online haggling
good job you're off my hook up list thenbro?
i almost pulled the trigger for 300, 2 days ago, give us pics when they arrive bro!
Waw! Good job sir dvplayground! Next time, haggle time! Can't wait for mine to come, still pending customs inspection according to the HK postal office.What size did you get?
nice work dv, and thanks for the advice, im currently bidding on one as well....wish me luck guys
Hehehe. It would be nicer Tony if you can still scoop me a pair.
One to rock one to stock. :tongue: I was surprised actually they gave it to me for $280 shipped.
But I think you can still haggle a lil bit more.

Sure bro, will post pics when I get my hands on it. Email Footalog bro, haggle ka pa konti.
yup they emailed me 2 days ago for $300 shipped, kinda tempting super at 280 thou

can i be on the hookup list if ever bro?
Thanks bro.
I got a SZ9.5US. Yours is still pending customs inspection here in Pinas? How many days did it take for your package to be shipped here? I justtracked my package now and it says the item already left HK for its destination. Man, that was fast. I hope we don't get taxed inappropriately with ourpackages..

$280 includes shipping already bro. So it's $260 for the shoes and $20 for the shipping.
^ It took almost a week, give or take. I just got the EMS card yesterday so I'll post what happens on Monday, hope I don't get taxed too much!
dvd and mik - legit yang footalog and they will deliver direct to your door (dapat ha). when I ordered my Aces sa kanila direct sa bahay after 4 business days.And yes you can email Henry para sa discounted price. Kasi SRP pa din naman kuha nila diyan eh. At 260 kita pa din sila. The nice thing about footalog is sa HKlang sila, kaya mabilis ang delivery. nice pick up guys.

Pures - I thought this was due May and the MPLS in June. Baka yung Breds ang 3rd colorway that will be released. I passed up on the POP coz I want the Puresand the MPLS.
I thought so too but they sent me a Postal card eh, pick up package on weekdays, too bad I didn't know about the discounted price thing haha
^Ah talaga...they will ask you to pay 30 pesos when you pick it up.
Just tell them (customs) na used na yung pair and it's a gift from a friend/relative.
Kasi minsan sisingilin ka ng more than 1K.

KC - can we rename the thread to ZK IV, la ang mas appropriate lang
guys pwede pa hook up din ng discount on the mlks? any word if the prices are dropping still? pababa ng pababa sa ebay eh Thanks!
^lj12 - offers the MLKs. Email them for a discounted price. I believe it is cheaper than the prices in ebay.
hey mike, can you check if your package arrives if it is double boxed or not. and dont forget the pics. thanks
Originally Posted by dvplayground

Just pulled the trigger on the MLKs. Whew! Ordered mine from Footalog for $280 shipped. If any of you guys are interested in getting the MLKs from Footalog, email them first and ask their best price.

Hey bro dv where did you send your mail to them, through the contact us in their web or through direct email? Thanks
Hi guys! I finally have my MLKs with me, couldn't resist to take pics while driving home, they're just too darn pretty!

The guys at customs charged me P2800 at first but I haggled it down to P1200. I know its still to much but what the hey. At least I learned something from allof this, a nice dude from the EMS gave me his contact# and told me to give him a call next time I got some shoes coming, he said he'd take care of it forme. Another thing, I usually get my sneakers off eBay and I already have some contacts in the Tondo Post office, I found out from EMS guy that if I didn'tship my MLKs express then the Tondo Post would've received the shoes and I wouldn't have had to pay P1200, oh well, hope this helps you guys who aregonna get your pairs soon!

from my collection:
Congrats mikronrob! Damn, P2800 tax for a pair of shoes?! That's waaaaaay too much! Good thing you managed to haggle it down to 1200. Congrats again bro!Rock those MLKs!
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