the thread about nothing...

I'm getting so curious about stalley without a beard...

tried everything from "stalley no beard" "stalley beardless" etc nothing came up :nerd:

... can someone just photoshop it? for the lulz :lol:
I'm getting so curious about stalley without a beard...
tried everything from "stalley no beard" "stalley beardless" etc nothing came up

... can someone just photoshop it? for the lulz
I was just on reddit and someone posted a Patrick Stewart wtf meme. It was about TDKR. It said why the .... do people still live in Gotham?

That .... made me laugh so hard.
..... like that makes my skin crawl.

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Apparently, not updating your Facebook profile picture for nearly a year is the equivalent of not having a Facebook at all.
It's crazy all you cats w/ sleeping problems. I'm the same, but i just learned to embrace it. All that over the counter **** doesn't work for me. Melatonin? Nope. Advil PM, Tylenol PM, Benadryl? Nah. But i will say this, i got diagnosed w/ insomnia among other things, and doc put me on ambien a while back. No sir, that **** works too well. First time i took it i slept 16 str8 hours. and i will say this, it makes your whole body sleep :lol:, i mean legs, arms, d, all that ****, i was numb as ****. it was a crazy experience.
So Silly Putty is back. Be on the lookout for him in this thread, at a moments notice this could become a religious battle ground.
Who else hates their father and wishes to never turn out like them? My parents aren't divorced or anything but sometimes I wish they were. My dad is arrogant, stupid, immature, ill mannered and the most selfish human being I ever came across. I think about what will happened if he died and honestly I don't think I would be saddened by it. I would welcome it and embrace it like it was nothing. Just a simple Kanye shrug. End rant.
I thought the very same thing about my father. then he hit a tree and went into a coma and was broke all to ****. and while i'm standing there staring at his vegged out body i can't help but love em. he still is the worst kind of person...he just CAN'T be right now. eh. i guess it depends on the circumstances....
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