the thread about nothing...

It's college night..... I gotta do it, but I'll be real tho. That lifestyle I ain't about. I feel like I've outgrown it yadidamean.

I got class in 5 and a half hours...
damn hit em with the " yadidamean "

Havent heard that since these days...

Shouts out Mac Dre
Shout outs to moomoopanda whom I gave two of my shot glasses
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you drink vodka straight up?

Just thinking about that brought back puking memories from college :smh: I have no idea how I drank like that back then. A shot of Popov will make me wanna puke instantly these days, but back then it was nothing :lol:

Whiskey though :smokin
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Well I cleared my cookies and deleted my history then my multiquote button disappeared again. I hate you Internet Explorer
This might be a quarter-life crisis or the realization that I wasted the past 5 years on a degree I no longer intend to use upon graduation. This feeling is overwhelming. :rolleyes
It's become redic what it takes to be able to purchase shoes anymore. I was refreshing all morning fnl. Just missed them. It's better to pay the extra money on ebay and let the resellers think they're doing it when they only making a profit of 20 to 50 bux. Not worth it. I'd rather have my time.
So yesterday at work, my coworker announced she was going out for lunch and asked if anyone else wanted anything. Of course, this turned into an office forum. After deliberating we decided to get Timmy Chan's.

She goes and comes backs with everyone's food. We're all eating and I ask, "Where's the soy sauce?" I find one pack wrapped in a napkin, wrapped around my fork. One other person finds A pack. So we're just like, "Damn, no soy sauce. Oh we'll.." , and continue to eat.

The girl that went a picked up the food is now finally sitting down to get at her plate when she realizes she doesn't have any soy sauce. She ask us did we get any sauce, I reply sarcastically, "Yeah, I got A pack." Now she's upset and says she's about to call up there.(This girl is notorious for this. Usually she gets a free meal out of it).

She calls up Timmy Chan's and is basically fussing over not having enough soy sauce. The whole time I'm trying to figure out the endgame here. She's not putting in a formal complaint, she's just fussing. They told her she was supposed to ask for soy sauce. Come on now, it's still a Chinese food restaurant. What type of establishment allows this type of behavior??

Eventually, they hang up on her. So she calls back asking to speak to a manager. Of course, the person who picked up the phone said they are the manager. This pisses my co worker off. Now they're going at it. I hear my coworker say she's coming up there.

Now, she had a meeting right after her lunch break. She gets and takes her purse and no one thinks anything about it. She comes back about 10 minutes later, sweating a breathing hard. She said she went in there and as she's walking in, she sees the lady put a handful of soy sauce in another persons bag. She asks, "I thought I had to ask for sauce?!" So they start back pedaling saying the phone died and stuff.

So our hero, in a rage knocks over the register, the straws and throws some trays across the restaurant. Runs full speed back to her car, drives back to work, runs in sweating and breathing heavy, talking about, "Man I just ****** up Timmy Chan's!" SMH.
So yesterday at work, my coworker announced she was going out for lunch and asked if anyone else wanted anything. Of course, this turned into an office forum. After deliberating we decided to get Timmy Chan's.

She goes and comes backs with everyone's food. We're all eating and I ask, "Where's the soy sauce?" I find one pack wrapped in a napkin, wrapped around my fork. One other person finds A pack. So we're just like, "Damn, no soy sauce. Oh we'll.." , and continue to eat.

The girl that went a picked up the food is now finally sitting down to get at her plate when she realizes she doesn't have any soy sauce. She ask us did we get any sauce, I reply sarcastically, "Yeah, I got A pack." Now she's upset and says she's about to call up there.(This girl is notorious for this. Usually she gets a free meal out of it).

She calls up Timmy Chan's and is basically fussing over not having enough soy sauce. The whole time I'm trying to figure out the endgame here. She's not putting in a formal complaint, she's just fussing. They told her she was supposed to ask for soy sauce. Come on now, it's still a Chinese food restaurant. What type of establishment allows this type of behavior??

Eventually, they hang up on her. So she calls back asking to speak to a manager. Of course, the person who picked up the phone said they are the manager. This pisses my co worker off. Now they're going at it. I hear my coworker say she's coming up there.

Now, she had a meeting right after her lunch break. She gets and takes her purse and no one thinks anything about it. She comes back about 10 minutes later, sweating a breathing hard. She said she went in there and as she's walking in, she sees the lady put a handful of soy sauce in another persons bag. She asks, "I thought I had to ask for sauce?!" So they start back pedaling saying the phone died and stuff.

So our hero, in a rage knocks over the register, the straws and throws some trays across the restaurant. Runs full speed back to her car, drives back to work, runs in sweating and breathing heavy, talking about, "Man I just ****** up Timmy Chan's!" SMH.

Wasn't that serious. She did all that because you guys didn't get soy sauce?
So yesterday at work, my coworker announced she was going out for lunch and asked if anyone else wanted anything. Of course, this turned into an office forum. After deliberating we decided to get Timmy Chan's.

She goes and comes backs with everyone's food. We're all eating and I ask, "Where's the soy sauce?" I find one pack wrapped in a napkin, wrapped around my fork. One other person finds A pack. So we're just like, "Damn, no soy sauce. Oh we'll.." , and continue to eat.

The girl that went a picked up the food is now finally sitting down to get at her plate when she realizes she doesn't have any soy sauce. She ask us did we get any sauce, I reply sarcastically, "Yeah, I got A pack." Now she's upset and says she's about to call up there.(This girl is notorious for this. Usually she gets a free meal out of it).

She calls up Timmy Chan's and is basically fussing over not having enough soy sauce. The whole time I'm trying to figure out the endgame here. She's not putting in a formal complaint, she's just fussing. They told her she was supposed to ask for soy sauce. Come on now, it's still a Chinese food restaurant. What type of establishment allows this type of behavior??

Eventually, they hang up on her. So she calls back asking to speak to a manager. Of course, the person who picked up the phone said they are the manager. This pisses my co worker off. Now they're going at it. I hear my coworker say she's coming up there.

Now, she had a meeting right after her lunch break. She gets and takes her purse and no one thinks anything about it. She comes back about 10 minutes later, sweating a breathing hard. She said she went in there and as she's walking in, she sees the lady put a handful of soy sauce in another persons bag. She asks, "I thought I had to ask for sauce?!" So they start back pedaling saying the phone died and stuff.

So our hero, in a rage knocks over the register, the straws and throws some trays across the restaurant. Runs full speed back to her car, drives back to work, runs in sweating and breathing heavy, talking about, "Man I just ****** up Timmy Chan's!" SMH.
I dont want to pull the race card, but......just tell me im right.
So yesterday at work, my coworker announced she was going out for lunch and asked if anyone else wanted anything. Of course, this turned into an office forum. After deliberating we decided to get Timmy Chan's.

She goes and comes backs with everyone's food. We're all eating and I ask, "Where's the soy sauce?" I find one pack wrapped in a napkin, wrapped around my fork. One other person finds A pack. So we're just like, "Damn, no soy sauce. Oh we'll.." , and continue to eat.

The girl that went a picked up the food is now finally sitting down to get at her plate when she realizes she doesn't have any soy sauce. She ask us did we get any sauce, I reply sarcastically, "Yeah, I got A pack." Now she's upset and says she's about to call up there.(This girl is notorious for this. Usually she gets a free meal out of it).

She calls up Timmy Chan's and is basically fussing over not having enough soy sauce. The whole time I'm trying to figure out the endgame here. She's not putting in a formal complaint, she's just fussing. They told her she was supposed to ask for soy sauce. Come on now, it's still a Chinese food restaurant. What type of establishment allows this type of behavior??

Eventually, they hang up on her. So she calls back asking to speak to a manager. Of course, the person who picked up the phone said they are the manager. This pisses my co worker off. Now they're going at it. I hear my coworker say she's coming up there.

Now, she had a meeting right after her lunch break. She gets and takes her purse and no one thinks anything about it. She comes back about 10 minutes later, sweating a breathing hard. She said she went in there and as she's walking in, she sees the lady put a handful of soy sauce in another persons bag. She asks, "I thought I had to ask for sauce?!" So they start back pedaling saying the phone died and stuff.

So our hero, in a rage knocks over the register, the straws and throws some trays across the restaurant. Runs full speed back to her car, drives back to work, runs in sweating and breathing heavy, talking about, "Man I just ****** up Timmy Chan's!" SMH.

I dont want to pull the race card, but......just tell me im right.
I want my damn soy sauceee!
Nah but I get her.
Everytime I hit mcds up I get nuggets. Person that takes the order asks.."WHAT SAUCE WOULD YOU LIKE? " I tell em. Its there on the screen.....I get my food And 99.9% of the time I gotta ask for the sauce in the damn window.
And no ketchup but that's w.e but ****. If you're gonna ask and I tell u and its there put it in the damn bag homie it ain't that hard.
Yea I felt like it was totally unnecessary. I think its more of female thing doe, I've seen women of other nationalities flip out over messed up orders.

They say its a customer service thing.
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