the thread about nothing...

My math professor threatened to split me and my boy because we're disturbing the people around us.
And we're talking?
Im like wtf? And we just laughed.
We do talk but we literally dnt make a sound when we do. and I just told him to call the girl in front of him to return her pen. I mean every time she looks at me in smirking or smiling so she assumes were talking.
She said you can leave already if you want to me and return next class (I walk out early every other day but I still get A's on the tests thus far). I said nah im cool and just watched her teach the lesson.
Im still puzzled. Wtf is this hs?

you wanting to talk and laugh with your boy while the teacher is teaching sounds pretty high school as well.

Would you want to teach while the people you're trying to teach are talking
How much do you want for your sn

I'm serious

theres a bunch on kanye inspired names here
Morning all. Definitely gotta get in gear to take these certs and move on to my new career. It's getting harder and harder to come in to work everyday now. I'm blessed to have a job, but I feel like it's time to move forward.
did you post before, saying that your school was covering part of the cost or something?

which one are you taking?

Yes I did. I'm taking A+, Net+, and MS Windows 7. My school has a partnership with CompTIA, MS, and Cisco so I can take the exams at a low cost. My A+ will be $200, Net+ $125, and MS is $90. Plan on taking them prior to the semester ending in May.
how long did it take you to study for them all?

i'm just focusing on A+ 

are you spacing the tests apart?

I've been studying for my A+ for a good while now. I'm taking some practice exams to make sure I'm comfortable with the material. I'll start with Net+ and MS beginning next month. Check as he has very solid videos on A+. Any other questions just shoot me a PM.

As far as spacing them apart, no I won't because I want to get in with a head full of steam and knock them out. Mind of matter for me.
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When I was little I used to go through my dad's car and find all the old French fries and easy. They still tasted pretty good.

Illest that video was pretty funny. Your parents look nice
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