the thread about nothing...

Wait why are Filipino always cooking a fish from the amazon? :lol: I guess the same reason I go to the Asian grocery store and they have crazy live fish from all over.

Yeah Celtics I'm a cook. Another cook on nt huh? Nice. And I know exactly how you feel when you get off. One of my roommates will wait home for me to get off and be "let's chef up a meal" I'm like nah -_- I'm not firing up the damn grill at midnight. Dude doesn't get it. Cooks don't like cooking out of work except on off days. I don't wanna do my own dishes and use my crappy stove with tiny burners.

Word for word.... I love making a big meal and showing off what i can do... When i want to, when it's needed, and if i can get some booty out of it.... I get home, I'm probably eating food i took home from work, and straight up junk food garbage.... sometimes i'd just go hungry than cook lol...
Dude go to a Japanese place and get some grilled sardines. I had some and they're fire. I wasn't sure but the server insisted they were super good. I was not disappoint.
Yeeeup. I'll just take any old thing home and eat it so I don't starve. I NEVER keep food in the fridge. Just what I bring home or like you said if I actually feel like making something its for a piece I'm trying to smash or me and the crew is having a rare cookout. But I'm never making myself a nice meal out of work. Even at work I'm so burnt out and lazy I just eat whatever is dead in the window that didn't go out or the scraps off tuna and duck and such that I cut up to plate.
Yeeeup. I'll just take any old thing home and eat it so I don't starve. I NEVER keep food in the fridge. Just what I bring home or like you said if I actually feel like making something its for a piece I'm trying to smash or me and the crew is having a rare cookout. But I'm never making myself a nice meal out of work. Even at work I'm so burnt out and lazy I just eat whatever is dead in the window that didn't go out or the scraps off tuna and duck and such that I cut up to plate.

I;ve been on the 2am buffalo wing diet recently.... honestly, last 3 or 4 actual meals i cooked have been getting some booty.... can't think of the last time i made myself more than a one dish meal.... granted i got a nice cast iron skillet that does any damn thing i want... i love cast iron... everyone should own a good cast iron skillet.... really only need 4 dishes - cast iron skillet, cookie sheet, casserole dish, and a 5 gallon pasta pot.... you need anything else, you're a moron... how'd I get here?.... time for bed...
I hate to bring up conspiracy stuff, but filipinos BEEN getting around this world for millennia. There were filipinos in Louisiana chillin with native americans when the French were there.

I know how messed up recorded history is mainly because of filipino history, i.e., Islam was in the Philippines before Christianity. Spain didn't force the Philipines, the filipinos accepted them. The P.I. was a trading point from the Mediterranean/Africa/India to the entire pacific.

We have a little bit of every culture in us since dudes could float on rafts.

But yo, I recommend:

Food processor
Dehydrator (perfect for drying herbs, powdering them up and taking them like supplements or making your own seasonings)
Mason Jar vacuum thing
Yeeeup. I'll just take any old thing home and eat it so I don't starve. I NEVER keep food in the fridge. Just what I bring home or like you said if I actually feel like making something its for a piece I'm trying to smash or me and the crew is having a rare cookout. But I'm never making myself a nice meal out of work. Even at work I'm so burnt out and lazy I just eat whatever is dead in the window that didn't go out or the scraps off tuna and duck and such that I cut up to plate.

I keep a few frozen proteins and pound of butter in freezer.... Usually a dozen eggs in fridge and some American cheese and shredded cheddar.... Potato and onions... and a few random $1 rice boxes and mac and cheese...

My meals I cook are cheap as ****, they way they should be....
The meals I cook are expensive, but I make up for it with cheap mexican food. :pimp:

I just can't see me eating on a budget man. I need my health and happiness...

I can't eat money :smh:

P.S. I'm 140 lbs, doe

I can get away with 1 giant meal at night and drink liquids all day.
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I mean it makes sense now that you put it that way buggz.

Dawg I can make anything in a robo coupe. In culinary school they teach you to make bearnaise with a double boiler and mayo in a mixer... The hell were they thinking? Ain't nobody got time for that.
For years I would only eat foods that I would crave. I called it "listening to my body."

If I didn't crave it, I wouldn't eat it. If I craved, I made sure I ate it.

After some questioning of my health from others, I decided to take observations of my natural born diet. This is my everyday, natural diet. Natural as in, that is how it just evolved.

Notice the ratios of carbs:tongue:rotein:fat, and most importantly sodium:tongue:otassium. The sodium:tongue:otassium ratio is probably the most relevant to health. But the American diet is the exact reciprocal of the correct sodium:tongue:otassium ratio.

Oh and I typed this up a long time ago for some friends who live that traveling life. :kanyeshrug


The Magical Buggggzzzzyy Diet, broken down into portions, numbers and ratios. How to eat like a bad *** everyday and on-the-go.

Wake up *****:

(2) CocoCafe - 280 calories, 6g fat, 1200mg Potassium, 180mg Sodium, 12g protein, 40g carbs

(1) VitaCoco with Orange - 120 calories, 515mg Potassium, 30mg Sodium, 16g carbs

(1) Banana - 104 calories, .4g fat, 422mg Potassium, 1mg Sodium, 1.3g protein, 37g carbs

(3) cups of coffee - 6 calories, 16mg Sodium, 1.2g protein

Morning Nutritional Intake: 510 calories, 6.4g fat, 2137mg Potassium, 225mg Sodium, 14.5g protein, 93g carbs, 4 expresso shots

Take a break yo:

(1) MuscleMilk: 230 calories, 9g fat, 1050mg Potassium, 430mg Sodium, 25g protein, 12g carbs

(1) Banana: 104 calories, .4g fat, 422mg Potassium, 1mg Sodium, 1.3g protein, 37g carbs

(3) cups of coffee: 6 calories, 16mg Sodium, 1.2g protein

LUNCH TOTAL: 340 calories, 9.4g fat, 1472mg Potassium, 447mg Sodium, 27.5g protein, 49g carbs

Mid-Day Nutrition Intake Total: 850 calories, 2609mg Potassium, 672mg Sodium, 15.8g fat, 42g protein, 142g carbs

Before you goto bed, whenever that is:

(3) Fish Tacos: 677.1 calories, 7.8g fat, 622.2 mg Potassium, 666mg Sodium, 73.8g protein, 79.5g carbs

Total Daily Nutritional Intake: 1527.1 calories, 23.6g fat, 115.8g protein, 221.5g carbs, 3231.2mg Potassium, 1338mg Sodium

Almost perfect 2:1 ratio of Carbs-to-Protein and a 2.5:1 ratio of Potassium-to-Sodium and 0.007% of my diet is fat.

“Dinners” alternate between fish tacos, giant burritos, panang curry/salmon, and tuna sandwich, which obviously changes everything numbers wise, but it’s all very similar. Everyday. That's it. I might have 3-5 bananas a day, and at most 2 coconut waters and 3 coco cafes. Trail-mix here and there, but it is not a staple in the diet anymore. The occasional orange juice or coconut ice cream/desert.

It’s a basic juice/fast during the day and feast at night before bed. It’s designed to keep you light on your feet and clear in the mind, with the right nutrition at the right time.

**PayPal me donations you fat *******.**

But actually it's more like 4 or 5 fish tacos for dinner and that puts you over the 2000 calorie mark. I'm going to try a new one here soon, and I'm going to add some supplements too. I've spent the last few years not using supplements to see if I could achieve what I needed to through diet only. Now I'm going to try to mix the supplements and the diet together, and add some exercise, see what happens. :kanyeshrug
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I'm messed up to the TAN and pralli am (including the OG MMG) blocked by 50% of yall, I know i'm not the only one that noticed pablo just drank a sailor jerrys *I hope you didn't block me and that you love me to the fullest* sometimes I feel like nobody hears me besides bilbosh and GTB (the god that invented me), I like to get drunk everyday then post in TAN, eem though nobody knows my (true) identity except david, I just want to get along reallllllllly :wow:. what the hell does riceboy haf ta do 2 fit in ? srs. how much you want me donate to get into this circle? (Am I really look into yall for approval? nah I'm not a girl, so what. wtf. I'm definitely blocked for evrything I'm sayin') #plsrespawn
eem the gods of TAN never say a word to me except Franc :\

hell, for the quality of post in here... you can never say who had them, we all know who's on top . . . who ever had the realest? riddle me that... quality > Quantity. never can I admit that I had nothing to do with TAN but who can actually admit they "contribute". I don't ask for a lot in life except..........
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its 8:30 on a saturday and im on the internet.


also: messed up my knee during a match last weekend. fortunately nothing swelled up, but i have no lateral movement in my right knee and have been rocking a brace since sunday. Feels bad not doing any cardio this week. i feel dirty almost 
its 8:30 on a saturday and im on the internet.


also: messed up my knee during a match last weekend. fortunately nothing swelled up, but i have no lateral movement in my right knee and have been rocking a brace since sunday. Feels bad not doing any cardio this week. i feel dirty almost :lol: :\
Get better my dude. :nthat:
I'm messed up to the TAN and pralli am (including the OG MMG) blocked by 50% of yall, I know i'm not the only one that noticed pablo just drank a sailor jerrys *I hope you didn't block me and that you love me to the fullest* sometimes I feel like nobody hears me besides bilbosh and GTB (the god that invented me), I like to get drunk everyday then post in TAN, eem though nobody knows my (true) identity except david, I just want to get along reallllllllly :wow:. what the hell does riceboy haf ta do 2 fit in ? srs. how much you want me donate to get into this circle? (Am I really look into yall for approval? nah I'm not a girl, so what. wtf. I'm definitely blocked for evrything I'm sayin') #plsrespawn

eem the gods of TAN never say a word to me except Franc :\

hell, for the quality of post in here... you can never say who had them, we all know who's on top . . . who ever had the realest? riddle me that... quality > Quantity. never can I admit that I had nothing to do with TAN but who can actually admit they "contribute". I don't ask for a lot in life except..........

What are you talking about ?

TAN loves you :wow:
What are you talking about ?

TAN loves you :wow:
I just miss the TAN when there were no "circles" to revolve round. You see, that's what happened.

I just miss the NT where no multi quote existed. I think I'm weird, I'm growing out of myself. I'm not a "boy" anymore.

ummmm since you awake I'll make a confession . . . nobody really knows about . . .

here's a few of my old screen names. (in order, I posted the most on FBW pralli nobody remembers)

flip boy weird (only SN I admitted I was on the cast of Transformers lol)
rice boy 45
flip boy to the

also I was casted as an extra in the first installment of the movie Transformers (doubt anyone would remember that, but me and my sister were in that movie)

(I told NT first!)

:nerd: :nerd: :wow:
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What are you talking about ?

TAN loves you :wow:
I just miss the TAN when there were no "circles" to revolve round. You see, that's what happened.

I just miss the NT where no multi quote existed. I think I'm weird, I'm growing out of myself. I'm not a "boy" anymore.

ummmm since you awake I'll make a confession . . . nobody really knows about . . .

here's a few of my old screen names. (in order, I posted the most on FBW pralli nobody remembers)

flip boy weird (only SN I admitted I was on the cast of Transformers lol)
rice boy 45
flip boy to the

also I was casted as an extra in the first installment of the movie Transformers (doubt anyone would remember that, but me and my sister were in that movie)

(I told NT first!)

:nerd: :nerd: :wow:

I hear you... I like the multi quote but I do it manually and l miss ALOT of things about the old NT. Frankly I prefer a simple online experience... I still use the BBcodes instead of the RichText option

I knew about jonathango but had no idea you were those other SNs

Cool info about Transformers... Wasnt there another NTer who was an Extra in Spiderman (2001) ?

Growing out of yourself ? What do you mean by that ? Should we start calling you rice man 45 ?
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my girl is in NYC right now, so i wrote to her "sup girl, you like jalapenos? cause ima be jalapeno *** when you get back"

the romance just pours out of me guise
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