the thread about nothing...

Sneaker Review For February , sponsored by IcySole

Not gonna lie, this God Of War commercial makes me want to buy a PS3 just to play it

Seriously, I dont even know what it means and I havent played a GOW game since 2, but this makes me want to play them all.
Russell Peters is a very popular comedian. He has specials on Netflix Instant if you have it and I'm sure he has clips on Youtube.

He's pretty great.
Hes hilarious
Idk how you guys like drinking.
I cant do it.
I throw up every damn time
Beer Pong Thursdays (BPT)....every thursday

You ever do hard alcohol pong? I did two games and I had to call it quits
I've done this before. I havent gone hard on drinking in a while, its no longer worth it to me.
why do you keep posting that **** man

Is that Nicolas Cage?
I just want to roundhouse kick people who take forever with the Redbox machine.
went to buy new boxers and worked out then put on a new pair. accidentally bought boxers briefs and they feel mad weird man. first time wearing there like tight spandex only for my mini-me.
In the winter Boxer Briefs >>>>>>
Is it true that they don't even teach kids how to write in cursive anymore?
I just realized that they dont. My little brother is 10 and hes still doing everything in print

Is it true that they don't even teach kids how to write in cursive anymore?
Good, learning and writing in cursive is so pointless
Chilllllll. I've been writing in Cursive since I was 8 years old. I've been doing it for so long that I can hardly write in print.
How did you even get your hands on a pair of those?
Back in college we ran out of beer playing pong and liquor stores were closed. All we had was boxed wine, worst hangover I've ever had the next morning.
Frustration #374728: had a tune in my head today, just the melody, for the life of me couldn't figure out the song. Thought I'd remember it and go through my iTunes and YouTube when I got home to find it. Now, I can't remember the tune. :smh: :frown: I even thought it sounded like another song before, but I tried googling for sound alikes but no dice.
That awkward moment when someone uses the n word too many times....too early for this
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Top of the morning LOT, how y'all feeling this morning? I'm catching up from yesterday and these drunk stories and MJGREATXII jimmies being rustled got me :lol:
Spring Break is over now back to life. :frown:
This girl embarrasses herself in front of class every time in Organic for these extra credit points. I laugh on the inside.
:lol: in my boys whip. And charger chick tried to race me again she didnt learn after last time, I legit smirked and shook my head when she reved her engine and put her music louder next to me.Id pipe tho ngl, she went to hs with me and lives in my complex...HMMMMMM. I don't know her like that though.
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:lol: in my boys whip. And charger chick tried to race me again she didnt learn after last time, I legit smirked and shook my head when she reved her engine and put her music louder next to me.Id pipe tho ngl, she went to hs with me and lives in my complex...HMMMMMM. I don't know her like that though.

Charger Chic? Is that the middle eastern chic in the pink car ?
:lol: in my boys whip. And charger chick tried to race me again she didnt learn after last time, I legit smirked and shook my head when she reved her engine and put her music louder next to me.Id pipe tho ngl, she went to hs with me and lives in my complex...HMMMMMM. I don't know her like that though.

Sounds like a door as opened..
:lol: in my boys whip. And charger chick tried to race me again she didnt learn after last time, I legit smirked and shook my head when she reved her engine and put her music louder next to me.Id pipe tho ngl, she went to hs with me and lives in my complex...HMMMMMM. I don't know her like that though.

Charger Chic? Is that the middle eastern chic in the pink car ?
Nah nah. :lol: her car is greyish she got the viper wheels on it , she keep it clean. And shes def not middle eastern .

:lol: in my boys whip. And charger chick tried to race me again she didnt learn after last time, I legit smirked and shook my head when she reved her engine and put her music louder next to me.Id pipe tho ngl, she went to hs with me and lives in my complex...HMMMMMM. I don't know her like that though.

Sounds like a door as opened..
Indeed it has :nerd:
Where else besides stubhub can i find tickets for resale?

II really when you're just out in whatever trying to run errands and you see cute girls that you'd be willing to approach if you didn't look like a bum
Where else besides stubhub can i find tickets for resale?

II really when you're just out in whatever trying to run errands and you see cute girls that you'd be willing to approach if you didn't look like a bum


Also depending on the event, I wait the day off an search CL, a lot of times you'll get them for cheap because people don't want lose money or something came up.
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