the thread about nothing...

I don't care what age you are, having your father-figure in your life is important
Let me fix that for you

It didn't need to be fixed. I know what I said. NOTHING replaces your father, not even father figures, although they could be a really good substitute and influence. I was fortunate enough to have my dad and my stepfather in my life when I was younger. While I appreciated many things my stepdad did for me, and do this day I take what he has taught with me, right and wrong for that matter, it still didn't have the same impact as it would have if it came from my biological father. 
There's too many types of families for this to even be remotely true.

I don't see how your situation can be generalized to everyone else.
I understand this. It also goes both ways though. You can have someone fill that void perfectly fine. I recognize that not everyone has a traditional family, but those who either didn't have their biological father or knew him very little would still like to have that piece of them resolved deep down. 
just tried hummus
that .... is gross! /chappelle
Theres lots of different kinds of hummus, some are good and others are
..... Jalapeno or Red Pepper is
I have recently discovered how good hummus is. Not all are good though I agree.
Y'all ever just sit down and realize how blessed you are
Yes, I do. Even when things aren't going how I want and things seem bad.
Pokemon, Digimon and Beyblade always felt like the same show to me.
They are
Y'all ever just sit down and realize how blessed you are
"I'm blessed....

I'm big boned.

I'm heavy structured.

I'm hung low.

If I pull my s%^# out, this whole room get dark."

- Bernie Mac 

It's colder then a pimps heart outside 
Which is why I stayed home today, plus all that snow that got dumped yesterday.
Someone make me a birthday thread.

Todays my birthday
Happy birthday
blocked accounts come up as a white bar with a spolier to click if you wanna see the post
Who's blocked

Hope not me

Is it cause I said Chicago sucks?

I'm sorry but it's true
idc what shade you toss at my city you still live on that island called new jersey

& you arent blocked ...other idiots are
well damn 

Today was such a struggle to get to work

Snow sucks when ur an adult
Indeed it does. I wasn't even trying to fight it today. Tomorrow is another story.
that Grantland Dr. V piece bothers me. Definitely even less of a Simmons fan now. Classless.
I need to go to this site more often. My like for Simmons waxes and wanes at times. 
Being in love with 2 women effin sucks. I have this physical connection with my girl cause she and her personality is cool, but I recently told my best friend how i really feel bout her only to find out she feels the same. When i asked why she never said anything she said cause I run around chasing different chicks and O should have known by the things she does for me(cook, clean, help me study). It's a damn dilemma for me cause I dont wanna hurt either girl
I can't escape this life that I'm livin', I'm in the mix I'm in love with two women, that's word to moms I got two honeys on my arms and I don't want to let none of them gooooo
This......I like for so many reasons.....
The heck is this???
I loved that episode. I was such a damn fanboy watching that 

 always hilarious
My feet are too cold brahs
I hate that feeling
My feet are too cold brahs

I NEED these, but in Michaelangelo
That awkward moment when you're walking to campus and you bump into a guy you used to talk to.
Just pretend like you never met them, it's not that hard
There are girls in TAN?

Sorry I don't pay attention lol
Wake up KP 
Nothing worse than getting up at 6am to turn on the tv and see snow covered ground and a temp of 6°. Nah, F all that 
Word, I'm bored. I'd rather have worked. I wish I could convince my job to let me work from home
I'm going to try and stop drinking until Memorial Day weekend

Wish me luck lol

10 days straight so far lol
Skype me at thadocta3

Guys i saw this beautiful bum bum on my way out of class. If i domt get her number on monday which is out next class meeting then i wantu all to block me forever
I don't want to quit drinking but I do need a break from it

I think that's an ok amount of time to take a break from drinking lol
i drink a half quart of gin to help me go to sleep everynight and i see no problem with it.

society is the one with the problem
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