If you're not going to be constructive please leave. Do you really think you're going to convince Heat fans that the refs are cheating for the Miami Heat? Even after the Miami Heat lost and had more fouls called against them. :lol: :lol: :lol:

If the the refs are really going out of their way to make sure the Miami Heat win the game they sure are doing a terrible job. Stop with the foolishness and come up with a well thought out reply so we could at least take you seriously. Aint nothing better than a good basketball debate. :wink:

The proof is in the game bro. You watched it didn't you? Pay attention at the type fouls that the Heat got vs the fouls that the Pacers got. Most of the fouls called on the Pacers were little touchy phantom fouls. Not to mention the soft technical calls that was called. You don't need to be a crime scene detective to figure it out the bias. Refs can't go out of their way to make sure 100% that Heat will win. That's not possible. But they for sure did give the Heat a lot of opportunities to tie the game or take the lead. Of course they can't control things like miss shots, turnovers or rebounds etc.

Give the Pacers credit for fighting through despite the unfairness. Any other team would have put their heads down and succumbed to the Heat and the refs.
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you still in here? dont you have a off season thread to go play in? lebron heat hate thread? go worry about kobe's ankles and dwightmare.. are we your 2nd favorite team since you like to talk about us so much? sounding like a salty ex girlfriend seeing her man with another girl.. FOH...
Why don't you go play with the trade system on, see if you can get a few players for your Sqaud, instead of worrying about the Heat.


I'm not breaking any rules. As long as im not trask talking in a team thread i can be here anytime i want.
The proof is in the game bro. You watched it didn't you? Pay attention at the type fouls that the Heat got vs the fouls that the Pacers got. Most of the fouls called on the Pacers were little touchy phantom fouls. Not to mention the soft technical calls that was called. You don't need to be a crime scene detective to figure it out the bias. Refs can't go out of their way to make sure 100% that Heat will win. That's not possible. But they for sure did give the Heat a lot of opportunities to tie the game or take the lead. Of course they can't control things like miss shots, turnovers or rebounds etc.

Give the Pacers credit for fighting through despite the unfairness. Any other team would have put their heads down and succumbed to the Heat and the refs.
the only team getting help is the lakers this is hwta phantom calls look like. with david west shoots a fadeaway jumper there shouldnt be a foul calll and theres been plently fouls called on those. what abput paul georges 3 free throws at the end of game 1? thats shouldnt have been called a foul but it was a call in the pacers favor.

BTW ENJOY the only reason your lakers even mad the playoffs is cause of the refs

Nope you're wrong. Wade hit Paul George hand on the way up in game 1. Look at the replay.

And don't even get me started with D West. He wasn't even allowed to use his 260lbs strong body. Did you see how quickly they call offensive foul whenever he back someone down? How many touchy fouls did Wade and Lebron get? OH that's right. PLENTY.


I'll be back game 3 for more discussions.
Nope you're wrong. Wade hit Paul George hand on the way up in game 1. Look at the replay.

And don't even get me started with D West. He wasn't even allowed to use his 260lbs strong body. Did you see how quickly they call offensive foul whenever he back someone down? How many touchy fouls did Wade and Lebron get? OH that's right. PLENTY.


I'll be back game 3 for more discussions.
david west got called for 1 offensive foul. is he god also like you think the rest of the pacers are? they commit no fouls is what you think if birdman was in his spot and david west runs into him thats an offensive foul the rules dont change just cause there playing the heat. how bout that drive game 1 with 10 sec left where lebron was hit TWICE once across his chest and second on top of his head but there was no foul called? 
Nope you're wrong. Wade hit Paul George hand on the way up in game 1. Look at the replay.

And don't even get me started with D West. He wasn't even allowed to use his 260lbs strong body. Did you see how quickly they call offensive foul whenever he back someone down? How many touchy fouls did Wade and Lebron get? OH that's right. PLENTY.


I'll be back game 3 for more discussions.
anyways i like how you ignore the laker conspiracy sorry bout your kobe whos carrer is done and hasnt been able to get past the second round for 3 straight years now. shaw won him 3 titles anyways everybody knows that.
the only team getting help is the lakers this is hwta phantom calls look like. with david west shoots a fadeaway jumper there shouldnt be a foul calll and theres been plently fouls called on those. what abput paul georges 3 free throws at the end of game 1? thats shouldnt have been called a foul but it was a call in the pacers favor.

Check out Wade left hand on PG shooting wrist. That's not a foul? Hmm i didn't know you can hit someone on the wrist while he was shooting. lol

Nope you're wrong. Wade hit Paul George hand on the way up in game 1. Look at the replay.

And don't even get me started with D West. He wasn't even allowed to use his 260lbs strong body. Did you see how quickly they call offensive foul whenever he back someone down? How many touchy fouls did Wade and Lebron get? OH that's right. PLENTY.


I'll be back game 3 for more discussions.
dont no one wanna talk with you... why dont you just stay the **** out and go to your off season laker thread, heat hater thread, or the lebron thread... tell the truth.. do you really like us that much to be talking about us all the time? why are we always on your mind?..
Check out Wade left hand on PG shooting wrist. That's not a foul? Hmm i didn't know you can hit someone on the wrist while he was shooting. lol
you do realize wade jumped from BEHIND george so it would be impossible to hit him on the wrist like your saying hes on the side of his arm contesting the shot if he was gonna hit him it would have been on the back of his hand you can even tell theres space between wades hand and georges arm.
imlive... dont even bother just put him on block with mister friendly and knightngal,.. i mean everyone has :lol:
you do realize wade jumped from BEHIND george so it would be impossible to hit him on the wrist like your saying hes on the side of his arm contesting the shot if he was gonna hit him it would have been on the back of his hand you can even tell theres space between wades hand and georges arm.

lol your eyes are off dude. Look at the hand touching PG wrist. How do you not see that? lol.
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you do realize wade jumped from BEHIND george so it would be impossible to hit him on the wrist like your saying hes on the side of his arm contesting the shot if he was gonna hit him it would have been on the back of his hand you can even tell theres space between wades hand and georges arm.

Hmm no. Wrong again.

HERE is a zoom in for your eyes.
It's pretty much impossible to tell if he hit hIm or not unless you have X-ray vision and can see threw the other side of George's wrist which I guess you have.
Lol let it go. You're in denial or you should buy new glasses.
You're telling me that don't see Wade left index finger is right around pg wrist? Come on son. That zoom in is bright as day. You should go check out your eyes lol.
I hope you're not driving around in a vehicle with such bad vision. You might hit somebody one of these day. smh horrible vision.

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Lol let it go. You're in denial or you should buy a new glass.
You're telling me that don't see Wade index finger is wrapped around pg wrist? Come on dude. That zoom in is bright as day. You should go check out your eyes lol.
I hope you're not driving around in a car with such bad vision. You might hit somebody one of these day.

I understand your upset about your lakers being done which they've been done for 4 years now. Kobe's done lakers won't win anything for the next 10 years. You guys tried to create a squad this year to compete against us and they couldn't even make it threw the regular season I understand why your upset your team sucks Kobe's a ball hog who's only won 2 titles himself and you guys went and got him two all stars who couldn't stay healthy and you guys barley made the playoffs.if I was a laker fan I would be very upset to but your pathetic dude you try and think of every single thing to discredit the heat.
In other news, Miller, Allen, and Battier shouldn't be scared to actually shoot 3s. Can't be losing confidence if you expect to be the Pacers.
I understand your upset about your lakers being done which they've been done for 4 years now. Kobe's done lakers won't win anything for the next 10 years. You guys tried to create a squad this year to compete against us and they couldn't even make it threw the regular season I understand why your upset your team sucks Kobe's a ball hog who's only won 2 titles himself and you guys went and got him two all stars who couldn't stay healthy and you guys barley made the playoffs.if I was a laker fan I would be very upset to but your pathetic dude you try and think of every single thing to discredit the heat.

:lol: nobody is upset. Look at you trying to change subject because you got owned. Im here to discuss something related to the Heat and the ECF series and you can't accept truth. lawl

Btw i'm not going to go into debate with you about the Lakers or Kobe. It won't end well. I just know that Kobe is still up on Lebron in rings despite whatever slander you throw at Kobe.

See you game 3.
:lol: nobody is upset. Look at you trying to change subject because you got owned. Im here to discuss something related to the Heat and the ECF series and you can't accept truth. lawl

Btw i'm not going to go into debate with you about the Lakers or Kobe. It won't end well. I just know that Kobe is still up on Lebron in rings despite whatever slander you throw at Kobe.

See you game 3.
Nobody changed the subject there's no point in me trying because your the typical heat hater who hates them for no reason at all so there's no changing your mind. There was even I bulls fan in the nba thread who hates the heat who said that the call was bogus and he would rathe have took a loss then the pacers won on that. You tried to post it in the nba thread and nobody replied to it. Sorry bud the series has been evenly called and everybody thinks so except you go back to your laker thread and think about what you guys can do to try and get another ring which you won't.
:lol: nobody is upset. Look at you trying to change subject because you got owned. Im here to discuss something related to the Heat and the ECF series and you can't accept truth. lawl

Btw i'm not going to go into debate with you about the Lakers or Kobe. It won't end well. I just know that Kobe is still up on Lebron in rings despite whatever slander you throw at Kobe.

See you game 3.
Nobody changed the subject there's no point in me trying because your the typical heat hater who hates them for no reason at all so there's no changing your mind. There was even I bulls fan in the nba thread who hates the heat who said that the call was bogus and he would rathe have took a loss then the pacers won on that. You tried to post it in the nba thread and nobody replied to it. Sorry bud the series has been evenly called and everybody thinks so except you go back to your laker thread and think about what you guys can do to try and get another ring which you won't.
You and I were discussing about the foul. You got owned and then brought up Lakers and Kobe, who is not even related to this thread but in your head that's not considered as changing the subject? :lol: Whatever you say dude. The proof is there. Someone is in denial and he knows it.

You say the series is evenly called and everybody agrees?. Did you see the nba season thread in the last two games?
Guarantee you if you do a survey now. More than half will say that the series were not evenly officiated.
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