the thread about nothing...

Replace the Nutella with a vodka bottle

This makes no sense, though. You yourself said your girl doesn't compare to the last. Why you mad at someone for asking you what you already know? LOL!
Didn't know where to post..

Bros.. I'll be real. My last girl was way more physically attractive than my current girl. I broke up with my last girl because things weren't working out, and I got with the girl I'm with now.. I'm way happier in my situation now and with who I'm with now.. but I got a hater. It's getting to me to be real. is a website where you can have a profile and have people ask you questions both WITH their name and anonymously. I made one a month or two after dating my girl now, and got asked the question "Why did you down grade?" by someone who made their name anonymous.

After replying and saying that I'm happy and basically cussing out / destroying the person who asked the question, I left my for dead. Decided today to check it randomly and saw that the same person asked another "question".. talking more **** about me and about my girl. I didn't reply, but it's getting to me that someone really thinks that I down graded because she isn't AS physically attractive as my last girl.

I usually don't let things like this get to me, but this is different. I care about my girl and it pisses me off when people say **** like this about her and us. I literally would love to find out who's asking those questions and severely beat them.
don't you hate when you go out to eat, and the menu never has prices for drinks... but you don't want to seem like you are nickeling and diming it to ask how much the drinks are?  yet after you purchase your first couple, the waitress says "do you just want to get the bigger size?  it's a better deal?"

random rant: begin...
I hate that too >:
don't you hate when you go out to eat, and the menu never has prices for drinks... but you don't want to seem like you are nickeling and diming it to ask how much the drinks are?  yet after you purchase your first couple, the waitress says "do you just want to get the bigger size?  it's a better deal?"

random rant: begin...
I hate that too >:
Did you really went back and quoted the 1st post? :lol:
Prof tells us we have a assignment due sunday at 1130, finish it at 12:20 , took me a solid 4 hours, before i hand it in it online, i realize my friend did the class last year , and she sends me hers and its completely different. I realize i did it wrong and emailed my prof . "sorry no late assignments" i pleaded for an extra hour. no luck. im so dumb
don't you hate when you go out to eat, and the menu never has prices for drinks... but you don't want to seem like you are nickeling and diming it to ask how much the drinks are?  yet after you purchase your first couple, the waitress says "do you just want to get the bigger size?  it's a better deal?"

random rant: begin...
I hate that too >:
Did you really went back and quoted the 1st post? :lol:

No ur eyes are deceiving you


If someone your texting deletes your iMessage, how would you know? Would it say "read at etc"? Or just "Delivered"?
Anybody here read every single page in this thread?
I thought Antidope did? 
Yup. I am a TANaholic
I semi stalk this girl on twitter who im getting over right now and see posts of her and her bf and I get more depressed. Idk why I do it.

Jk. I think I might be bipolar.
This feel, I know it. One day you'll think about going and then dont go, then thats when you know you can beat it, and will go less and less until you dont go look at all.
how to catch a rck

Everytime I've tried to walk into a drive through I've gotten denied. People at Popeyes dont want to let me be great

Had a dream that woke me up at 4:30, tried to go back to sleep and couldnt. Now I wasted 1.5 hours of sleep that I wanted and I got stuff on my mind
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I swear this ***** talks the ENTIRE 12 hours we're at work. He's not even talking to me and I want to scream ****! Lol Grateful for this week off!
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