the thread about nothing...

I was just a kid :lol:
First girlfriend ever

I never had anyone show me the ropes.
Had to learn everything on my own about relationships.
But now that I know how to go on in these situations I can help my brother. Make sure he doesn't make the same mistakes I did :lol:
Cuz I am aware fully of dumb it was :smh:

yeah, at least youre learning. Did you get rid of anything worth talking about?


short answer is yes because he got rid of anything to get yambs

but i would like to see the list
Wait MJGREATXII, basically sold his collection to furnish gifts and a good time for his then gf? Then she leaves? :smh: . Damn I just peeped this. Some of y'all dudes need mentors forreal. You don't ever do some dumb **** like that.
To be fair I was dumb agred. But being 17-18 didnt really know any better.
Few years later you come to figure out yeah I shouldn't have done that.
Chalk it up as an L and try to learn from mistakes. As I posted right after.
And I dont know why it says claims to be drinking :lol: Jesus Christ I cant even have a few shots n just reflect on life. Im 20 years old. 5 months from my 21st. Made some mistakes in my young life, just try to be better from them is all I can do.

I mean, I guess you could chalk it up to experience, but you know what? Your age doesn't preculde that. I would have known not to spend a large amount on a woman, especially selling things off of mine, that I worked for to please her. F O H b.

Example....Ok, when I was 17 and a freshman in college I started chillin out with this chick that was two doors away from me on my floor. Remembered her face from orientation that July, but just started chillin as friends in Sept/Oct when we go to school. After we started chillin, we were practically inseperable. People on campus thought we were bf/gf but we weren't. After a few weeks, I said to myself, let ask her where we stand. At that point, I thought it was a forgone conclusion she would say yes.... GIFSoup

Nope. She wanted to be friends. So, I shut her off completely. There was so much done in such a short period of time, I thought that would be next natural step. After I shut her out, she kept asking everyone about me, my roommate even caught her staring at our door coming back from class one day. She apologized, I feel for it a second time. Asked what's good again, got the same result. She got that Mariano after that. No more b. Lession learned. Age doesn't mean anything. Bottom line, don't do too much. I didn't go as far as you, but spending that kinda cash on a female that young is prohibited. This is why I find the relationship/yambs thread hilarious. Ain't no back and forth. Make a decison stick to it. I've had so many mixed signals it ain't funny. So yes thadocta, grampa had experiences. I've been where like 90 % of where NT is now. All in how you choose to look at the lesson, but NOT ONCE did I let it make me bitter or turn into some "pseudo alpha" BS. Peace.
yeah, at least youre learning. Did you get rid of anything worth talking about?
2001 black cement 3s
01 cool grays
The first retro of the breds
The all star kobe pack ocs, 3ds, allstars
Original he got games
There was a lot. :smh: smdh now :smh:

as they should.

MJGREATXII is from India (long story...)
Is there something wrong with that?

even at that age you should know better than that. dont let that experience maim you in the dating game though. seen dudes fluctuate and they cant seem to find a balance in the dating game.
Not really looking right now.
I finish with my BA in august. So just tryna start my career and the rest will work itself out.
I mean, I guess you could chalk it up to experience, but you know what? Your age doesn't preculde that. I would have known not to spend a large amount on a woman, especially selling things off of mine, that I worked for to please her. F O H b.

Example....Ok, when I was 17 and a freshman in college I started chillin out with this chick that was two doors away from me on my floor. Remembered her face from orientation that July, but just started chillin as friends in Sept/Oct when we go to school. After we started chillin, we were practically inseperable. People on campus thought we were bf/gf but we weren't. After a few weeks, I said to myself, let ask her where we stand. At that point, I thought it was a forgone conclusion she would say yes.... GIFSoup

Nope. She wanted to be friends. So, I shut her off completely. There was so much done in such a short period of time, I thought that would be next natural step. After I shut her out, she kept asking everyone about me, my roommate even caught her staring at our door coming back from class one day. She apologized, I feel for it a second time. Asked what's good again, got the same result. She got that Mariano after that. No more b. Lession learned. Age doesn't mean anything. Bottom line, don't do too much. I didn't go as far as you, but spending that kinda cash on a female that young is prohibited. This is why I find the relationship/yambs thread hilarious. Ain't no back and forth. Make a decison stick to it. I've had so many mixed signals it ain't funny. So yes thadocta, grampa had experiences. I've been where like 90 % of where NT is now. All in how you choose to look at the lesson, but NOT ONCE did I let it make me bitter or turn into some "pseudo alpha" BS. Peace.

Guess what? We're different people b, come from different back grounds different experiences in life. So the way we handle things are gonna be different. I regret how I handled that, but it is what it is. I cant go back and change time. Just gotta know that that was dumb n move on.

Its not your way or the highway.
Everyone handles ish differently.
good luck man. you live and you learn.. some harder than others, but it's how it is. you'll be aight.
I mean, I guess you could chalk it up to experience, but you know what? Your age doesn't preculde that. I would have known not to spend a large amount on a woman, especially selling things off of mine, that I worked for to please her. F O H b.

Example....Ok, when I was 17 and a freshman in college I started chillin out with this chick that was two doors away from me on my floor. Remembered her face from orientation that July, but just started chillin as friends in Sept/Oct when we go to school. After we started chillin, we were practically inseperable. People on campus thought we were bf/gf but we weren't. After a few weeks, I said to myself, let ask her where we stand. At that point, I thought it was a forgone conclusion she would say yes.... GIFSoup

Nope. She wanted to be friends. So, I shut her off completely. There was so much done in such a short period of time, I thought that would be next natural step. After I shut her out, she kept asking everyone about me, my roommate even caught her staring at our door coming back from class one day. She apologized, I feel for it a second time. Asked what's good again, got the same result. She got that Mariano after that. No more b. Lession learned. Age doesn't mean anything. Bottom line, don't do too much. I didn't go as far as you, but spending that kinda cash on a female that young is prohibited. This is why I find the relationship/yambs thread hilarious. Ain't no back and forth. Make a decison stick to it. I've had so many mixed signals it ain't funny. So yes thadocta, grampa had experiences. I've been where like 90 % of where NT is now. All in how you choose to look at the lesson, but NOT ONCE did I let it make me bitter or turn into some "pseudo alpha" BS. Peace.

Guess what? We're different people b, come from different back grounds different experiences in life. So the way we handle things are gonna be different. I regret how I handled that, but it is what it is. I cant go back and change time. Just gotta know that that was dumb n move on.

Its not your way or the highway.
Everyone handles ish differently.

so many feels :lol:
Did she pay anything for you? If she did then I wouldn't regret it.

I met my ex-gf when I was dead broke and she paid for her cabs to and from my place, bought me food and other stuff. When I got some money I went on a 2 week vacation with her. Cost me $4K+ but she bought almost every meal and gifts for me and she ended up spending about $5K on the vacation.

Current gf usually splits paying for groceries or going out to dinner with me. I'll pick up tab one day and she will the next. She also buys me nice gifts randomly and it started to add up so I got her some stuff. I'd say she's spent more than I have in the relationship so far.

You were doing it wrong but it's ok if you learn from this mistake.

A good chick knows how to reciprocate with more than her body.
She never ever asked me to do this.
But having parents that wouldn't give me money to go to la to go see her. I figured f it. Ill sell some shoes.
It was never supposed to be all of em.
But as I moved to la, I needed money to be able to do simple stuff. So slowly they were all sold.
Yea my ex girl paid for everything when we first met.
I mean she was working at baskin robbins and I hadnt got a job yet.
She helped me with my resume and at 17 I started work at wells fargo.
So I never blame her for it, just a poor way to handle the situations I was in.

But like I said it is what it is.
You live and you learn
:rofl: @MJGREATXII, I know we're different. So common sense varies culturally? I guess so :lol:. I wasn't picking at you, I was just sharing a bit. We all learn lessons at different stages in life. That was yours and looking at the list, it was costly in terms of good kicks.

Cut that b **** out, you ain't funny.
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Wait MJGREATXII, basically sold his collection to furnish gifts and a good time for his then gf? Then she leaves? :smh: . Damn I just peeped this. Some of y'all dudes need mentors forreal. You don't ever do some dumb **** like that.
To be fair I was dumb agred. But being 17-18 didnt really know any better.
Few years later you come to figure out yeah I shouldn't have done that.
Chalk it up as an L and try to learn from mistakes. As I posted right after.
And I dont know why it says claims to be drinking :lol: Jesus Christ I cant even have a few shots n just reflect on life. Im 20 years old. 5 months from my 21st. Made some mistakes in my young life, just try to be better from them is all I can do.

simps gonna simp. dude deserved it, just chalk it up to the cost of the lesson in not being a moron in the future.

even at that age you should know better than that. dont let that experience maim you in the dating game though. seen dudes fluctuate and they cant seem to find a balance in the dating game.

That why you're looking into joining a frat?

im looking to join for 2 reasons. the first one is because im curious what the frat life is like. the second is because im naturally a loner, i want to see if i can fit in a group. plus the interests i have does not really mesh well with my cohorts unless they are about that day trading life.

yeah, at least youre learning. Did you get rid of anything worth talking about?
2001 black cement 3s
01 cool grays
The first retro of the breds
The all star kobe pack ocs, 3ds, allstars
Original he got games
There was a lot. :smh: smdh now :smh:

as they should.

MJGREATXII is from India (long story...)
Is there something wrong with that?

even at that age you should know better than that. dont let that experience maim you in the dating game though. seen dudes fluctuate and they cant seem to find a balance in the dating game.
Not really looking right now.
I finish with my BA in august. So just tryna start my career and the rest will work itself out.

props. make that 6 figures and rub it in her face. lowkey spite.
:rofl: @MJGREATXII, I know we're different. So common sense varies culturally? I guess so :lol:. I wasn't picking at you, I was just sharing a bit. We all learn lessons at different stages in life. That was yours and looking at the list, it was costly in terms of good kicks.

Cut that b **** out, you ain't funny.

Seemed like you were coming at me personally man.
Indian culture is very different when your parents are traditional.
this dude on facebook said this girl came to his crib, took off her underwear, and this is what she had on

I would feel so disrespected

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