the thread about nothing...

Nastradamus verse

I wish I was in the Bronx right now, I really do.
You right where you belong

I wish I was in the Bronx right now, I really do.
No you don't
You will never understand my love for the Bronx.

There's no point in getting a job, or my license if I'm leaving for NYC this year says my dad. He asks me "Why?" I tell him because I want a job to have money, and the ability to buy myself clothes every once in a while (the last time I bought clothes was last year...), shoes, get a haircut every now and then. I hate being dependent on them, I hate feeling broke. I don't know what it's like to go out with friends, I went to my first school game ever this year, I feel like my life would be completely different if they actually cared to put effort and time in helping to get certain things done. As in the reason I didn't get my permit, he hassles me "If you got your permit, you would be driving by now". Yet I tell him every time "If you actually made the appointment and took me when I was 15 I would've had it by now". The same with my mom, she tells me "You'll get your permit in August as soon as you get back, and you can get a job" 5 months later, still no job, and still no permit. I hate to say it, but I feel as if I'm still 14-15 years old. I can't wait until I'm in NYC on my own.
 I feel you 

 I'm 17 and still don't had my license. Just got my permit in November

Always begged my parents to take me but they never did

Also don't have a job, which I do and don't want.

I don't have time with sports and school, but I also want to make money so I don't rely on my parents.
Man, I hate relying on them. I feel like its stopping me from doing so much.
Got my permit at 18 and my license at 19... *kanyeshrug*
Permit at 18?
Permit at 18 

Everyone else in my school got their license 3 months after they turned 16. 

I feel weird because I am pretty much the only one that doesn't have it. I'm also one of the oldest kids in my grades. 

I'm not taking drivers Ed either, which means I have to wait six months after getting my permit. 

Which means I will be getting my license in around April at the age of about 17 and a half. 
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I went on WSHH

I never go on there, i watched a video of that guy munching on some period juice on the street

What a savage :rofl: :rofl:
saw a couple fighting tonight, I was sitting on a bench outside a store chillin waiting for my brother and his gf to get out then of all places this couple chooses to fight in front of me.

the girl I guess got a number from some other dude, her bf wanted his gf to unlock the phone, she didn't want to, he got her phone and spiked it on the ground, he walked away, she chased after him saying sorry, he kept walking, gf then pins him against a wall (I'm cereal btw, dude was beta) and they talk it out 
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