the thread about nothing...

Rice boys room setup is good :pimp:

a very dope/cool TAN'er, he actually told me why he stopped posting . . he had the same problem like hennessy, you had a "girl(s)" TAN'er with her circle of close "TAN'ers" they would only talk to specifically . . as you can see, this is still the same result we see today and those are one of the other many reasons he chooses not to post in here every time . . . I don't blame him, I just don't wanna catch up to his post count in here lol though I like contributing nothing, we all know it won't be the same


Bruh, explains why I feel ignored sometimes. :nerd:

natrix916 natrix916 Always asking for pics. :lol:
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Catfish, cheese grits and loud pack. :pimp:

The breakfast of southern champions around the world. :D
Catfish you say? :nerd:

That sounds delicious right about now.

Rare - do it :evil:

O yea, found my shirt. It was at the bottom of the damn hamper :stoneface:
Rice boys room setup is good :pimp:

a very dope/cool TAN'er, he actually told me why he stopped posting . . he had the same problem like hennessy, you had a "girl(s)" TAN'er with her circle of close "TAN'ers" they would only talk to specifically . . as you can see, this is still the same result we see today and those are one of the other many reasons he chooses not to post in here every time . . . I don't blame him, I just don't wanna catch up to his post count in here lol though I like contributing nothing, we all know it won't be the same


Bruh, explains why I feel ignored sometimes. :nerd:

:smh: tan should be for everyone not just the regulars...
Rice boys room setup is good :pimp:

a very dope/cool TAN'er, he actually told me why he stopped posting . . he had the same problem like hennessy, you had a "girl(s)" TAN'er with her circle of close "TAN'ers" they would only talk to specifically . . as you can see, this is still the same result we see today and those are one of the other many reasons he chooses not to post in here every time . . . I don't blame him, I just don't wanna catch up to his post count in here lol though I like contributing nothing, we all know it won't be the same


Bruh, explains why I feel ignored sometimes. :nerd:

:smh: tan should be for everyone not just the regulars...

TAN is for everyone. Just because people are having a conversation doesn't mean new people aren't welcomed. You can come into TAN looking for attention. This ain't what this is. It's a thread about nothing. Just come in, throw some thoughts out there. Sometimes conversations break out, sometimes people just don't have anything to add. Can't take it personal when you get ignored.........on an Internet forum.
Rice boys room setup is good :pimp:

a very dope/cool TAN'er, he actually told me why he stopped posting . . he had the same problem like hennessy, you had a "girl(s)" TAN'er with her circle of close "TAN'ers" they would only talk to specifically . . as you can see, this is still the same result we see today and those are one of the other many reasons he chooses not to post in here every time . . . I don't blame him, I just don't wanna catch up to his post count in here lol though I like contributing nothing, we all know it won't be the same


Bruh, explains why I feel ignored sometimes. :nerd:

:smh: tan should be for everyone not just the regulars...

^ yes, no ignoring.

Come at me grizz :evil:

Thanks for the love fam. :pimp:
TAN is for everyone. Just because people are having a conversation doesn't mean new people aren't welcomed. You can come into TAN looking for attention. This ain't what this is. It's a thread about nothing. Just come in, throw some thoughts out there. Sometimes conversations break out, sometimes people just don't have anything to add. Can't take it personal when you get ignored.........on an Internet forum.
I like that avy. Name? :nerd:
I'd like to thank all of TAN for helping me accomplish something great today. A year ago I joined Niketalk after my cousin introduced me to this website, and I made a few posts here and there for the first month. Although, I completely forgot about this place and instead lurked over the following months 3-4 times until this past summer, I discovered the Appreciation Threads. :evil: Then, the music section, along with Generals threads regarding the economy/cars/misc. Finally, I would see this thread called "the thread about nothing" and peeked inside. Behold, I saw my post count sky rocket to the top ever since August and have become familiar with the TAN familia. Today, November 3rd, 2013, I Rare have officially made 1,000 posts on Niketalk. Now this is a small stepping stone in the many posts to come from me, and my contributions to Niketalk over the next coming years. This is a place where I turn to for laughs, because of the flawless gif executions, the stories some of you guise posts. A special shoutout to:


Signed, rare rare :pimp:

P.S :nerd:
Rice boys room setup is good :pimp:

a very dope/cool TAN'er, he actually told me why he stopped posting . . he had the same problem like hennessy, you had a "girl(s)" TAN'er with her circle of close "TAN'ers" they would only talk to specifically . . as you can see, this is still the same result we see today and those are one of the other many reasons he chooses not to post in here every time . . . I don't blame him, I just don't wanna catch up to his post count in here lol though I like contributing nothing, we all know it won't be the same


Bruh, explains why I feel ignored sometimes. :nerd:

:smh: tan should be for everyone not just the regulars...

TAN is for everyone. Just because people are having a conversation doesn't mean new people aren't welcomed. You can come into TAN looking for attention. This ain't what this is. It's a thread about nothing. Just come in, throw some thoughts out there. Sometimes conversations break out, sometimes people just don't have anything to add. Can't take it personal when you get ignored.........on an Internet forum.

Well that's how everyone else feels about tan...that's why its been called a circle jerk lol :\
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