the thread about nothing...

I went on WSHH

I never go on there, i watched a video of that guy munching on some period juice on the street

What a savage
oh what the **** 

his smile when he first shows his face 
imagine the smell 

probably smelled like burning car.

homie was happy though, good for him.
When he pulled his face out lookin like this


I did an IRL banderas.gif and started dying :rofl: :rofl:

its IN THE STREET TOO!! WTH are BOTH of them thinking :lol: :lol:
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wore that blood on his face like war paint in Braveheart.
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Had a talk with my girl tonight that I guess was needed, but none of us wanted to initiate.

Good vibes when it was all said and done though :pimp: .

Oh, and that vile blood faced World Star vid :x .With that, I'm going to bed. Deuces TAN.
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They cut it off around this way.. at first i thought it was just the extensions they were cutting off, but nah, they cut off the whole ishh! 
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