Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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The NBA is the most thoughtful in terms of image, and their fan base is a lot different than

I don't think anyone wants to cancel the season.
I'm not sure where this narrative comes from that people who are concerned about the virus are somehow jerking off to fear.
Nobody ****ing wants this - nobody wants to live in uncertainty. Jesus **** you don't have to be a doomsdayer armageddon wisher simply because you prefer a conservative approach to re-opening to an aggresive one.
Ummm ok. So not only does the question not pertain to you, you didn't even answer it.

off topic, but has nba been running this type of programming on tnt and nbatv or just online?
Personally I already prepared for no bball for the rest of the year. Reason this season is a wash is because of the long *** delay. All of the meta that was built up is lost. It's basically two different seasons and two different training camps/off seasons. But for those fanbases of LAC and MIL, I get it
So for you it's not really about safety or anything like that, but the continuity/storyline of an NBA season?
Ummm ok. So not only does the question not pertain to you, you didn't even answer it.
What question? The whole reason we're in this mess is because nobody knows what to expect. That's why the whole point is to play it safe until there's more data.
You coming here asking "for people who WANT to cancel the season blah blah blah" is wrong because you're implying anyone wants this to happen. Further asking them what to expect is another form of trying to belittle them as how the **** would they know what to expect?

And this is a public message board. Everything you post pertains to everyone.

Get over your own needs and thirst for sports for one second. Nobody wants no sports - there's a reason why so many other countries have contained the virus and we're in this ******* mess. The sense of birthright entitlement to everything is a formula for a disjointed effort against a virus who gives no damns about your life.

NBA players will be fine, NBA owners will be fine, the NBA will be fine. The nurses and doctors who gotta be around sick people everyday may not be.
What question? The whole reason we're in this mess is because nobody knows what to expect. That's why the whole point is to play it safe until there's more data.
You coming here asking "for people who WANT to cancel the season blah blah blah" is wrong because you're implying anyone wants this to happen. Further asking them what to expect is another form of trying to belittle them as how the **** would they know what to expect?

And this is a public message board. Everything you post pertains to everyone.

Get over your own needs and thirst for sports for one second. Nobody wants no sports - there's a reason why so many other countries have contained the virus and we're in this ****ing mess. The sense of birthright entitlement to everything is a formula for a disjointed effort against a virus who gives no damns about your life.
What question? The whole reason we're in this mess is because nobody knows what to expect. That's why the whole point is to play it safe until there's more data.
You coming here asking "for people who WANT to cancel the season blah blah blah" is wrong because you're implying anyone wants this to happen. Further asking them what to expect is another form of trying to belittle them as how the **** would they know what to expect?

And this is a public message board. Everything you post pertains to everyone.

Get over your own needs and thirst for sports for one second. Nobody wants no sports - there's a reason why so many other countries have contained the virus and we're in this ****ing mess. The sense of birthright entitlement to everything is a formula for a disjointed effort against a virus who gives no damns about your life.
You're making a ton of assumptions over a simple question. For one, I could give AF if the season comes back. I just expect that it will for various reasons. Don't know where you got the idea that I'm thirsty for the season to return when I haven't even been posting in here like that since it was suspended. My question was an attempt to understand the logic of people who think it's too risky to resume this season but want the NBA to come back later this year. MVP MVP made a coherent response. I don't necessarily agree with it but at least it makes sense.

Sounding a lot more like a matter of 'when' they announce a return than 'if' after that conference call...

They're probably still working on the logistics and contingences but from the accounts from Woj and Shams,the owners seem pretty set on finishing the season whenever it becomes feasible

Could see them doing something like splitting the conferences by city for the rest of the season. Orlando for the East and Vegas for the West

They are talking about training camp, it's coming back. The NBA is just trying to give some time for the amount of available testing to the public to increase to a point where they won't get killed when they jump back in

It’s wild to be accused of fear-mongering over something that has killed 80K people in two months.

Plus, I work with hospitals and have had many conversations with front line healthcare workers who have been dealing with COVID. It has literally traumatized some of them forever and actually killed others. That’s part of reason of the reason I have such little tolerance for people who downplay the significance of the situation purely for reasons built on self-interest.
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So for you it's not really about safety or anything like that, but the continuity/storyline of an NBA season?
It still is about safety. Asking "you expect things to be different in October?" implying that the season should then resume now at the very least seems like faulty logic

It doesn't seem like even the most in the know people in the world have enough data on this to know what to expect or fully grasp the scope of impact. Ideally you'd want a substantial break through for the season to resume

Without one, if you canceled this season and then made as full proof of a plan to proceed with a new season under heavy restraints as possible, at least you can in good faith try to resume

Resuming this season would seem like a rush job and piecemeal
It still is about safety. Asking "you expect things to be different in October?" implying that the season should then resume now at the very least seems like faulty logic

It doesn't seem like even the most in the know people in the world have enough data on this to know what to expect or fully grasp the scope of impact. Ideally you'd want substantial break through for the season to resume

Without one, if you canceled this season and then made as full proof of a plan to proceed with a new season under heavy restraints, at least you can in good faith try to resume

Resuming this season would seem like a rush job and piecemeal
Ok. This response is completely different than the last one where you talked about meta. My question wasn't implying that the season should resume now. It was trying to understand what would be different between resuming it now and coming back later in the year to start next season. It was directed at the people who hold that particular opinion. I personally don't think it would be any less risky to start in October or whenever as opposed to the next few weeks. So either cancel the entire NBA schedule indefinitely or get the wheels in motion to resume the year since the circumstances aren't going to change much. If it's too dangerous to start the season now in spite of how conservatively the NBA is handling the situation, then it's going to be too dangerous until the virus is completely wiped out.
Ok. This response is completely different than the last one where you talked about meta. My question wasn't implying that the season should resume now. It was trying to understand what would be different between resuming it now and coming back later in the year to start next season. It was directed at the people who hold that particular opinion.
Well yes, there's different reasons not to resume the season. I was just naming one of them as safety seemed like the obvious one

What is there to understand about the difference of 3-5 more whole months of data?
Ok. This response is completely different than the last one where you talked about meta. My question wasn't implying that the season should resume now. It was trying to understand what would be different between resuming it now and coming back later in the year to start next season. It was directed at the people who hold that particular opinion. I personally don't think it would be any less risky to start in October or whenever as opposed to the next few weeks. So either cancel the entire NBA schedule indefinitely or get the wheels in motion to resume the year since the circumstances aren't going to change much. If it's too dangerous to start the season now in spite of how conservatively the NBA is handling the situation, then it's going to be too dangerous until the virus is completely wiped out.
Like MVP MVP said (at least he’s on the right side of this), more data points are going to help. It still might not end up being safe enough come October, but the more information, the better. I think a lot could potentially be learned over the next few months.
I think the league has been getting the wheels in motion though. It seems like they are genuinely interested in starting again but only under the right conditions. Which seems like the right choice

Assuming that "it's going to be too dangerous until the virus is completely wiped out" doesn't seem to have any scientific backing. Again, the more data that is gained by actual epidemiologists maybe then the league could put strict restraints in place to start. The more that teams and players and orgs can better prepare themselves for an entirely new way of NBA competition

It's not an all or nothing proposition, don't know why it has to be now or never (until the virus is completely gone)
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