The Walking Dead - Official Thread

:stoneface: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cmon. How do you not go with that? They chopped up the whole finale, cuz a couple people found out what happened? This aint Lost. :lol:

Hol up...can you imagine how the chick that plays Andrea felt, finding out? So uh...the script leaked and we're gonna have to do some reshoots. Laurie, can I talk to you in private?

Nah, I don't buy that. Maybe that was their plan til they sent AMC an estimate and AMC laughed in their face wondering who was gonna pay for all that.
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:stoneface: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cmon. How do you not go with that? They chopped up the whole finale, cuz a couple people found out what happened? This aint Lost. :lol:

Hol up...can you imagine how the chick that plays Andrea felt, finding out? So uh...the script leaked and we're gonna have to do some reshoots. Laurie, can I talk to you in private?

Nah, I don't buy that. Maybe that was their plan til they sent AMC an estimate and AMC laughed in their face wondering who was gonna pay for all that.

Yeah for real that finale last night made no sense whatsoever.

I would have been pissed though if I the actor playing Andrea and they did that.

You're right though just because it leaked and a couple people found out doesn't mean they should have changed major significant events... they just need to protect the leaks better or find another way of combating the leaks or something.

But, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a "dream" episode or something.
I don't know but if that script was real it would have been a home run!! That was an awesome script and I could envision it all as I was reading it. Milton was awesome and needed to stay a part of the show. Andrea still could have been off'd. She got WAY too annoying plus the interactions with her and Michonne would have been awkward moving forward. Only thing I didn't like was Glen being the one to sorta kill off the Gov. Would have preferred Daryl or even Maggie kill him off. Damn I wish they would have kept that script. Would have been a hell of a lot better.
I broke down the OG episode and compared it to the re shot episode

The Governor returns to Woodbury and is very angry by what Merle did to his men. He tells WB that the prison group has killed more men and must be stopped.

This happened

The Governor walks into the torture room and hits Andrea.

The hitting scene in the episode was originally Andrea like every one guessed. The redid episode just added the Milton part

In the prison, everyone is worried because Daryl has not returned yet. There is a sense of panic between Carol and Rick. Rick seemd to feel guilty. The group decides it must go - Hershel tells them they must either leave or too many will die. Then Daryl just shows up. The entire group looks at Daryl in silence. Carol walks up to him but sees the sadness in his eyes - can tell he's been crying. Daryl steps away from Carol and angrily tells the Group: Merle is dead and the Governor has to pay for it. He starts to cry again and everyone is just silent.

We pretty much got this in the redid version. Seems like they took out some scenes and just made some edits

The Governor, with Andrea bleeding behind him, sends Martinez to prepare his soldiers to attack the prison - to make sure they have everything they need. Martinez looks at Andrea but just turns and follows orders.

This was scrapped

Rick is talking with the Group and saying that they should just leave the prison, but Daryl and Michonne don't want to leave it to the Governor. "He's done too much to just walk away," Daryl says. Rick tells them that he has an idea. He walks over to Michonne and asks her to forgive him and that she is needed and is a part of the group. Then it skips to everyone packing up their suitcases and bags and walking out and entering their cars. Carl stays behind for a bit and begins to cry. When he hears footsteps, he wipes his face dry and walks out. The entire group is giving one last look at the prison. Beth says, "this was our home and now it's just the tomb of Lori, T-Dog, and Axel." Everyone except Rick, Daryl, and Michonne drives off.

Seems like they edited this scene out but stuck with the plot because Darryl, Rick, & Michonne did stay behind while everyone else was packed up in the cars outside of the prison

The Governor and his soldiers are headed to the prison. The Governor riding up on top of the truck leading the group. Martinez, on one of the trucks attacks two of the towers with a grenade launcher. The trucks pile through the game with the towers on fire. The trucks demolish the fence of the prison, some of the vehicles are damaged by traps, but all the soldiers head up to the prison.

This pretty much stayed in the episode

The Governor is in one of their trucks while most of the men are forced to walk up to the prison on foot, but everything seems to be abandoned. The men are baffled, but with a hand gesture, the Governor indicates that the group needs to enter the prison - believing the prison group must be hiding. Allen, in front of the group, opens a door, but cannot see anyone. inside. The Governor tells them that they must enter the prison while a small group stays outside with him. The Governor's men are now going through the blocks, but are surprised that all doors are open and no one is there. This does not stop the Governor. He tells them to "go ahead with the expedition."

They switched this part up a little but the end result was the same. They ended up walking into the prison

In Woodbury, Milton decides to check on the room where the Governor wants to torture michone, but it is closed. Milton starts to walk away but stops and thinks that the room was not closed before. He looks around to see if anyone is near and then starts looking for something to try to open it.

Milton ends up in the room with Andrea so again they switched it up but the end result still ended with Andrea & Milton in the torture room

In the prison, the Governor and his men hear sirens start to go off as they are still looking for the prison group. The ringing of the prison siren starts to attract walkers that are just outside the fences. Within a few minutes, walkers are everywhere. All the doors are open there is no way to stop the walker from coming ins. Pretty soon, the prison is filled with walkers. The Governor's begin attacking the walkers, which seem to be coming from everywhere, but they can't seem to stop the flow. The group with the Governor is soon surrounded by walkers and a big group of his men are cornered and eaten in the generator room. The Governor's men begin to run like crazy in every direction - many of them being overrun by walkers.

This is where things became kinda choppy in the redid episode. The original episode made more sense Ricks group basically lead them into a trap cause they knew how to work the sirens to attract the walkers. The redid version made was poorly done and explained and not that many walkers was involved

Daryl comes out of nowhere and hides behind a truck. Karen sees him and tries to kill him, but he hits her (but he doesn't kill her) without anybody to seeing it. He then closes the gate so the Govornor can just run away. Rick is with Michonne in the forest and observes what's happening at the prison and then turns and walks away.

This scene pretty much happened but in a different way. Darryl, Rick, & Michonne was on the highway and was looking at the Woodbury army and Darryl was caught off guard by Karen in the truck banging on the window.

Inside the prison, the Governor and Martínez are struggling to survive, but there are too many walkers around them and the Governor only has a handful of his guys left with him. The Governor is surrounded by walkers but throws Martinez to them. For a second, Martinez tries to fight back against the Governor, but the Governor stabs Martinez in the chest and then pushes him back into the group of walkers.

This part was totally scrapped

In Woodbury, Milton frees Andrea and is immediately asked where the Governor is. He tells her that he went to the prison to kill the prison group. Andrea starts crying and then tells Milton that he must immediately leave Woodbury with her.

In the redid version Milton did sorta help free Andrea. But they both ended up being killed offed

Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Glenn and Maggie are outside of Woodbury with Karen - her hands tied together. Rick tells Maggie and Glenn are to wait there for them and if they do not return in 20 minutes, to come and find them. Rick, Daryl and Michonne, pulling Karen with them, see Sasha and Tyreese and a large group of teenagers and children guarding the gate. Tyreese tells them to drop their guns and stop where they are. Rick tells Tyreese to let them in and that if they can not enter, he will kill Karen. Tyreese does not know what to do. Rick tells them that they are coming in peace and that he doesn't want to fight them. As a gesture of goodwill, Rick and Daryl drop their weapons while Michonne points her pistol at Karen. Tyreese says that they must open the doors, but Sasha doesn't let him.

This pretty much happened minus a few parts

Andrea, with milton, sees what is happening and runs up to the gate. She screams out that the Governor is insane. The kids are all nervous and one of them points his rifle and then the other children start to fire at Rick and his group. Karen falls into some bushes and hides. Rick, Daryl, and Michonne hide behind a car. Tyreese tries to stop the shooting, but one of the kids points a rifle at him. Sasha gets in front of him and tells the kid to put it down. It shows a close up of his eyes - showing his fear. He shoots and kills Sasha.. The kids, who are shooting in every direction suddenly stop when Sasha is shot.

The shooting did happen. Sasha wasnt killed. The close up shot of kids eyes idea was used at the beginning of the redid episode with the Governors eye

The screen skips over to Glenn and maggie, who are next to a train car, and the Governor is behind them. He attacks Glenn and Maggie with a knife. He and glenn fight for a bit - then glenn gets knocked back. Maggie tries to hit the gov but misses, yet she makes him step away from glenn. The Governor reaches for her to try and take her hostage - but Glenn shoots him in the stomach.

This was scrapped but made sense cause Maggie and the rape thing. So it woulda made the fans feel like she got her revenge! Yayyy Maggie

Rick takes Andrea, Daryl and Michonne and begins to make torches from the bonfires of the center of Woodbury. They start to set the buildings on fire on fire - one by one. Andrea tells Rick that Milton has to come with them, Rick angrily accepts. Maggie and Glenn grab each and they join up with the others - standing in front of the fiery buildings.

AND THIS IS WHY THEY DIDNT GO BACK TO WOODBURY IN THE REDID VERSION!!! Because the story was already set up for Woodbury to be burned down. So im assuming they tore the set down and didnt have enough time to rebuild it to shoot a scene of the group goin to Woodbury instead if the prison. So we got a big loop hole and chopped up scene which they probably will try to fix/patch up next season. Plus like they stated before the prison cost so much to build for the set the probably was like "we need to get our moneys worth any way! back to prison we go!" :lol:

The Governor, crawling towards the gate, is looking for his gun, but Tyreese kicks it away, raising Sasha's dead body up into his arms. Woodbury is in flames and quickly fills with walkers.

This was scrapped

Hershel, Carl, Carol, Beth, and Judith arrive in cars and the rest of the group, including Milton, starts to get in. When they are about to leave, Tyreese and asks if he can go with him,. Rick must make a quick decision. He looks at Hershel. He says, "Yes." Tyreese cries as he lies his sister behind some bushes. The fire is growing and his face is covered in tears. He wipes his face and runs over to the group as walkers start to get close.

This kinda happened cause Tyrese did end up joining the group but Sasha is alive and joined as well as some Woodbury citizens

The Governor tries to get up but can't, so he looks up and at to his village in flames and begins to cry out as the walkers beging to pour onto him.

The cars come to a stop on the road, surrounded by woods, and Rick says they have to go someplace new - find a new home. Everyone is smiling after the victory, except Tyreese, who is still crying. Daryl approaches Tyreese and says: I understand your pain, I lost someone too, but we must go.
Tyreese dry tears ......... the end.

All this was scrapped as well

I tried to break it down as best as I could
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Some of y'all could suck the fun out of Disney world. Make a separate walking dead bashing thread and take it all there.
Anyone peep this pic?

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That "script" was/is NOT real. The only scenes they ended up re-shooting were the ones with Rick/Michonne/Daryl at Woodbury.
I don't see how anyone can be happy with that finale. The other script would've been so much better.

I was ok with the finale- until i read the other script. LOL

that other one would've been soooo much better. who cares if it got leaked, if it was a well written episode; seeing it would still be better than just reading about it....
Any truth to Andrea being killed off because she wanted out, due to threats and harassment from fans?
I was very dissapointed in the cliffhanger, leaves me with almost no care of what happens now...lead me to something jeesh
Any truth to Andrea being killed off because she wanted out, due to threats and harassment from fans?
She really got death threats after she shot Daryl last season? :wow: :stoneface: :smh: :lol: What is wrong with people.

I'm starting to understand why the ratings are OD.

The threats have become alarming enough that producers had Holden and Reedus take this picture together with big-*** smiles on their face, just in the hope of assuaging fans. They thought that maybe, just maybe, the ill-wishers would realize that these are actors, actors doing their respective jobs, and not the characters they play on The Walking Dead.

deaththreats.jpg >D
The guy who plays Rick does a good job!

His regular voice has a heavy accent
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