The Walking Dead - Official Thread

it is what it is. :smh: About to be 4 seasons in, nothing is going to change unless the ratings drop significantly.

The Milton/Andrea scene was pure comedy.

The flashbang scene was funny.

At least they finally showed the other side of the Gov, but at the same time the Gov gets to live to Season 4 :x

Moving the people to the jail instead of taking Woodbury which is filled with supplies and has better living conditions, where they do that at?
Help me.out bros, got time to kill till October, rank these shows as best as possible best to worst, feel free to add any other show

Breaking bad, sons of anarchy, mad men, hero's, lost
Help me.out bros, got time to kill till October, rank these shows as best as possible best to worst, feel free to add any other show

Breaking bad, sons of anarchy, mad men, hero's, lost
Breaking Bad
Mad Men


LOST is excellent until the last season. If you're in to all mysteries and questions being answered you'll hate it cuz it doesn't do that but 4 seasons in it's a great ride and up there with the best television

Then there's w/e Heroes is but at least they had the decency to let us know it wasn't going to be what it could've been after the 1st season.
Help me.out bros, got time to kill till October, rank these shows as best as possible best to worst, feel free to add any other show

Breaking bad, sons of anarchy, mad men, hero's, lost
Breaking Bad
Mad Men


LOST is excellent until the last season. If you're in to all mysteries and questions being answered you'll hate it cuz it doesn't do that but 4 seasons in it's a great ride and up there with the best television

Then there's w/e Heroes is but at least they had the decency to let us know it wasn't going to be what it could've been after the 1st season.

Yeah I'd take Heroes off that list :lol:

I'd add Boardwalk Empire as well, I just started that this week and I love it so far, and the Shield if you haven't seen it...I still need to watch Mad Men and SOA but I'm confident Breaking Bad is the best of the list you've got...that show is fantastic and only second to the Wire for me.
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Quite frankly, one of the worst season finales I've ever seen.
They had two good, interesting characters left and they killed them both offscreen in the same room. :lol:

But hey, it's Easter Sunday, maybe they'll find a cure and keep her alive.

And Martinez...he had more to him than Tyrese, so of course they turn him into a complete *****. :lol:

He just sits back and lets the governor get his K/D up, while the only people who die are Woodbury people...

But at least they finally wrapped up the Prison storyline. At least that Governor stuff is over with. :nerd: >D :rofl:
I has disappoint, with the exception of Carls change, my dude lost all dambs...

Andrea dying was silly.

The governor getting away after they dragged it for so long was too damb stupid
Help me.out bros, got time to kill till October, rank these shows as best as possible best to worst, feel free to add any other show

Breaking bad, sons of anarchy, mad men, hero's, lost

Breaking Bad
The Wire
The Shield
Game of Thrones
Sons of Anarchy

in that order
At least there's a chance of the masses finally recognizing what some of us have known for a long time and the ratings take a hit. That's about the only thing that can evoke any change now.

This show is like ESPN circa a decade ago to me. You watch it because it's the only real option (for zombie television), but you know it is dreadful, has been, and will continue to be.
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Writer's getting away with murder, dragging three episodes out into an entire season. The hell was that war scene supposed to be? They come armed up ready to bang with tons of people, a flash bang goes off and they all run away? :rofl:

They were not about that life.
The show should be canceled! It started out so exciting then it turned stories that should have been one episode into a whole season! Smh wow there was no conclusion to the governor. I tried to keep watching but I'm done!
Terrible season finale. I'm done with this show, just like I stopped watching The Killing ...
Speaking of Lost, the direction The Walking Dead has gone makes me appreciate/miss Lost more than ever. Sure the last season was bad but that is one show that knew how to pull off this formula - a large group of characters trying to survive a dire situation. And this whole Woodbury vs. the Prison war makes me appreciate how Lost pulled off their battle of the two camps. The Governor is just too much a caricature compared to someone like Ben Linus.
This finale just embodies the series as a whole...inconsistency.

The episode began really interesting with the dialogue between Milton and The Governor and for The Governor to stab Milton and have him slowly die was a real good way to set the tone for an episode. But in classic Walking Dead fashion as the episode goes on, the more idiotic and implausible the story and characters become.

Let's start with Carl. I'll give him a pass right now but they way he started the episode angry felt really forced to me. They could have started this new storyline with him a couple episodes ago rather than just throw it out there. Sure he gave Rick a talking about why he did what he did but it didn't fit this episode. Again I'll give him a pass to see how they develop his character in S4.

Now Andrea. It's a shame they basically threw her character into the gutter this entire season. She was beginning to grow one she learned how to shoot at the end of S2 and they do nothing with her for 16 episodes this season. I guess she had to go out the only way she could have based on how she was written, stupidity. Why keep looking over at/talking to Milton when she knows that he's going to turn any second. But Andrea being Andrea she waits and worries for a dying man rather than her own safety. Then to top it off she can't kill a walker with pliers? It's frustrating to see wasted potential in a character then have her get killed off in the most stupid way.

On to the Woodbury citizens, like some have said why not inhabit a town that has many resources at its disposal. No we're going to take them back to the prison where there's barely any resources to speak of.

Like several posts above, not surprised that Glen Mazzara and Frank Darabont left the show, whether they were fired or left on own terms, seeing the results of the episodes since their departing news speaks for itself.
You'll be back in October

I'll be back for sure. At the end of the day, I'm a sucker for zombies and they do a good job with those at least.

It's a guilty pleasure. Some people watch ****** stuff like The Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars or American Idol or Smash or The Killing.

This is mine.

And it's good for maybe 3 well done episodes a season, so that's something. *shrug*
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excellent ending we'll see how next season goes not sure if I'll be participating though

now the usual issues with the show...

notice how the governor went from manipulative, to bat **** crazy in two episodes. would've been nice for some gradual character development. see his actions get crazier and crazier.
you missin out man, they finished season 2 well imo. it was that slow the wire type of build up tho

My girlfriend watched it and gave me a recap at the very end -- still not interested. They took season 2 to solve season 1's problems. The Walking Dead has just stepped into the same category ...
Wow okay, I didn't think it'd be that much worse than the semi fake spoiler script. I knew the war was gonna be lame but that's how the Governor's part in this ends for now? Murk some ppl in a fit of rage and you out? :lol:

I aint mad at Carl for killing the kid he was taking too long to drop the rifle. Lets see if he becomes the new Shane with Hershel being his Dale :lol: His talk to Rick was good.

Andrea :smh: :rolleyes :stoneface: That's the writers insulting the viewer's intelligence right there. No real need to kill her. It's like they're getting off on killing ppl early for the sake of it. To think the talking dead was saying Andrea's story was told and it all wrapped up? What? More like they didn't know what to do with her, can't juggle that many characters so they killed her.

For the ppl sticking with the show I at least hope next season they skip to all those newcomers being dead and the prison overrun.

I could've watched Vikings much sooner than this crap :smh:

Kirkman should be embarrassed to have his name attached to this show at this point.
Carl's character change is the most interesting thing to come out of this episode.

The Gov shooting down his own people :x About time.

When Andrea showed the bite I let out a yell of excitement :rofl: :rofl:

With that said, I'll be back for next season.

Good riddance to the guys leaving.

I'm mad that I got 4 months still to wait until Breaking Bad comes back.
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