Tiger blasts Garcia for 'fried chicken' slur, calls it 'wrong, hurtful'

But this has been done before, no? Tiger and Sergio have been going back and forth for two weeks now. I'm tired of it, and it's an obvious (and poor) troll attempt by Sergio because he can't beat Tiger. How can you be so sure about my reaction?

Because you always fire at nomad :lol: :lol:

The arguing is tired between them but it obv took an ignorant turn yesterday. Sergio is going to regret it.

I do fire at him, I'm not the only one and I haven't even said the worst. So sue me. I'm more annoyed at the back and forth more so from Sergio's end. He's not as good as Tiger so this is the only way he can have his name mentioned in the same sentence as him :lol:.

I'm saying the story between these two is a non story at this point. Tiger is in the golf world, he is and has been aware of how he's viewed despite his great play. Let's not be naive here. The issue has been dealt with before, why are you trying to make an issue out of old ****? It's never acceptable, but at this point it's like whatever, you expect it. Vijay Singh is also racist, you wanna bring that up to? Give it a rest.

You sound stupid, and neglegent. What you're failing to realize is passive observation is what allows the self-entitled racist to survive in a progressive nation. The rich and elite are majority white, and even though each individual may not be racist themselves in order to survive financially there's certain levels of ignorance they're willing to except.

Silence is a power tool of negotiation because it can discredit the possibility of social change, which is the same reason the government doesn't doesn't address conspiracy accusations. The oldest trick in the book of conservatism.

What are you talking about? Stop trying to distract people with all that flowery nonsense. We know White people make up the majority of the elite in America and those that aren't racist and have that type of status don't defend those that are racist. Why? Because they don't want their money affected by trying to be the "politically correct guy". That premise happens on different scales cross racially and culturally, so let's not pretend that statement is so profound.

The reason why I said what I said initially is beause as others stated in here, it's not like Tiger talks about being Black in the world of golf and puts it on the forefront (nor should he have to, but think about his awareness versus a Bill Russell for example). He doesn't necessarily embrace that fact as he has shown in the past, so his response is what I expected. He had to say that he was "hurt" because he had no choice. I wouldn't have chosen those words, but I'm not Tiger Woods.
 Beh235 ...
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I heard about this this morning and honestly found it more funny than anything. I mean, golfers beefing...like, come on.

I can't explain why, but somehow I find myself unoffended by this.

EDIT: Maybe I found it so funny because the news said there was a "racial slur" involved and I was expecting some hardcore Djangoism or other. I guess I was relieved it was just a chicken reference...the whole thing is like a lost Chappelle skit or something.
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Fried chicken is racist when you're using it as a racial stereotype about the only black golfer.
Fried chicken is racist when you're using it as a racial stereotype about the only black golfer.
man i just never got it ya know?  i mean....i love fried chicken.  i love watermelon.  i love collard greens.  so do a **** ton of white people down south.  so what?!  if fried chicken is the worst thing that guy could come up with, it's not racism it's stupidity.  i'm just not gonna take the time to be offended by something as trivial as a food item that every race loves and eats daily, word to kfc.
is fried chicken even racism guys?  raise your hand if you DON'T love fried chicken fambs.  i would have accepted his dinner invitation with a smile on my face, he probably got that personal chef who can do that chicken up right.  man people need to get the **** over themselves and stop being such ******* all the time.  ****'s wack, yo.  if sergio woulda said, 'yea ima have that jigaboo over for dinner,' okay i can see tiger gettin hot under the collar.  fried chicken doe?  gimme a break.  go eat you some chicken tiger.

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thats just it man, he isn't going to blatantly disrespect him b/c that is bad for business. He was being slick with it. Fried chicken and watermelon are loved by many people, but when you associate them with black people it brings up the sterotype and shows racial insensitivity. So whether he is a racist or not, he was being incensitive and that is socially unacceptable. All he had to say is "sure we would love to have him over for dinner sometime. My chef will make hime whatever dish he wants." That would have been the end of it. He is a professional and at this point we know what should be said and what shouldn't in the media. He chose those words and now he has to deal with the backlash. I too hate when black people get offended for things that aren't race related, but in this instance you can't deny that he was being funny with that remark. racist or not it isn't right.

If he wasn't being slick why would he say fried chicken? Did Tiger tell him that fried chicken was his favorite dish? If so then he should say hey, Tiger said that was his favorite so that is what we will prepare for him.
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thats just it man, he isn't going to blatantly disrespect him b/c that is bad for business. He was being slick with it. Fried chicken and watermelon are loved by many people, but when you associate them with black people it brings up the sterotype and shows racial insensitivity. So whether he is a racist or not, he was being incensitive and that is socially unacceptable. All he had to say is "sure we would love to have him over for dinner sometime. My chef will make hime whatever dish he wants." That would have been the end of it. He is a professional and at this point we know what should be said and what shouldn't in the media. He chose those words and now he has to deal with the backlash.

If he wasn't being slick why would he say fried chicken? Did Tiger tell him that fried chicken was his favorite dish? If so then say hey Tiger said that was his favorite so that is what we will prepare.
but wait, wait.  if he was being 'slick' wit it, why he use fried chicken if that's a super horrible racist remark?  
  see that's why for me it don't matter.  i get he was tryna pull some lame **** and fire some shots but **** backfired and made him look more stupid than racist, imo.  i know it's NT so dudes gonna be up in here cryin and postin some fozzy gifs and whatnot but if anyone is TRULY offended by this yo i'm sorry.
is fried chicken even racism guys?  raise your hand if you DON'T love fried chicken fambs.  i would have accepted his dinner invitation with a smile on my face, he probably got that personal chef who can do that chicken up right.  man people need to get the **** over themselves and stop being such ******* all the time.  ****'s wack, yo.  if sergio woulda said, 'yea ima have that jigaboo over for dinner,' okay i can see tiger gettin hot under the collar.  fried chicken doe?  gimme a break.  go eat you some chicken tiger.
Is it racism? Do you know the definition of the word "stereotypes"? I can't tell by your use of English...

Do you think Garcia would be cool if somebody told him to come over for some Tacos, beans and rice? 
is fried chicken even racism guys?  raise your hand if you DON'T love fried chicken fambs.  i would have accepted his dinner invitation with a smile on my face, he probably got that personal chef who can do that chicken up right.  man people need to get the **** over themselves and stop being such ******* all the time.  ****'s wack, yo.  if sergio woulda said, 'yea ima have that jigaboo over for dinner,' okay i can see tiger gettin hot under the collar.  fried chicken doe?  gimme a break.  go eat you some chicken tiger.

Yall boys are more lost than I thought :smh: :smh:
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This topic is beating a dead horse, IMO. I do get the "fake outrage" comment from Ninjahood.

Maybe an appropriate spin-off topic should center on the racial insensitivity of people from Spain.
Is it racism? Do you know the definition of the word "stereotypes"? I can't tell by your use of English...

Do you think Garcia would be cool if somebody told him to come over for some Tacos, beans and rice? 
yes, i know what a stereotype is.  a stereotype doesn't necessarily automatically equal racism, placism, whatever-ism.  i can't imagine he wouldn't be cool with that.  would you be cool if someone invited you over for fried chicken?  if you don't like it i can see that but if you DO like it would you honestly be mad if someone was all, 'yo leo come over and help me finish this bucket son,'.  yea right you'd be in the car squealing wheels because news flash - fried chicken is wonderful.

let me be clear.  i'm not defending garcia for tryna fire off some lame shots, i just don't think those specific shots were racist.  stereotypical?  i suppose.  offensive?  pssh.  if that's the best he got it's just not worth it.
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thats just it man, he isn't going to blatantly disrespect him b/c that is bad for business. He was being slick with it. Fried chicken and watermelon are loved by many people, but when you associate them with black people it brings up the sterotype and shows racial insensitivity. So whether he is a racist or not, he was being incensitive and that is socially unacceptable. All he had to say is "sure we would love to have him over for dinner sometime. My chef will make hime whatever dish he wants." That would have been the end of it. He is a professional and at this point we know what should be said and what shouldn't in the media. He chose those words and now he has to deal with the backlash.

If he wasn't being slick why would he say fried chicken? Did Tiger tell him that fried chicken was his favorite dish? If so then say hey Tiger said that was his favorite so that is what we will prepare.

but wait, wait.  if he was being 'slick' wit it, why he use fried chicken if that's a super horrible racist remark?  

  see that's why for me it don't matter.  i get he was tryna pull some lame **** and fire some shots but **** backfired and made him look more stupid than racist, imo.  i know it's NT so dudes gonna be up in here cryin and postin some fozzy gifs and whatnot but if anyone is TRULY offended by this yo i'm sorry.

Ain't nobody cryin'

I just can't believe you can't understand how that can be offensive.

It would be the same as someone calling a Mexican person a ******.
Ain't nobody cryin'

I just can't believe you can't understand how that can be offensive.

It would be the same as someone calling a Mexican person a ******.
NO.  NO.  it's NOT the same.  garcia didn't say (like i already posted previously) 'yea ima invite that jigaboo over,'  THAT is racist and THAT'S something to get worked up over.  i just posted that.  he didn't doe, he said he'd invite dude over for fried chicken.  THAT'S what i'm trying to say.  y'all equating 'fried chicken' with 'nignog'.  sorry, it's just not the same at all.
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