It is hypothesized that BDD sufferers may have blocked or damaged receptor sites that prevent serotonin from functioning to its full potential.[sup][17][/sup] This theory is supported by the fact that many BDD patients respond positively to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) - a class of antidepressant medications that allow for more serotonin to be readily available to other nerve cells.[sup][17][/sup] There are cases, however, of patient's BDD symptoms worsening from SSRI use.[sup][17][/sup] Imbalance of other neurotransmitters, such as Dopamine and Gamma-aminobutyric acid, have also been proposed as contributory factors in the development of BBD.[sup][17][/sup]
  • Genetic predisposition: It has been suggested that certain genes may make an individual more predisposed to developing BDD. This theory is supported by the fact that approximately 20% of people with BDD have at least one first-degree relative, such as a parent, child or sibling, who also has the disorder.[sup][18][/sup] It is not clear, however, whether this is genetic or due to environmental factors (i.e. learned traits rather than inherited genes). Twin studies suggest that the majority, if not all, psychiatric disorders are influenced, at least to some extent, by genetics and neurobiology, although no such studies have been conducted specifically for BDD.[sup][18][/sup]
  • Brain regions: A further biological-based hypothesis for the development of BDD is possible abnormalities in certain brain regions. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based studies found that individuals with BDD may have abnormalities in brain regions, similar to those found in OCD.[sup][19][/sup]
  • Visual processing: While some believe that BDD is caused by an individual's distorted perception of their actual appearance, others have hypothesized that people with BDD actually have a problem processing visual information. This theory is supported by the fact individual's who are treated with SSRI's often report that their defect has gone-that they no longer see it. However, this may be due to a change in the individual's perception, rather than a change in the visual processing itself.[sup][20][/sup]
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder. BDD often occurs with OCD, where the patient uncontrollably practices ritual behaviors that may literally take over their life. A history of, or genetic predisposition to, OCD or another obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder may make people more susceptible to BDD.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder may co-exist with generalized anxiety disorder. This condition involves excessive worrying that disrupts the patient's daily life, often causing exaggerated or unrealistic anxiety about life circumstances, such as a perceived flaw or defect in appearance, as in BDD.
[h3][edit] Psychological[/h3]
  • Teasing or criticism: It has been suggested that teasing or criticism regarding appearance could play a contributory role in the onset of BDD. While it's unlikely that teasing causes BDD, since the majority of individuals are teased at some point in their life, it may act as a trigger in individuals who are genetically or environmentally predisposed; likewise, extreme levels of childhood abuse, bullying and even psychological torture, are often rationalized and dismissed as "teasing," sometimes leading to traumatic stress in vulnerable persons.[sup][21][/sup] Around 60% of people with BDD report frequent or chronic childhood teasing.[sup][21][/sup]
  • Parenting style: Similarly to teasing, parenting style may contribute to BBD onset, for example, parents of individuals who place excessive emphasis on aesthetic appearance (i.e. that aesthetic appearance is the most important thing in life) or no emphasis at all may act as a trigger in those genetically predisposed.[sup][21][/sup]
  • Other life experiences: Many other life experiences may also act as triggers to BDD onset, for example, neglect, physical and/or sexual trauma, insecurity and rejection.[sup][21][/sup]
[h3][edit] Environmental[/h3]
  • Media: It has been theorised that media pressures may contribute to BBD onset, for example glamour models and the implied necessity of aesthetic beauty. BDD, however, occurs in all parts of the world, including isolated areas where access to media mediums is limited or non-existent. Media pressures are therefore an unlikely cause of BDD, however they could act as a trigger in those already genetically predisposed or could worsen existing BDD symptoms.[sup][22][/sup]
[h3][edit] Personality[/h3]
Certain personality traits may make someone moresusceptible to developing BDD. Personality traits which have been proposed as contributing factors include:[sup][23][/sup]
Since personality traits among people with BDD vary greatly, it is unlikely that these are the direct cause of BDD. However, like psychological andenvironmental factors, they may act as triggers in individuals who already have a genetic predisposition to developing the disorder.[sup][23][/sup]

[h2][edit] The disabling effects of BDD[/h2]
BDD can be anywhere from slightly to severely debilitating. It can make normal employment or family life impossible. Those who are in regular employment orwho have family responsibilities would almost certainly find life more productive and satisfying if they did not have the symptoms. The partners and family ofsufferers of BDD may also become involved and suffer greatly, sometimes losing their loved one to suicide.

Studies have shown a positive correlation between BDD symptoms and poor quality of life. Quality of life for inidividuals with BDD has also been shown to bepoorer than those found in major depressive disorder,dysthymia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, socialphobia, panic disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and Post traumatic stress disorder.[sup][24][/sup]

Because BDD onset typically occurs in adolescence, an individual's academic performance may be significantly affected. Depending on the severity ofsymptoms, an individual may experience great difficulty maintaining grades and attendance or, in severe cases, an individual may drop out of school andtherefore not reach the academic level they are capable of. The vast majority of people with BBD (90%) say that their disorder impacts on theiracademic/occupational functioning,[sup][8][/sup] while 99% say thattheir disorder impacts on their social functioning.[sup][8][/sup] Despite a strong desirefor relationships with other people, many BDD sufferers will instead choose to be lonely rather than risk being rejected or humiliated about their appearanceby getting involved with people. Many people with BDD also have coexisting socialphobia and/or avoidant personality disorder,making the sufferer's ability to establish relationships even more difficult.

Sufferers of BDD may often find themselves getting almost 'stuck' in moping around. That is to say that sufferers, with such a type of depression,can in some cases appear to take a long time to get everything done. However, this is not actually the case, as it is simply that the BDD sufferers will oftenjust sit or lie down for prolonged periods of time, without being able to actually motivate themselves until it becomes completely necessary to get back up.This can often cause little to get done by sufferers, and they can have little self motivation with anything, including relationships with other people.However, contrary to this, when the action is relevant to the person's image, it is more common for the sufferer to exhibit a fanatic and extreme approach,applying their attention fully to self-grooming/modification.

[h2][edit] Prognosis[/h2]
Many individuals with BDD have repeatedly sought treatment from dermatologists orcosmetic surgeons with little satisfaction beforefinally accepting psychiatric or psychological help. Plastic surgery on those patients can lead tomanifest psychosis, suicide or never ending requests for more surgery.[sup][25][/sup][sup][26][/sup] Treatment canimprove the outcome of the illness for most people. Other patients may function reasonably well for a time and then relapse, while others may remainchronically ill. Research on outcome without therapy is not known but it is thought the symptoms persist unless treated.

[h2][edit] Treatments[/h2]
Studies have found that the psychodynamic approach to therapy, traditional talk therapy, has not been proven effective in treating BDD. However, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has proven more effective. In a study of 54 patients with BDD whowere randomly assigned to Cognitive Behavior Therapy or no treatment, BDD symptoms decreased significantly in those patients undergoing CBT. BDD was eliminatedin 82% of cases at post treatment and 77% at follow-up. (
Due to low levels of serotonin in the brain, another commonly used treatment is SSRI drugs(SelectiveSerotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). 74 subjects were enrolled in a placebo-controlled studygroup to evaluate the efficiency of Fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac), a SSRI drug. Patients were randomized to receive 12-weeks of double-blind treatment with fluoxetine or theplacebo. At the end of 12 weeks, 53% of patients responded to the fluoxetine.[sup][27][/sup]

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a chronic disorder that if leftuntreated can worsen with time. Without treatment, BDD could last a lifetime. In many cases, as illustrated in The Broken Mirror by Katharine Phillips, thesocial and professional lives of many patients disintegrates because they are so preoccupied with their appearance.[sup][28][/sup]

[h2][edit] See also[/h2]http://
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Executive76

Lurkin were you overweight as a child?

something about this guys avatar and "6 ft+" in his sig tells me something went wrong in his childhood.
His uncle "loved" him.

It's probably true. The dude comes off as pretty egotistical and vain. The bottom line is the more you try to degrade and generalize others the more you look like an overcompensating D-bag. He's was talking a few pages back about the dating patterns of women he saw on Oprah on his Mom's DVR, that coupled with the downtrodden generalizing remarks was enough for me to determine this dude is a pompous narcissistic tool.
i think it is more insecurity than anything
is probably using "fitness" to compensate for something he lacks
Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JdotH

im 6'0 ......i will be upset if a dude 5'6 and under pulled a chick over me.......lol

hasnt happend to me to date myself

short dudes takin Ls

if you ran a survey MOST women want Taller dudes. it is what it is. short women want tall dudes and tall women want tall dudes.
Who determines what tall is though? Sure, most women want a man who is taller than them. But to a girl who is 5 foot, a 5'3 guy is taller. Ifa girl is 5'3, a 5'6 guy is taller. You guys make it seem like the average girl is 6 foot and any guy under that is dwarfed. Fact is, a guy who is5'5 is still taller than the average girl.

6'1 ftw... and i'm still growing

i'm not trying to make shorter people feel bad, but i know it would SUCK if i was like 5'6-5'7.. considering that my mom is like 5'0 and my dadis like 5'10, i thank God everyday for having the physique of an average man.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

just becacuse you're tall doesn't mean you're cute
but being short does mean that the schlong is long

oh I know that too!
went on a date with a guy that was like 5'3 and his $$@% matched his height
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JdotH

im 6'0 ......i will be upset if a dude 5'6 and under pulled a chick over me.......lol

hasnt happend to me to date myself

short dudes takin Ls

if you ran a survey MOST women want Taller dudes. it is what it is. short women want tall dudes and tall women want tall dudes.
Who determines what tall is though? Sure, most women want a man who is taller than them. But to a girl who is 5 foot, a 5'3 guy is taller. If a girl is 5'3, a 5'6 guy is taller. You guys make it seem like the average girl is 6 foot and any guy under that is dwarfed. Fact is, a guy who is 5'5 is still taller than the average girl.

There is definitely an accepted range for a"tall" man. When have you ever seen a 5'6 grown man referred to as tall? Sure he may be taller than the girl but he wouldn't be consideredtall for a man.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

6'1 ftw... and i'm still growing

i'm not trying to make shorter people feel bad, but i know it would SUCK if i was like 5'6-5'7.. considering that my mom is like 5'0 and my dad is like 5'10, i thank God everyday for having the physique of an average man.
im pretty sure that the average height for a man is not 6'1... its actually 5'7 or 5'8

so iono why all these dumb Ns comin in here talkin all this other %+$*

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

just becacuse you're tall doesn't mean you're cute
but being short does mean that the schlong is long

oh I know that too!
went on a date with a guy that was like 5'3 and his $$@% matched his height


you're clearly a smart girl... how tall you are really doesnt matter?

because a girl will always pick a dude thas 5'7 thas 7 or 8 long... over a dude thas 6'0+ thas under 6"

being average height FTW...
being african american FTW...
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by Executive76

Lurkin were you overweight as a child?

something about this guys avatar and "6 ft+" in his sig tells me something went wrong in his childhood.
His uncle "loved" him.

It's probably true. The dude comes off as pretty egotistical and vain. The bottom line is the more you try to degrade and generalize others the more you look like an overcompensating D-bag. He's was talking a few pages back about the dating patterns of women he saw on Oprah on his Mom's DVR, that coupled with the downtrodden generalizing remarks was enough for me to determine this dude is a pompous narcissistic tool.
i think it is more insecurity than anything
is probably using "fitness" to compensate for something he lacks
yeah its a wrap this guy had embarrassing experiences
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I'm taller than all of yall in my pants though.


but from what i understand its about how you use it.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JdotH

im 6'0 ......i will be upset if a dude 5'6 and under pulled a chick over me.......lol

hasnt happend to me to date myself

short dudes takin Ls

if you ran a survey MOST women want Taller dudes. it is what it is. short women want tall dudes and tall women want tall dudes.
Who determines what tall is though? Sure, most women want a man who is taller than them. But to a girl who is 5 foot, a 5'3 guy is taller. If a girl is 5'3, a 5'6 guy is taller. You guys make it seem like the average girl is 6 foot and any guy under that is dwarfed. Fact is, a guy who is 5'5 is still taller than the average girl.

There is definitely an accepted range for a"tall" man. When have you ever seen a 5'6 grown ##% man referred to as tall? Sure he may be taller than a girl, but don't confuse that withhim actually being tall. Most people will agree that a tall man is 5'11 and up...
Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JdotH

im 6'0 ......i will be upset if a dude 5'6 and under pulled a chick over me.......lol

hasnt happend to me to date myself

short dudes takin Ls

if you ran a survey MOST women want Taller dudes. it is what it is. short women want tall dudes and tall women want tall dudes.
Who determines what tall is though? Sure, most women want a man who is taller than them. But to a girl who is 5 foot, a 5'3 guy is taller. If a girl is 5'3, a 5'6 guy is taller. You guys make it seem like the average girl is 6 foot and any guy under that is dwarfed. Fact is, a guy who is 5'5 is still taller than the average girl.

There is definitely an accepted range for a "tall" man. When have you ever seen a 5'6 grown man referred to as tall? Sure he may be taller than the girl but he wouldn't be considered tall for a man.
But unlike you guys, I don't care if another dude thinks I'm tall. Girls, on the other hand, bring me pleasure. Therefore, their opinionmatters. I have no problem getting females. I may not get buns every night I go out, but I defnitely get mines. Girls say they like guys who are tall, dark andhandsome...does that mean all white dudes aren't smashing? Height is one of those factors thats easy to generalize in a male, but it's not the endall/be all that you guys claim. That's all I'm saying. Like shorty said before, not all tall dudes are cute. Don't front like ya'll walk in theclub and shorties flock because you're soooo tall.
ericberry14 wrote:


you're clearly a smart girl... how tall you are really doesnt matter?

because a girl will always pick a dude thas 5'7 thas 7 or 8 long... over a dude thas 6'0+ thas under 6"

being above average height FTW...
being african american FTW...

ericberry14 wrote:

you're clearly a smart girl... how tall you are really doesnt matter?

because a girl will always pick a dude thas 5'7 thas 7 or 8 long... over a dude thas 6'0+ thas under 6"

being average height FTW...
being african american FTW...

No I don't discriminate against tall or short guys! And I like some short guys because their height keeps them humble. There are some that have thatnapoleon syndrome but I'll take a short, humble, really cute guy, over a tall, gorgeous one
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by eplaya06

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JdotH

im 6'0 ......i will be upset if a dude 5'6 and under pulled a chick over me.......lol

hasnt happend to me to date myself

short dudes takin Ls

if you ran a survey MOST women want Taller dudes. it is what it is. short women want tall dudes and tall women want tall dudes.
Who determines what tall is though? Sure, most women want a man who is taller than them. But to a girl who is 5 foot, a 5'3 guy is taller. If a girl is 5'3, a 5'6 guy is taller. You guys make it seem like the average girl is 6 foot and any guy under that is dwarfed. Fact is, a guy who is 5'5 is still taller than the average girl.

There is definitely an accepted range for a "tall" man. When have you ever seen a 5'6 grown man referred to as tall? Sure he may be taller than the girl but he wouldn't be considered tall for a man.
But unlike you guys, I don't care if another dude thinks I'm tall. Girls, on the other hand, bring me pleasure. Therefore, their opinion matters. I have no problem getting females. I may not get buns every night I go out, but I defnitely get mines. Girls say they like guys who are tall, dark and handsome...does that mean all white dudes aren't smashing? Height is one of those factors thats easy to generalize in a male, but it's not the end all/be all that you guys claim. That's all I'm saying. Like shorty said before, not all tall dudes are cute. Don't front like ya'll walk in the club and shorties flock because you're soooo tall.
Nah I understand that being tall isn't the end all be all. Thats why I bring other things to the table too (chem e major, going to lawschool, etc). But I will say that it definitely does help...

Oh and white girls are the ones that say that tall dark and handsome bs...they're referring to darker caucasians, not black males.
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