the thread about nothing...

according to time magazine, there are only 10 official haircuts allowed for men in north korea. these are them. im gonna get me a number 7 next time i go into the shop.

no blow outs, s-curls or mohawks for you n. korea.

went to north korea when I was about 10...a long strange trip!
Do tell . Im always curious to hear about how n korea is like. I've seen the docs on nat geo. But still
Went their on a sort of school trip, North Korea and Russia.

North Korea:
Pyonyang was/is the weirdest capital city I've ever been too. It seemed like no one really worked, there was little traffic and obviously no familiar stores. Everything in the city was interrupted by monuments and tributes to Kim Il Sung. That's what they spent half the time doing while we were there...trying to convince us that Kim Il Sung was the business. We even visited his mosoleum, I assume dude is still there.

One thing though, they seemed to really be about 'the children'. They had a childrens palace which was pretty dope (it was basically a performing arts center with a bunch of other stuff in it...swimming pools, gymnasiums etc). They tried to get us to recite the national anthem and other Kim Il Sung tribute songs.

We eventually took a trip to the countryside/oceancide...They had/have? a childrens village near the sea of Japan where we spent most of our time. I was their with with my best friend growing up so we had a blast trying to holler at russian girls all the time. The countryside is  beautiful, and it's sad that it overshadowed by their political bs.

Our tour guide was Ms.Oh, I always remember that she had a sad way about her...asking us about popculture and random stuff. It seemed like a lot of the young people did that kind of work 'ministry of information type of work'. 

Peculiar observations:
-All they ever had was some cheap watered down soda, in retrospect it tasted like piss.
-I never ate so much bamboo and seaweed in my life, in retrospect I see why the famine came.
-They recycled toilet paper. There was always little baskets next to the toilet bowls in public toilets where people would throw toilet paper (used toilet paper)
-asian people love saunas, and hot springs...and being naked in them.
Wow . Dude. That's nuts.
there's nothing one could do when they're poor and have no car and live in an area where going for a walk could get you shot and it's too dark to skate anywhere 
Do you have internet access and even a basic computer? 

If so, the amount of information available at your finger tips is staggering. Start exploring. Learn a language. Find a book online and read it. Read about the history of something you find interesting but don't know a lot about. Go on reddit and start exploring. Go on Wikipedia and hit random article until you find something interesting. Nothing you can do? That's hardly true.

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this tooth is ruining my night. Ive already popped over the rec amount of aspirin. I know if i could sleep it wouldnt bother me. But alas im at work. 8 cant come soon enough.
Man so I found out these classes I'm taking won't help my GPA at all and now I need to drop them and file petitions to hopefully get my money back its about $1600 that I can use to take these other pre-requistes that I didn't take as an undergrad, now I have to go tomorrow and get these signatures and hope everyone votes in my favor |I or else I'm pretty screwed
i need to wake up at 6 am but the only way for me to get some sleep is to take nyquil,

but whenever i do take it, i wake up feeling like i did shrooms in the morning..

my dreams are so intense and out of this world..
Do you have internet access and even a basic computer? 

If so, the amount of information available at your finger tips is staggering. Start exploring. Learn a language. Find a book online and read it. Read about the history of something you find interesting but don't know a lot about. Go on reddit and start exploring. Go on Wikipedia and hit random article until you find something interesting. Nothing you can do? That's hardly true.

yea i do random stuff like that already, i read weird things and watch documentaries. i know there's a never ending vast universe but idk 
i need to wake up at 6 am but the only way for me to get some sleep is to take nyquil,

but whenever i do take it, i wake up feeling like i did shrooms in the morning..

my dreams are so intense and out of this world..

i've fallen asleep with a snus in a few times. weirdest dreams ever! not scary, just weird.
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