the thread about nothing...

Man **** my Internet provider. Im getting 876kbps right now. Im supposed to be getting about 8mbps. Bumass community with their damn monopoly.
Buffering while loading a damn youtube video wth kind of **** is that.
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what about goldeneye for n64?
overratted. Play it back and you'll be

Gamecubeeeee/Super Smash Bro Melee

SNESSSSSS/Mega man X X2 X3

Man what? Proximity Mines? Moonraker Laser? That game was classic
melee is my joint. love it, i actually am still semi active in the scene.

If you're out of the know check that vid out
Smash kids
. I used to think I was good at this game until I played one of these kids, straight ruined my day. Didnt eem know what Wavedashing was, I was just doing regular stuff. I've seen that video before too I know that guy was embarassed.
Halo is the best shooting game ever.

-The extended kill times(in shooting game terms) make every kill you get challenging and rewarding. 
-Utility gun(BR, DMR) facilitates an even playing field because no ones at a gun disadvantage whether theyre just starting or a high level
-What used to be static weapon spawns with set drop times encouraged map movement and punished camping
-What used to be static spawns rewarded good teamwork with spawn trapping and opened the window for easy flag pulls
-Arena style maps reward team shooting and proper map placement
-You can jump more than two inches off the ground
-Halos Sniper Rifle mechanic> any other game. The sniper in Halo is the most powerful gun in the game, no other shooter that I've played places that much emphasis on the sniper
-The vehicles serve a purpose
-Individual skill triumphs the majority of the time


Halo 4 is an absolutely atrocity of a game. Dmr can handle any range from close to far, but I will say they did a better job balancing the weapons. Your what used to be is what kills me about this game. It could've been so good and competitive but they made it into call of halo. too many stupid perks/ no respawn time / no weapon spawns
Yeah the DMR is ridiculous, I dont use it though, unless I'm playing Vahalla, I much prefer the BR, I have twice as many BR kills as I have DMR kills, and its only going to go upwards. Cant wait for the weapon update though when the 4 shot BR comes back and they reduce the range of the DMR a bit. Its not great, but its still better than any other shooter out there. A lot of the playlists have set weapon spawns now too, Team Doubles, Community Forge Island, CTF, and Team Throwdown. A lot of the forge maps have them regardless of the gametype like Simplex. Infinity just has to be avoided if you dont want to deal with the nonsense
Just got home from a real long day. Graduated college
. It finally hit me that I was when I was waiting on the line to walk across the stage to have my name called.

Feels good, but feels real weird.

Had a great day, and night at dinner with the fam. I'll enter the real world soon enough. Just want to enjoy this summer, all the while begin making plans for the future.
Congrats bro
Just finished all the eps of Archer on Netflix.
What to watch next? Mad at myself for finishing up so soon.
When did you get hooked and what do you like about the show?
Its hilarious, the end
Can't sleep more then 6-8 hours. Idk how people can sleep the whole day away
Yeah all I need is 4 - 5 and I'm good. Been like that since's like every night is the night before the first day of class. 

It's like I'm always anticipating something in life, always looking forward to the next day or whatever. 
In grad that's all I'm around is hipster chicks...

Cool chicks...but I'm just basing it off of class conversations. 
Salute LOT,

TAN is definitely missing something, but we'll survive. Got a long day ahead of me today and it won't be pretty but oh well. I'll never understand the Halo love, but FPS aren't for me at all, I can't stand them. Peace to the TAN haters. Hope y'all have a good day.
In grad that's all I'm around is hipster chicks...

Cool chicks...but I'm just basing it off of class conversations. 

To generalize....they all seem really cool....but from my short experience....they all have some rebellious attitude (prob why im attrated to them)...but it stems from somewhere....usually leading to some sort of mental instability at the core of it.

again....complete generalization :lol:
On the other hand, I need some more sleep. Long work day ahead of me.
I can easily piss away 12 hrs on sleep. Easily. (riff raff)
In grad that's all I'm around is hipster chicks...

Cool chicks...but I'm just basing it off of class conversations. 

To generalize....they all seem really cool....but from my short experience....they all have some rebellious attitude (prob why im attrated to them)...but it stems from somewhere....usually leading to some sort of mental instability at the core of it.

again....complete generalization :lol:

All girls are crazy. I'd rather have a unique and independently thinking girl than a media-washed sheep.

I feel like this is something i just need to come to grips with :lol:
Morning, TAN fam. So, my job today is to write descriptions of aluminum bats for some online well as making it strongly seem like dropping $300 on a bat will make you into an MLB prospect by your next game, I like implying that the bats can just as easily be used as a weapon. I do that type of thing. This is the career for me.

...and yes, all girls are crazy, from my mama to my baby mama. Their brains are just wired differently, which means their thought process often does not and cannot arrive at the same logical conclusion as a male's on the same matter using the same variables. It's science.

You just have to find the type of crazy you can tolerate (read: not shoot) at its' worst and enjoy at its' best.
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