This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...

Son compared the fraudulent gay dude from a TV show to a black American hero.

During Black history month.

2019 yall.

Van Jones needs to sit his dumb *** down!! Let’s this clown Jussie fall wherever he may. He has the gay community riding for him, he’ll be okay and if not oh well the hell with him. “Jackie Robinson of homophobia”........negro please.
these guys left so many trails :lol:

Nigerian scammer’s disappointed reading the case details...

Let me find out @ninjahood and Trump was right about CNN outchea


Dudes is stooping to Fox News level of defending Trump trying to defend this clown.

Wow... Jackie Robinson!
I'm African. I didn't get my last name from a white man.
The truth is, most so called black people didn't get their last name from a caucasian. Most of our people have been indoctrinated into the slavery narrative, and have NO IDEA about our history ruling Europe during the dark ages. Many of our people have names with Welsh, Irish, and Scottish origins... because the original Welsh, Ires and Scotts were so called black.

Just for the record, caucasians are NOT indigenous to ANY land on this planet, save for Mount Seir and the Caucus Mountains.

Yeah this is a reach. I don't see it

No one with sense would have told him to go through with this. Especially not a former prosecutor running for president.

People just assume he was being honest, spoke in his defense, then caught themselves in an embarrassing position. Harris included
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