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I can't stand my girls dad man. Dude is just one ignant *** ***********. If i wasn't with her, I'd smack the black off his fat neck.

oh yeah, Mou ain't ****. Carry on....
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So the only reason you continued posting is to discuss what you were posting about most recently, because you had time to? I think all of that went without saying :lol:

And I'll go on continuing to have a high standard, and you go on being a hypocrite content with things you slandered, and making poor analogies.
I'm out too gotta get back to work myself. I get jealous of all the banter EPL cats engage in though. I saw that opportunity when beans wrote that and had to dive in.
Wasn't the intent of buying cr7 and kaka to keep pace with Barca but also reclaiming the ucl? How is that any different then united buying pogba with the same intention ? both purchases made out of desperation not to fall too far behind Barca in league and The rest of Europe. Yes Madrid finished 2nd but that speaks more to how much of a two horse race that league was.. duke said pogba purchase was out of desperation and I simply said Madrid has done the same.. as I'm sure other clubs have too.. I assumed he was a Madrid fan since he has a Ronnie avi
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Paying world record fees for 2007 and 2008's best players on the planet makes sense when you want to beat the best team in the world; paying a world record fee for Paul Pogba to simply get into the top 4 does not and reeks of desperation. I know you're going to bring up Bale's world record fee and how it doesn't make sense (which I agree with), but Madrid didn't need him when they paid that fee. That was just Perez being Perez and wanting the most hyped player at the time :lol: Thankfully Bale eventually worked out for RM.
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Our mf needed a player.. he was the highest rated mf who we could have landed...move made sense to me but hey that's probably just my desperation and hypocrisy clouding my opinion. :rofl:
Paying world record fees for 2007 and 2008's best players on the planet makes sense when you want to beat the best team in the world; paying a world record fee for Paul Pogba to simply get into the top 4 does not and reeks of desperation. I know you're going to bring up Bale's world record fee and how it doesn't make sense (which I agree with), but Madrid didn't need him when they paid that fee. That was just Perez being Perez and wanting the most hyped player at the time :lol: Thankfully Bale eventually worked out for RM.

Please, elaborate.
So paying a WORLD RECORD FEE for PAUL POGBA isn't ridiculous? You're putting him on the same level as previous record holders like Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, Zidane,Figo, Brasilian Ronaldo, Maradona, etc. ? Some of the best players the sport has ever seen? Got it.
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getting pogba isn't desperation.

its how much you got him for and how much you are paying him is desperation.  

his agent milked your club something serious. 

didn't think it needed explanation

every top club laughed at pogbas demands 

your midfield would have been way better off buying two or 3 players. 
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Arsenal fans coming in here puffing out their chests trying to rev up a Slanderghini yet they have no gas. Y'all talking about being better than Man U, yet y'all haven't done anything to be relevant in European competition for years. Last year was y'all year and a team that was in League 2 not to long ago came and won a championship before y'all.

The Napoleon complex Arsenal fans have is staggering. Y'all have nothing to celebrate, y'all feel that just because your team qualifies for the CL every season y'all deserve a trophy. You're content with that. You're content with a manager who's a specialist in failure. Y'al are content with hearing one of the best songs I've ever heard, "Champions of Europe, You'll never sing that." Damn that's my jam.

You never winning, small win celebrating, pea minded fools, Arsenal will never be Man U. For Christ's sake, Chelsea, City, are miles ahead of Arsenal. Hell, even Liverpool will win a league title before Arsenal. Leicester City won it before y'all! Continue dwelling in the mediocrity of a football club you call Arsenal, living illusions of grandeur, and having your "world class" talent look for greener pastures they know they won't ever achieve whilst at Arsenal. Pathetic.
Our mf needed a player.. he was the highest rated mf who we could have landed...move made sense to me but hey that's probably just my desperation and hypocrisy clouding my opinion. :rofl:

:lol: yeah I don't get it. Isn't every team "desperate" to strengthen their squad, sans Arsenal?
:lol: yeah I don't get it. Isn't every team "desperate" to strengthen their squad, sans Arsenal?

So paying a WORLD RECORD FEE for PAUL POGBA isn't ridiculous? You're putting him on the same level as previous record holders like Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, Zidane,Figo, Brasilian Ronaldo, Maradona, etc. ? Some of the best players the sport has ever seen? Got it.
[thread="652424"]man u fans are the most hypocritical disillusioned bunch in this whole thread [/thread]
[thread="652424"]it's crazy... [/thread]
[thread="652424"] [/thread]
[thread="652424"]beans you would have more reps but rolaholic ran out lmao[/thread]

Man what :lol:

Dudes stay reving up the ABU slander cannon every other week but always get upset when there's a response.

You guys are always making stuff up in our name and running with it while most Reds fans are pretty grounded in reality.

Beans has riled you guys up today while speaking truth :lol:,repped you since its that serious
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^nah fam you and your boys have been delusional.

 trying to justify all the garbage yall have. not to mention yall overhype everyone. 

yall so ready to beat your chest but yall aren't there 

and yeah judging from my posts i care how anyone feels about me. lmao
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Man what :lol:

Dudes stay reving up the ABU slander cannon every other week but always get upset when there's a response.

You guys are always making stuff up in our name and running with it while most Reds fans are pretty grounded in reality.

Beans has riled you guys up today while speaking truth,repped you since it means so much to you :lol:

Rolaholic you're one of the normal Man United fans in here. So I'm asking you this respectfully: do you honestly agree that Man United paying a WORLD RECORD FEE for PAUL POGBA was a smart decision? Do you put him on the same level as previous record holders like Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, Zidane,Figo, Brasilian Ronaldo, Maradona, etc. ? Some of the best players the sport has ever seen?

Again, I'm leaving out Gareth Bale because that was just Perez being a greedy bastard and wanting whoever the media was talking about at the time :lol:
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You seem awfully concerned with who reps who. You got some woman tendencies b
nah im not worried about it. 

i know you soft cause i talk about united and you try to come at me like you know me.  

your feelings obviously hurt. 

you got your hand out looking for co signs and shhh lmao
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I seriously dont know why people are still calling Pogba overrated. Someone should just go back into the old thread and quote all the Pogba praise before he joined United. Im a City supporter and was salty AF when he joined Man U, but banter only goes so far until you just sound like a dumba**.

The money they paid, goal/assists ratio has nothing to do with how hes performing on the pitch. Every team wanted him in the summer, those are fax. Maybe hes 30-40 mill more than his actual worth, but to slander someone that young and talented just because another team paid more is just being delusional. Seem like footy fans are more fickle than NBA fans thse days.
^nah fam you and your boys have been delusional.
 trying to justify all the garbage yall have. not to mention yall overhype everyone. 

yall so ready to beat your chest but yall aren't there 

and yeah judging from my posts i care how anyone feels about me. lmao

Legit every fanbase hypes their guys up though :lol:,yet dudes only seem to care when it's a Gunner/Red Devil.

Sticking by a player also isn't hyoung them up but the same dudes upset by that would go around and say they're bandwagoning when they don't stick with their player :lol:

Whatever though,I'm good with the direction the club is heading. Rival fans are gonna ***** regardless of how the club's doing :lol:


Man what :lol:

Dudes stay reving up the ABU slander cannon every other week but always get upset when there's a response.

You guys are always making stuff up in our name and running with it while most Reds fans are pretty grounded in reality.

Beans has riled you guys up today while speaking truth,repped you since it means so much to you :lol:

Rolaholic you're one of the normal Man United fans in here. So I'm asking you this respectfully: do you honestly agree that Man United paying a WORLD RECORD FEE for PAUL POGBA was a smart decision? Do you put him on the same level as previous record holders like Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, Zidane,Figo, Brasilian Ronaldo, Maradona, etc. ? Some of the best players the sport has ever seen?

Again, I'm leaving out Gareth Bale because that was just Perez being a greedy bastard and wanting whoever the media was talking about at the time :lol:

:rofl: @ normal :smh:

Obviously he won't stack up well against those legends of the game who were in their primes during those record transfers but his fee is more a reflection of the times than anything. He was bought for what he's yet to become and all the added commercial advantages a galactico type signing would bring.

Obviously the price is blown up but the fact of the matter was that Juve was never gonna let him go without them and Raiola extorting another club :lol:. The fee can get knocked but there's no denying his talent,Zidane even said he would've signed him if he got his way and Florentino didn't block it
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no one saying hes not talented.  everyone is just saying united are stupid because they paid that much and they are in 6th 
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Again b.. only person with their hand out was you mentioning reps in the first place..don't try and flip it

And I call a spade a spade..that makes you feel a certain way so b it.
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