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So close again! Thought Alexis was gonna bury it. We're looking better in the attack since going back with Alexis up top
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Seems like Sanchez doesn't trust anyone with the ball besides Ozil

Creating all these chances, just gotta finish.. Let's go
Uh oh could that have been handball 
Do these line's man need binoculars or something??? I don't understand how they miss these calls when they should have a good view of it.
It popped up so quick, no one could properly avoid that from hitting their hand let alone know about it. Fair goal
Do these line's man need binoculars or something??? I don't understand how they miss these calls when they should have a good view of it.
Like seriously look at the linesman....he's got a perfect view of it.
It popped up so quick, no one could properly avoid that from hitting their hand let alone know about it. Fair goal
Intention is only one of the factors for determining handball. His hand was above his head and knocked it into the goal. Intentional or not thats a handball.
Hand of god :pimp:

jk He didn't even have time to react to it

Ball to hand

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The ox doing well so far next to Le Coq. We created some chances, a few that should of gone in but positive signs so far with the attack, I can see two more if we keep this up
Just looked up the FA rules on handball and by this definition it wouldn't be a foul.
Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact with the ball with the hand or arm.

The following must be considered:
  • the movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand)
  • the distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball)
  • the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an infringement
  • touching the ball with an object held in the hand (clothing, shinguard, etc.) is an infringement
  • hitting the ball with a thrown object (boot, shinguard, etc.) is an infringemen
But that does lead me to question a majority of the handball calls we see like a player dribbling and the ball knocks onto his hand unintentionally (we see this happen fairly often outside the box) and that gets called as handball but by that definition those situations shouldn't be a foul either. Thats the reason that when most people see that the think its a handball cause thats how people see it get called outside the box we rarely see clear cut deliberate acts of handball. Really comes down to inconsistent referring with handball decisions based on the FA definition.
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FEO FEO FEO lol :lol: let em know

theo's got a point, he never went for the ball
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