the thread about nothing...

Just stumbled on the FB page, NYU Secrets:

#2876: "I'm a gender and women's studies major, but I sit in Washington Park and judge people based on whether they have a thigh-gap or not."

Damn I wish I could turn back the clock and do better in high school plus have richer parents.
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circle jerk don't even been jerking as hard as it use to.
hands be less sore when its over ever since da civil war.
Last edited: what r u giving away for ur 1k post? U gonna send out a BAN?
Maybe. :evil:

Just stumbled on the FB page, NYU Secrets:
#2876: "I'm a gender and women's studies major, but I sit in Washington Park and judge people based on whether they have a thigh-gap or not."
Damn I wish I could turn back the clock and do better in high school plus have richer parents.
You read the one about the ******? :x
O yea, found my shirt. It was at the bottom of the damn hamper :stoneface:

pics :nerd:

I got u papi :wink:


I'd like to thank all of TAN for helping me accomplish something great today. A year ago I joined Niketalk after my cousin introduced me to this website, and I made a few posts here and there for the first month. Although, I completely forgot about this place and instead lurked over the following months 3-4 times until this past summer, I discovered the Appreciation Threads. :evil: Then, the music section, along with Generals threads regarding the economy/cars/misc. Finally, I would see this thread called "the thread about nothing" and peeked inside. Behold, I saw my post count sky rocket to the top ever since August and have become familiar with the TAN familia. Today, November 3rd, 2013, I Rare have officially made 1,000 posts on Niketalk. Now this is a small stepping stone in the many posts to come from me, and my contributions to Niketalk over the next coming years. This is a place where I turn to for laughs, because of the flawless gif executions, the stories some of you guise posts. A special shoutout to:


Signed, rare rare :pimp:

P.S :nerd:


circle jerk don't even been jerking as hard as it use to.
hands be less sore when its over ever since da civil war.

is that so
Just stumbled on the FB page, NYU Secrets:

#2876: "I'm a gender and women's studies major, but I sit in Washington Park and judge people based on whether they have a thigh-gap or not."

Damn I wish I could turn back the clock and do better in high school plus have richer parents.
You would definitely need the latter to attend NYU. I know that from experience. Don't regret going to the school I went to though. That is definitely an interesting page. I walk through the campus when I'm in the area just to get a feel of what it would have been like to attend the university.
Menudo time 
Tell me why you think I work here at F21 when I have on workout clothes, a huge beat by dre head on and I am trying on heels, Tell me why.

I never complain about these things but twice in one store is ridic :smh:
Tell me why you think I work here at F21 when I have on workout clothes, a huge beat by dre head on and I am trying on heels, Tell me why.

I never complain about these things but twice in one store is ridic :smh:
Where's the common sense at?
that lady heat :smokin that internal hug [emoji]9829[/emoji]

I know I can post in the music TAN but I like this one :frown:
it's like soviet russia, everything is so compartmentalized.

'I would like to share this piece of music with my comrades in tan...oh wait, i must got to the ministry of cultural and social affairs first to find out where i can post this':smh:

Truf :smh:

Ive been coming here for over 10 years and still enjoy it; but the compartmentalization and over-moderation that caters to the increasingly younger user-base is really killing this place.

Call them and dey should come someone should photoshop these two pics together


Damn, they did Matthew dirty :rofl:

Thats terrible... And GB II.... Ghostbusters I maybe..... but II ? Just terrible

Tell me why you think I work here at F21 when I have on workout clothes, a huge beat by dre head on and I am trying on heels, Tell me why.

I never complain about these things but twice in one store is ridic :smh:

Time to step up your DB game :lol:

I am not about this scary movie life.

Scary Movies are the best.

About to go wait for trick or treaters and hand out some candy

You gonna pull an Uncle Pete ?

if only he got back on youtube.

Mr. Chi City was the best

What on earth ever happened to this guy ?
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