the thread about nothing...

This is a different type of place cause during the "off season" I'll go to the game room to play pool or something. But yea, for the most part I am sitting in front of a computer for long hours. :smh: Should be done with school and December. Can't wait to start making real money.
Yeah, I can't do that. I HATE sitting for long periods of time. I used to sit on my laptop for long periods of time, especially over the summer in NYC while at my grandmas.. Regret the fact that I never went to the park, and decided to chill with family friends towards the end. Plus I feel like my body is just wasting away sitting there.

Between staring at this pc and going home and watching/playing video games I feel like I'm having eye issues.[/quote]

Word? B get that checked out before it's to late. My eyes are horrible already, those long hours behind the comp and tv have probably messed me up even more.

Have my homecoming tonight! Yes I'm a youngin' lol.
Smash those yambs, especially freshman girls who thing it's big **** tonight. Prom is what im looking forward to. :pimp:
Smash those yambs, especially freshman girls who thing it's big **** tonight. Prom is what im looking forward to.
You know it fam
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