the thread about nothing...

Maybe my negative attitude and aggressive demeanor towards others is a
result of my deep-seeded feeling of inadequacy. I should be nicer to people.
You're only gonna make your days less enjoyable harboring those feelings. Let all that stuff go, smile genuinely and just laugh at the dumb things people do without attaching any emotions to it. You're not inadequate, clear your head and just follow your intuition.

Any of y'all watch Jeff, Who Lives At Home?Great movie for learning to let go and just follow the signs.
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There's no point in getting a job, or my license if I'm leaving for NYC this year says my dad. He asks me "Why?" I tell him because I want a job to have money, and the ability to buy myself clothes every once in a while (the last time I bought clothes was last year...), shoes, get a haircut every now and then. I hate being dependent on them, I hate feeling broke. I don't know what it's like to go out with friends, I went to my first school game ever this year, I feel like my life would be completely different if they actually cared to put effort and time in helping to get certain things done. As in the reason I didn't get my permit, he hassles me "If you got your permit, you would be driving by now". Yet I tell him every time "If you actually made the appointment and took me when I was 15 I would've had it by now". The same with my mom, she tells me "You'll get your permit in August as soon as you get back, and you can get a job" 5 months later, still no job, and still no permit. I hate to say it, but I feel as if I'm still 14-15 years old. I can't wait until I'm in NYC on my own.
mostly this.

finna make these tacos doe


this is real footage too...
Gum near the wisdom tooth area hella hurts. I dont think its my wisdom tooth cause it started hurting the day after i had x rays and teeth cleaning done and they didn't say anything.
Its was cool talking with shoryu...but I made a joke and never really apologized to her...

My b shoryu. 
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