Two inches of snow turns Atlanta into the set of the Walking Dead

:lol: at the South bashing when it was one city that went through that. We had the same weather and I'm in SC.

I do understand how that could happen though just like I understand how they made it seem like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" happened in NYC when Sandy hit. Common sense really.

It's just funny to me how certain people in this thread are making it a "who's residents are the hardest" thread when it has nothing to do with that.

Obviously the local gov't dropped the ball on preparations and underestimated how this would affect the city. The Governor was quick to accept responsibility and apologized but the Mayor said F that!

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What are you talkin about!?... :rofl:

Even with all the destruction on the coastal areas NY still bounced back in days!

Dawg stop grouping nyc with any other city when it comes to how we handle tragedies....this is the same city that took two commercial airliners to one of its most iconic landmarks and lost over 3k people in less than an hour...chill with all that noise bro, not many cities built like NY when it comes to dealing with things of that nature...NY has a damage control plan for probably anything :lol:
Unless I missed it, I'm pretty shocked there hasn't been an Alaska In Atlanta reference.
at the South bashing when it was one city that went through that. We had the same weather and I'm in SC.

I do understand how that could happen though just like I understand how they made it seem like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" happened in NYC when Sandy hit. Common sense really.

It's just funny to me how certain people in this thread are making it a "who's residents are the hardest" thread when it has nothing to do with that.

Obviously the local gov't dropped the ball on preparations and underestimated how this would affect the city. The Governor was quick to accept responsibility and apologized but the Mayor said F that!

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Look at you, emotional.
:lol: Aight, now I know yall are (and I hate this overused NT term) trolling. There was nothing "emotional" about what I posted.

You didn't see people from down South calling NYC people "soft" cause of what happened with Sandy even though the media tried to make NYC seem just as bad as ATL is looking right now. I wasn't there just like you're not in Atl so why bash the people? That's my only point...

I lived through Hurricane Hugo which was a category 4 in Charleston and remember it well so I know what real damage looks like. |I
:lol: Aight, now I know yall are (and I hate this overused NT term) trolling. There was nothing "emotional" about what I posted.

You didn't see people from down South calling NYC people "soft" cause of what happened with Sandy even though the media tried to make NYC seem just as bad as ATL is looking right now. I wasn't there just like you're not in Atl so why bash the people? That's my only point...

I lived through Hurricane Hugo which was a category 4 in Charleston and remember it well so I know what real damage looks like. |I

But I was outside drinking when sandy hit.. Like literally I was out side
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how is this possible? Was the water like 6ft high? Where the hell are you even taking this pic from, and why aren't you in it?

its an overpath

there is a river that runs parallel to that highway, it tends to always flood, when Irene hit was
Knew it was just a matter of time before the Inside the NBA crew made comments about the city being shutdown. LOL...
After watching Jon Stewart roast yall it really gets me that these ppl can be so stupid.

2 inches of ******g snow! This don't even make sense. The weather channel is based in ATL.

To think someone is insane enough to compare a hurricane to two inches of snow. TWO INCHES OF SNOW! That's like drowning in a shallow puddle.

It's even sad this tomfoolery got all this news coverage. A bunch of grown looking invalids.
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My mother lives in Marietta, an area about 20 mins from Atlanta. According to her they weren't even forecasted to get any precipitation which is why the schools weren't closed.

My mother lives in Marietta, an area about 20 mins from Atlanta. According to her they weren't even forecasted to get any precipitation which is why the schools weren't closed.

They knew it was going to snow last week, and Monday night LA issued a winter storm warning.  So we knew it was coming.  Once it started coming down I told my folks to take they as home, because looking at the amount coming down and the temp I knew eventually it was going to start sticking then create ice..  Mind you I've never been in any kind of snow, and I knew this was going to happen.  The people that get paid to know whats going to happen knew, but the city and the DOT didn't want to spend the money needed to make this a smoother process.
this was the highway by my house during Irene, we just took the local roads, nothing to see

View media item 776217

how is this possible? Was the water like 6ft high? Where the hell are you even taking this pic from, and why aren't you in it?

its an overpath

there is a river that runs parallel to that highway, it tends to always flood, when Irene hit was

So its not actually the highway..... just the river by the highway.
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The river over flooded and completely drowned the highway for about 3 miles in 5-8 feet of was surreal
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