the thread about nothing...

I've had a gun pulled on me four times, two of those times I was robbed. Nothign scarier man, your heart just starts racing and you cant even move. You always see those movies where people freeze up, thats not even an exaggeration, you really do freeze. Paralyzed with fear that if you move you're gonna make dude panic and shoot you. Its too real.

One time I snitched on my boy too, dude ran up on us in broad daylight when we were walking to get haircuts and pulled the steel on us and asked who has money. I was only 12 at the time so I panicked and yelled out "He has money". Dude robbed us all that day. Went back home and my mom was like "How come you dont have a haircut" just said I didnt feel like getting one anymore.
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One time I snitched on my boy too, dude ran up on us in broad daylight when we were walking to get haircuts and pulled the steel on us and asked who has money. I was only 12 at the time so I panicked and yelled out "He has money". Dude robbed us all that day.

I've had a gun pulled on me four times, two of those times I was robbed. Nothign scarier man, your heart just starts racing and you cant even move. You always see those movies where people freeze up, thats not even an exaggeration, you really do freeze. Paralyzed with fear that if you move you're gonna make dude panic and shoot you. Its too real.

One time I snitched on my boy too, dude ran up on us in broad daylight when we were walking to get haircuts and pulled the steel on us and asked who has money. I was only 12 at the time so I panicked and yelled out "He has money". Dude robbed us all that day.
I swear bruh.

Been in so many close calls it's almost completely influenced my personality just in my attitude towards going out.

It got to the point where you get so use to hearing and being around gunfire your body begins to operate on automatic in terms of ensuring safety.

Robbing you at 12 though? Hope whatever OG caught wind of that beat dude(s) down. That's a ***** move.

I think the worse thing for me was the break-ins.. Coming home and just seeing your entire house messy and everything of value gone just hits you in a certain way. The second time I didn't even know how to deal, put my fist straight through the wall of my bedroom. House is your sanctuary b.... Having it defiled is just craziness.

Robbed twice in the span of 6 months. Getting all my stuff back just to see it all taken again. Will never forget the feeling.
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I've had a gun pulled on me four times, two of those times I was robbed. Nothign scarier man, your heart just starts racing and you cant even move. You always see those movies where people freeze up, thats not even an exaggeration, you really do freeze. Paralyzed with fear that if you move you're gonna make dude panic and shoot you. Its too real.

One time I snitched on my boy too, dude ran up on us in broad daylight when we were walking to get haircuts and pulled the steel on us and asked who has money. I was only 12 at the time so I panicked and yelled out "He has money". Dude robbed us all that day. Went back home and my mom was like "How come you dont have a haircut" just said I didnt feel like getting one anymore.
i remember when it happened to me
maaaaaan my mind worked OT tryna analyze the situation when i got robbed
they tried taking me down a street off the main street
but cars were coming down the main street and i just jumped in front of a bunch of moving cars and they rran off
i was on my way to get yambs too
stole my backpack with spare boxers socks and deodorant :lol:
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Yeah I was shot at, well not targeted, but In my direction.

I was playing basketball when I was 14 in the alley with my cousins behind my house....Scariest moment of my life was hearing bullets hit the brick wall of the factory building by the wall as I'm trying to run down the alley to the next block.....

I've been around guns my whole life, my uncles have em, my cousins, my pops...Hell random fact: My mom once shot my pops in the foot back in 1993.. :rofl:

Its just tripped out to see how quick these mogs are to pull em out in situations that could've been resolved differently.. I've been in plenty of fights over little ****, I'd much rather take some scraps and bruises instead of getting changed in the middle of the street for everyone to see.
I wish there was a block post or post preview spoiler function. I keep having to look away from the Breaking Bad thread post preview section because I'm afraid I'm going to see a spoiler. Wasn't able to watch the episode from last night yet.
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I wish there was a block post or post preview spoiler function. I keep having to look away from the Breaking Bad thread post preview section because I'm afraid I'm going to see a spoiler. Wasn't able to watch the episode from last night yet.

it was wild.... stop glancing is all i will say
i'll add to being shot at/gun pointed at discussion.

i've never been shot at but i have had a gun pulled on me twice.

once when i was skating, i was 16, i was walking home and some dude pulled up next to me in a civic with a gun pointing at me and told me not to skate around there anymore. i told him that i skate there everyday and will be there the next day. kept walking and they made a circle and tried running me over (that was the scarier part).

another when i was 18/19, i was driving and idk but i'm guessing people saw my car with me rolling with friends who were all taggers in the car and they just recognized my car or me, an old altima with tinted windows just kept driving next to me for the longest, we get to a red light and and i hear the music on the altima go quiet and as soon as the light turns green, some guy in the back with a bandana on his face pulls out a shotty and points it at me, i just froze and the first thing that went through my head was "that's it". they just sped off and the guy was still aiming the gun at me, i was just waiting for him to shoot, i was too frozen to even brake or turn into another street.
Wasn't Marilyn Monroe just 50's style ratchet and everyone is just romanticizing her? 
Yeah, prb so. But she had sex appeal like no other...and the chick Ava Gardner too.

I would have tossed both of them with no problem. 
Wasn't Marilyn Monroe just 50's style ratchet and everyone is just romanticizing her? 
it seriously rustles my jimmies when all these ******* chicks have shirts of her and post her pictures with words she never said and say she was a real woman, when in reality she was just an infamous garden tool. 

i love marilyn, i have like 6 big portraits of her in my room, books, i watched movies/docs about her and watched her movies.

i feel my blood boiling already 
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