the thread about nothing...

you messed up bad there bruh. you really just got to dead them hard. she will make up all kinds of **** to try and get a response from you. don't give in.
there was a time when i only messed with the psycho types. :evil: :smh:
I've had broads vandalize, harass relatives, camp out in front of the pad/job, and lie about all kinds of crazy ****. you just got to dead her til she gets it or moves on to another victim. in extreme cases (you not there yet homie) you have to out crazy her. this is :lol: |I :smh: :x >: all at the same time. that or pack them bags and hire a hit man.

Nah man pretty sure I AM THERE! She used to camp outside the pad, show up where she knew I would be etc...She hit me maaaaany times...My boy just called saying I need to watch out, she's so crazy she might try to kill me or something.

you messed up bad there bruh. you really just got to dead them hard. she will make up all kinds of **** to try and get a response from you. don't give in.
there was a time when i only messed with the psycho types. :evil: :smh:
I've had broads vandalize, harass relatives, camp out in front of the pad/job, and lie about all kinds of crazy ****. you just got to dead her til she gets it or moves on to another victim. in extreme cases (you not there yet homie) you have to out crazy her. this is :lol: |I :smh: :x >: all at the same time. that or pack them bags and hire a hit man.

Nah man pretty sure I AM THERE! She used to camp outside the pad, show up where she knew I would be etc...She hit me maaaaany times...My boy just called saying I need to watch out, she's so crazy she might try to kill me or something.


but really doe... might be time to out crazy her than. how old is this chick?

the females out today were extra :smokin i love the skin to weather ratio.

heading out. saturday night. its about to go down
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but really doe... might be time to out crazy her than. how old is this chick?
the females out today were extra :smokin i love the skin to weather ratio.
heading out. saturday night. its about to go down

She's about to be 23...I'm 24, going on 25. Just didn't know someone could be THAT crazy. Tough to move on, but this stuff is helping. Been a rough year, my boy committed suicide, my gma passed away, mom diagnosed with cancer (just finished radiation for good though *knock on wood*) and now this bs...And I'm having jaw surgery in 2 weeks!

Waiting for my ride to show up so we can be on our way to The Vegas 8)
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but really doe... might be time to out crazy her than. how old is this chick?
the females out today were extra :smokin i love the skin to weather ratio.
heading out. saturday night. its about to go down

She's about to be 23...I'm 24, going on 25. Just didn't know someone could be THAT crazy. Tough to move on, but this stuff is helping. Been a rough year, my boy committed suicide, my gma passed away, mom diagnosed with cancer (just finished radiation for good though *knock on wood*) and now this bs...And I'm having jaw surgery in 2 weeks!

Waiting for my ride to show up so we can be on our way to The Vegas 8)

stay positive Ecook0808, you got this man. just keep your head up and watch everything turn for the good :smokin
> Cute girl towards front of class
> Had been mirin' from afar, but this was the day... the day I make a move
> Come up and sit beside her
> Talk to her about how boring class is, just trying to keep it casual and relaxed
> Convince her that we should start doing study groups together
> Feelinggoodman.jpeg
> Class about to start
> Tell her i'm about to head back to my spot
> SUDDENLY, nervousness out of nowhere
> For some reason, I can't decide whether to say "See ya later" or "Talk to ya later"
> Must decide quickly, everything's gone smooth till now
> Blurt out a mixture of both "see ya later" and "talk to ya later"
> What came out: "Suck ya later"
> ......................................
> Walk to the back of the class in absolute shame, with head down
> Haven't talked to or seen that chick in a pretty good while....
> Cute girl towards front of class
> Had been mirin' from afar, but this was the day... the day I make a move
> Come up and sit beside her
> Talk to her about how boring class is, just trying to keep it casual and relaxed
> Convince her that we should start doing study groups together
> Feelinggoodman.jpeg
> Class about to start
> Tell her i'm about to head back to my spot
> SUDDENLY, nervousness out of nowhere
> For some reason, I can't decide whether to say "See ya later" or "Talk to ya later"
> Must decide quickly, everything's gone smooth till now
> Blurt out a mixture of both "see ya later" and "talk to ya later"
> What came out: "Suck ya later"
> ......................................
> Walk to the back of the class in absolute shame, with head down
> Haven't talked to or seen that chick in a pretty good while....
at least ur tried playa

:lol: .

I always mess up with that.

Like after class, I'll be talking to someone and I'll say "See you later," even if I wont see them for a few days. I sometimes get the :rolleyes look. It sounds weird saying "bye" or "take care."
Got arrested tonight for absolutely NOTHING by this overcompensating douche cop. Dude tried to charge me with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest
after a routine traffic stop, and this was a black officer :stoneface: Napoleon complex is real man.
> Cute girl towards front of class
> Had been mirin' from afar, but this was the day... the day I make a move
> Come up and sit beside her
> Talk to her about how boring class is, just trying to keep it casual and relaxed
> Convince her that we should start doing study groups together
> Feelinggoodman.jpeg
> Class about to start
> Tell her i'm about to head back to my spot
> SUDDENLY, nervousness out of nowhere
> For some reason, I can't decide whether to say "See ya later" or "Talk to ya later"
> Must decide quickly, everything's gone smooth till now
> Blurt out a mixture of both "see ya later" and "talk to ya later"
> What came out: "Suck ya later"
> ......................................
> Walk to the back of the class in absolute shame, with head down
> Haven't talked to or seen that chick in a pretty good while....

> Cute girl towards front of class
> Had been mirin' from afar, but this was the day... the day I make a move
> Come up and sit beside her
> Talk to her about how boring class is, just trying to keep it casual and relaxed
> Convince her that we should start doing study groups together
> Feelinggoodman.jpeg
> Class about to start
> Tell her i'm about to head back to my spot
> SUDDENLY, nervousness out of nowhere
> For some reason, I can't decide whether to say "See ya later" or "Talk to ya later"
> Must decide quickly, everything's gone smooth till now
> Blurt out a mixture of both "see ya later" and "talk to ya later"
> What came out: "Suck ya later"
> ......................................
> Walk to the back of the class in absolute shame, with head down
> Haven't talked to or seen that chick in a pretty good while....
:nerd: My cousin was trying to tell me that napoleon wore louis vuitton back in the day :nerd:

:nerd: I wanna see pictures of them burning the old LV when it goes on "sale" :nerd:
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It would be nice if USA would organize an olympics or organize a sports event besides the Gold Cup every two years
Who else hates their father and wishes to never turn out like them? My parents aren't divorced or anything but sometimes I wish they were. My dad is arrogant, stupid, immature, ill mannered and the most selfish human being I ever came across. I think about what will happened if he died and honestly I don't think I would be saddened by it. I would welcome it and embrace it like it was nothing. Just a simple Kanye shrug. End rant.
That episode was pretty boring. The only upside to that episode is that it produced some funny jokes.

Agreed. I thought that episode was dumb af. Like it must have been a dream or the cancer has gotten very serious. I also thought White was gonna tell Jesse the truth about what happened on that night.
Who else hates their father and wishes to never turn out like them? My parents aren't divorced or anything but sometimes I wish they were. My dad is arrogant, stupid, immature, ill mannered and the most selfish human being I ever came across. I think about what will happened if he died and honestly I don't think I would be saddened by it. I would welcome it and embrace it like it was nothing. Just a simple Kanye shrug. End rant.
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