the thread about nothing...

Time is flying by this year already.....two months down. Before you know it, Summer will be here.

About to present this other job offer from FEMA to my current boss this week to see if he will match the offer. I'm prepared to leave if it comes down to it.
You guys enjoy eating what oatmeal threw up, I will continue to not be a savage.

@jesus, I didn't know that presenting offers to your current employer for salary matches still worked. Good luck. I need to become valuable enough to where I can pull a move like that
I think you mean, "what oatmeal is too sweet to be..".

Damn auto correct...
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You guys enjoy eating what oatmeal threw up, I will continue to not be a savage.

@jesus, I didn't know that presenting offers to your current employer for salary matches still worked. Good luck. I need to become valuable enough to where I can pull a move like that

That's true, I have no idea if it will work...but I know he likes to negotiate and I guess when you manage a couple of $500 million BPAs/IDIQ contracts and have a 20% win rate on new proposals/task have some leverage. I don't expect him to match as he thinks he can do anything himself (but he doesn't have the relationships/repoire that I have established in the last two years).

I'll know in about two weeks!
cant count on anyone to do the **** that you actually ******g ask them to do.
**** i dont ask you to do or interfer with, you do.
but when i finally ask you to do something, no can do.
what a ******g joke :smh:
Nick cannon playing freeway ricky ross smdh. *****

They gon get george lopez to play pablo escobar next.
yesterday i saw the world end and start again. It was the scariest moment in my life so far but all throughout it i kept my cool. Im ready now.
Cleaned my apt yesterday literally from 11am-3pm. Once I start cleaning I can't stop! Literally spotless though. Every glass surface windexed and without a streak. Every particle of dust eliminated. All my clothes cleaned and put away (and bed sheets/comforter). Carpet vacuumed 3 times over. I get OCD when I clean but feels good now :pimp: M

Well damn....take that Sequestration!
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