the thread about nothing...

Anyone know what font this is? Thanks in advance!


I just threw up all red liquid.
But I havent drank anything red today?
All ive drank was water today.

Im having serious trouble breathing too
I just threw up all red liquid.
But I havent drank anything red today?
All ive drank was water today.

Im having serious trouble breathing too
dude, i hope you're okay

check in with the ER, I know it costs an arm and a leg but at least you'll be alive
No. I am 100% indian. Mom is indian dad is indian. I was born there as well.
so you are caucasian!

No. I am 100% indian. Mom is indian dad is indian. I was born there as well.

Things that piss me off:

1. When people think that the Middle East is a continent

2. When people think India is in the Middle East

Agreed with 2.

Im Indian and people have confused me with being middle eastern. Or just being racists called me an "arab".

Im like okay.. :lol:

Were pretty far from the middle east
so you are caucasian?
Not sure if serious. There are 7 continents, and the Middle East is clearly in Asia. Caucasian or whatever has nothing to do with it.

19th century classifications of the peoples of India considered the Dravidians of non-Caucasoid stock as Australoid or a separate Dravida race, and assumed a gradient of miscegenation of high-caste Caucasoid Aryans and indigenous Dravidians. In his 1939 The Races of Europe, Carleton S. **** thus described the Veddoid race as "possess[ing] an obvious relationship with the aborigines of Australia, and possibly a less patent one with the Negritos" and as "the most important element in the Dravidian-speaking population of southern India".[32] In his later The Living Races of Man (1965), **** considerably amended his views, acknowledging that "India is the easternmost outpost of the Caucasoid racial region". However, he still recognized an Australoid substrate throughout the subcontinent, writing that "the earliest peoples who have left recognizable survivors were both Caucasoid and Australoid food gatherers. Some of the survivors are largely Caucasoid; others are largely Australoid."[33]
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