the thread about nothing...

I semi miss that hairdo.
that moment you remember that there's chicken nuggets in the fridge while you'e playing 2k12 
went to watch Star Trek today on IMAX 3D... some idiot and his wife decided to bring a 1 year old, and 3 year old to the theatre with them

worst part... to keep him quiet they had a handful of straws that they let them chew on AFTER they got done pounding a sugary soda

(not to play the race/stereotype card, but it was a marine and his thai wife who didn't speak much english whom was then was told to take the kids outside by her husband)
Damn that's mad creepy. I'm going to have to take a cruise down muholland one of these nights
Saw Hot Tub Time Machine, just made me wish to be of age in the 80's, they looked like fun to be able to hit up some great concerts and parties

I need to incorporate my vegetables into my diet cause the dumps I had today just smelling :x
:lol: I love my future fam

I need to visit my fam in sac soon :frown:

Lil cousins teaching me yugioh, pokemonz, and pogs all over again. Schooling me on halo and the new cod ghosts game :lol: can't wait to have kids
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