the thread about nothing...

so wait, Pabs, you're in Indiana? I wish I would have known that, I had extra Pacers tickets on New Years
I would have let you known if I was, I'm just following it on twitter
:rofl: @MJGREATXII, I know we're different. So common sense varies culturally? I guess so :lol:. I wasn't picking at you, I was just sharing a bit. We all learn lessons at different stages in life. That was yours and looking at the list, it was costly in terms of good kicks.

Cut that b **** out, you ain't funny.

Seemed like you were coming at me personally man.
Indian culture is very different when your parents are traditional.

Oh nah, not at all man. Just don't want you to fall into that cycle of endless NT relationship threads is all. I'm well aware of how traditional Indian families get down.

We have a guy walking around with a rifle on my campus right now.

Be safe man.
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Motels and hotels have the BEST air conditioning. It gets super super cold and hot like that! The best place to sleep for me temperature wise. Go to sleep freezing and wake up in a sauna. :smile:
I'm having a truly BLAH day. The weather is beautiful but everyone is doing something today :smh:

I wish golf wasn't so damn expensive.
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