the thread about nothing...

Watching Sucker Punch for the first time..

They should've just made the whole movie the "dance routines". Did the writers not get the memo, no one likes the whole "it was all a dream" shtick. How you gonna double up on it? I should've seen that coming doe, where the hell you get Bjork on hifi from??
wow, that flowed so well It looked part of the routine 

yeah, Rck the website did say some people have multiple positions. 
ever since i grew out a beard, the attention from women has been off the charts!

stares everywhere (GOOD stares, shut up)

i even went to dillards to buy some plain v-neck Ts and the woman ringing me up said "do these shirts look as good on you as the one you're wearing now?"

BLATANT come-on-attempt.

but then i went to this girls dorm last night to watch a movie and she didnt let me smash, so now i think im ugly again.
I want to go out so bad tonight.... but I'm so poor at the moment..... what should I do
I want to go out so bad tonight.... but I'm so poor at the moment..... what should I do
go do something you're scared of doing. 
I'm scared of going broke..... so that probably means I should blow all my money tonight?
I want to go out so bad tonight.... but I'm so poor at the moment..... what should I do
Become a trap star

What does this mean?
ever since i grew out a beard, the attention from women has been off the charts!

stares everywhere (GOOD stares, shut up)

i even went to dillards to buy some plain v-neck Ts and the woman ringing me up said "do these shirts look as good on you as the one you're wearing now?"

BLATANT come-on-attempt.

but then i went to this girls dorm last night to watch a movie and she didnt let me smash, so now i think im ugly again.

Chicks are diggin beards right now.
I want to go out so bad tonight.... but I'm so poor at the moment..... what should I do
go out and don't spend.

Good night in perspective
How is this possible 

I could perhaps get my friend to just pay for all my drinks again 

I want to go out so bad tonight.... but I'm so poor at the moment..... what should I do
The yearner
Well.... if I had money I'd 100000% be going out and making it rain or some **** 
 or at the very least get drunk as rck2sactown can possibly be
everyone remembers this girl, right?

i don't know if i'm late on the response but still
I wanna develop something to collect all this rain water so I can use it later


there are more complex systems that will let you catch and save most of the rain that falls on your property. but that would involve grading the land to provide an incline, installing catchers and pipes and essentially making your own water/plumbing/sewage system. if you live in a place that has consistent rain fall, the basic system in the gif should be enough.
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