the thread about nothing...

ight bro, its cool we can just drop it

I dont need to keep getting visuals since I know what you're referring to!


I probably won't have access to full 4g til 2015 on tmobile if I stay here. prolly 2020 for LTE :lol:
Small Town struggles :smh:
Where else besides stubhub can i find tickets for resale?

II really when you're just out in whatever trying to run errands and you see cute girls that you'd be willing to approach if you didn't look like a bum


Also depending on the event, I wait the day off an search CL, a lot of times you'll get them for cheap because people don't want lose money or something came up.
This is a good idea. Can't wait till the last day though cause I'm trying to ask someone. The real issue is the fact that it would look "bad and cheap" if I just bought tickets in the nosebleeds. I don't even know that much Rihanna music to want to see her in concert
ever since i grew out a beard, the attention from women has been off the charts!

stares everywhere (GOOD stares, shut up)

i even went to dillards to buy some plain v-neck Ts and the woman ringing me up said "do these shirts look as good on you as the one you're wearing now?"

BLATANT come-on-attempt.

but then i went to this girls dorm last night to watch a movie and she didnt let me smash, so now i think im ugly again.

You grew a beard on your penis.....? Like a goatee or full on Brian WIlson :x Aren't you too old to be hangin out in dorm rooms Club :nerd:

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
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girl at work telling me this story.
"I was out grinding on this dude....and he "got up"...i stopped and was like we can't dance anymore"

Like your rubbing your *** all over his D....what do you expect....and then you get offended like he did something wrong? I just hit her with the :stoneface:
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