Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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I seriously think people didn't watch hoop back then
I didn't either

... then... you can't... speak on it, right?
Today, April 17, Governor Abbott announced the issuance of 3 new executive orders related to COVID-19, including the creation of a Strike Force to Open Texas – a team of nationally recognized medical experts and private and public leaders who will advise the Governor on safely and strategically reopening the state of Texas.

Below is a summary of some key dates mentioned:
  • April 20th – State parks will open back up. Face coverings will be mandated, and no gatherings larger than 5.
  • April 22nd – Restrictions on some surgeries in some facilities will be lifted.
  • April 24th – Retail-to-go will be more readily available.
  • April 27th – Possibility of opening up restaurants, movie theaters, expanding elective surgeries.
    • The Strike Force will discuss all possibilities for opening Texas economy back up even more while protecting the most vulnerable.
  • Schools will remain closed for 2019/2020 school year.

@D StaXX g-time g-time

i still kind of feel this is too soon.

Just because they reopen doesn’t mean people will go.

And the movie theaters could also limit the number of people permitted in a screening so there’s space between everyone.

All that said, I wouldn’t be rushing out to the movies if I was a Texan.

yea neither would I. We haven’t even reached our peak yet.
The stats supposedly came from the Sixers stat keeper guy at the time
I'm not questioning if he was capable of it. He probably was. I'm just saying there's nothing official about it. I do question the level of competition he was facing though. Either way he was ahead of his time and giant amongst men in the era.
i still kind of feel this is too soon.

yea neither would I. We haven’t even reached our peak yet.

because it is. this is the problem i touched on yesterday. you have 2 categories of people, those who are taking COVID19 seriously, and those who aren't. Those who aren't downplay and dismiss its effects. "it's not that bad, more people die from the flu!" etc. The people who do take it seriously actually practice social distancing, lobby for stay at home measures to keep people away from each other etc. Those practices heavily decline the numbers of sick people walking around and exposing other people, making the stats look much better.

then the *******s who never took it seriously come back and say "see!?! you were overreacting! the death toll is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy lower than you said it would be!"

well yeah. no ****. it's because the rest of us took action and took it seriously. if we took the other side's advice and did nothing and went about our business like nothing was wrong, then it would have reached the death toll that was projected.
Hot takes about 90's and 80's baskebtall

The 92 USA team was obviously iconic and revolutionary in what it was, but the 96 team was better. I know ifs are dangerous and pointless, but I am of the opinion that if the 96 team could play the 92 team, 96 would win.
Man I don’t know how we are going to be able to hoop or when
Never mind the NBA, I’m wondering if there will be pickup ball any time before the summer is over. I see phase 1 said gyms can be open when enacted, but with strict social distancing guidelines. So that right there is a no go for hooping if folks follow that like they should.
Never mind the NBA, I’m wondering if there will be pickup ball any time before the summer is over. I see phase 1 said gyms can be open when enacted, but with strict social distancing guidelines. So that right there is a no go for hooping if folks follow that like they should.

You can’t even shoot around with other folks, right?
because it is. this is the problem i touched on yesterday. you have 2 categories of people, those who are taking COVID19 seriously, and those who aren't. Those who aren't downplay and dismiss its effects. "it's not that bad, more people die from the flu!" etc. The people who do take it seriously actually practice social distancing, lobby for stay at home measures to keep people away from each other etc. Those practices heavily decline the numbers of sick people walking around and exposing other people, making the stats look much better.

then the *******s who never took it seriously come back and say "see!?! you were overreacting! the death toll is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy lower than you said it would be!"

well yeah. no ****. it's because the rest of us took action and took it seriously. if we took the other side's advice and did nothing and went about our business like nothing was wrong, then it would have reached the death toll that was projected.

yea I’m a middle school gym teacher at a school that has 1500+ students at it. Our smallest gym class is 90+ kids, largest is almost 150+. Im considered high risk because I’m an asthmatic. I want no part of that lol.
Never mind the NBA, I’m wondering if there will be pickup ball any time before the summer is over. I see phase 1 said gyms can be open when enacted, but with strict social distancing guidelines. So that right there is a no go for hooping if folks follow that like they should.
In small towns and pockets of the country, yes. I live in one, and it's very different here than what I've heard in say Chicago, NYC, Seattle. Not saying it's all normal here, but I've heard there are places here where drones are policing from above and if you're out and about, you'll be visited by a cop pretty quick.

Yeah, it's definitely not like that here. My son and I shoot every day I've got him. We don't play with anyone else, but we're on a court, and there are others on courts. From what I've heard, even THAT'S not happening in some of these other places.
Have any of y’all been to a park recently? Thinking about going to the park to run. Good or bad idea?

just like going outside to do anything these days, just be mindful of your distance with other people, wear a face covering of some sort, etc.

Going outside isn't the issue. it's congregating in close proximity with a ton of other people. I played 18 on wednesday, and i'll probably play again on sunday weather permitting. the courses have been full, but everyone is mindful of keeping safe distances from each other so the courses don't get shut down and we don't lose out on a good thing.
The fetishizing of the physical play in the 90's is insane :lol: I seriously think people didn't watch hoop back then (I didn't either, young pup) but I've watched PLENTY of games from those eras and those fights much like today were rare, and a lot of pushing and shoving.

Can you imagine steph with a shorter 3pt line like they had a few of those years in the 90's? With those handles and shooting off the bounce? Ha

I was watching Mark Eaton play the other day....imagine him in a P&R with Threezus

And that’s a DPOY. Good lord :lol:.
Never mind the NBA, I’m wondering if there will be pickup ball any time before the summer is over. I see phase 1 said gyms can be open when enacted, but with strict social distancing guidelines. So that right there is a no go for hooping if folks follow that like they should.

I saw 4 guys playing hoops this morning at the park up the street from my house. That keeps up they might have to take the rims down like they did in NY.
He's top 20 all time players ever easy

In the 11- 20 range

Somewhere between Kobe and Steph

Timing did not work in Moses’ favor. His years as the best player on his team were before the NBA blew up in the 1980s for a team that historically had not been very good.Then he went to the Sixers and was overshadowed by Dr. J, although he was still very good. Started to decline after that.
because it is. this is the problem i touched on yesterday. you have 2 categories of people, those who are taking COVID19 seriously, and those who aren't. Those who aren't downplay and dismiss its effects. "it's not that bad, more people die from the flu!" etc. The people who do take it seriously actually practice social distancing, lobby for stay at home measures to keep people away from each other etc. Those practices heavily decline the numbers of sick people walking around and exposing other people, making the stats look much better.

then the *******s who never took it seriously come back and say "see!?! you were overreacting! the death toll is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy lower than you said it would be!"

well yeah. no ****. it's because the rest of us took action and took it seriously. if we took the other side's advice and did nothing and went about our business like nothing was wrong, then it would have reached the death toll that was projected.
Imagine getting a disease and your doctor prescribes a medicine for a few weeks. You don't think you have to take the medicine because IN YOUR MIND it's not that serious but your friends, family and physician practically force you, because well, the disease kills people. You feel better after 1 week. Only an asshat would go "See!?! I told y'all it wasnt that bad! I don't even need this medicine anymore, I never did!" and argue with everyone that they should stop taking the medicine immediately.
Imagine getting a disease and your doctor prescribes a medicine for a few weeks. You don't think you have to take the medicine because IN YOUR MIND it's not that serious but your friends, family and physician practically force you, because well, the disease kills people. You feel better after 1 week. Only an asshat would go "See!?! I told y'all it wasnt that bad! I don't even need this medicine anymore, I never did!" and argue with everyone that they should stop taking the medicine immediately.

Yep. But there's a lot of asshats out there. Currently a protest going on in Huntington Beach against stay-at-home orders and Governor Newsome's "socialist plat to ruin the economy."

Meanwhile . . .

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