the thread about nothing...

When a girl can't look in your eyes and smiles/blushes everytime she locks eyes with you, what does this mean?
She either knows an embarrassing secret about you or she hates your guts and laughs behind your back?
My dog talks in his sleep..

When a girl can't look in your eyes and smiles/blushes everytime she locks eyes with you, what does this mean?
That youre in a cartoon from the 1950s. 

I was in the shower minding my business then a thought came to me. "NT says to take cold showers" so I flip the faucet from hot to cold instantly.....My body was not ready
Got to go to bed, need to hit the gym in the morning got to look good for this wedding in July
I just did two days of insanity after not working out for 3 months. My legs are shot right now. Gotta rest today
I just did two days of insanity after not working out for 3 months. My legs are shot right now. Gotta rest today

You're better than me :lol:.. Tried insanity after not working for months and I couldnt eem do day 2 after the fit test, was limping for about 3 days :smh:
been doing pretty good at the Casino after work, the way things been going im looking at an extra 3k per month. would be happy with an extra 100 per month. pretty sure i just jinxed myself tho. lol.
^ Happy Birthday Man!

Was talking to this chick for quite a while and started to really like her. We pretty much were close enough to almost make it something. Found out some things last night and now I can't even trust her. I thought I'd be a kinda upset since I was really digging her but somehow I ain't em mad >D :lol:...
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Morning TAN,

:smh: Mondays......
The last few pages since I left yesterday :smh: :lol:. Y'all ain't **** for that pic on how to catch a Rck2
We need a seminar for those dudes who keep lamenting over these chicks...:smh:
A Henz0 sighting in TAN....interesting :lol:

hbd to my muuuhfuggn self....blessed to see another year

Happy Birthday Sir :smokin

*Drops the mic. Walks away*
I've gotten to the point where I'm numb towards everyone. Smh.

Ignored my ex for the past 3 days.

I despise talking to my mother.

Went out this weekend to be a wingman for my boy and completely ignored the girl and she kept trying to hold conversation and talk to me.

So disappointed with life an starting to resent everyone and everything around me.
My co worker looks like Xzibit. Sometimes, it's hard to focus :lol:. It's a woman, the resemblence is uncanny.
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hbd to my muuuhfuggn self....blessed to see another year

HBD Broski!

Morning TANners, you know what I could go for right now?

Cheese grits, eggs, sausage and biscuits.

Or even better, Shoney's breakfast buffet.

Shoney's breakfast buffet >>> the best moments of your life. :pimp:
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