the thread about nothing...

There's abbreviations for everything these days...
im black and i enjoy watching home improvement

is there something wrong with me? :\

i'm the same only your a year older than me.


im black and i enjoy watching home improvement

is there something wrong with me? :\
Nope. I think that show is hilarious. I was just talking about it at work today as a matter of fact cause one of my coworkers is into that stuff.

I've said it before but I swear we'd be friends in real life.

Got the red blinking light on my fat ps3 today while playing my player on 2k. I was so >:

I went out and got the new slim ps3.

Any suggestions on what to do with my old ps3? Can I actually get something back for it?
Amazon mp3 deals > anything else at the moment.. I've been on a shopping spree for the last few weeks :smokin
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Got the red blinking light on my fat ps3 today while playing my player on 2k. I was so

I went out and got the new slim ps3.
Any suggestions on what to do with my old ps3? Can I actually get something back for it?
you could just ship it to my address...'pay it forward'! That karma will fondle your soul and make you feel so good!
I can't fap in the shower. Never have...ever.

I also don't like fapping to porn either *shrugs* stuff is so farfetched and unrealistic.
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